تأثير مهارات التفكير الإبداعي على التميز المؤسسي (دراسة ميدانية على المؤسسات العاملة في المجال الثقافي في المحافظات الجنوبية الفلسطينية)

العرب محمد سليم الدالي (المغني)
Alarab Mohammed Saleem Aldali
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Al-Quds University
The study aimed to disclose the impact of Creative Thinking skills with its dimensions: (sensitivity of problems, fluency, flexibility, originality and retention of direction) on Institutional excellence in institutions which work in the cultural field in the southern Palestinian governorates The study used the descriptive analytical approach to disclose the impact of creative thinking skills on achieving institutional excellence, a questionnaire was designed and used to collect primary data from the study sample, the questionnaire was applied to workers at all administrative levels in cultural institutions, the study community consisted of ( 16) institutions, and it were selected by using the intentional sampling method, (122) questionnaires were distributed, just (83) questionnaires were retrieved at a rate of (68.03%). The study reached a set of results, the most important were: that the effectiveness of the dimension of "problem sensitivity", "originality", "flexibility" and "preservation of orientation" got an equal relative weight of (87.2%), while the dimension of "fluency" got a relative weight of (85.4%) The study also found a positive correlation between creative thinking skills in its dimensions in the study and the achievement of institutional excellence in addition of the existence of a general positive moral effect with statistical significance for creative thinking skills in achieving institutional excellence in institutions which work in the cultural field in the southern Palestinian governorates. The study concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important were: The study recommends institutions which work in the cultural field to strengthen partnerships among themselves in order to exchange experiences which related to the creative skills of workers and to benefit from their experiences, to refine knowledge that will improve the job performance of workers in a manner that improves the quality of outputs work results and activities, thus supporting the achievement of institutional excellence; This promotes the creation of a sustainable impact on the outputs of the work of these institutions