أثر ممارسات تخطيط السيناريو على التميز المؤسسي في المنظمات غير الحكومية في المحافظات الجنوبية" دراسة حالة: اتحاد لجان العمل الصحي"

رأفت علي محمود المجدلاوي
Rafat Ali Mahmoud El.majdalawi
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Al-Quds University
This study aimed to reveal the impact of scenario planning practices with its dimensions in the study represented in: (identifying participants, identifying those influencing scenarios, identifying trends in shaping the future, identifying unknown factors for the future, building scenarios, formulating strategy and developing an emergency plan) on achieving institutional excellence in Non-governmental organizations by applying to the Union of Health Work Committees The study relied on the descriptive and analytical approach to reveal the effect of scenario planning practices on achieving institutional excellence, so, the questionnaire was designed and used to collect primary data from the study sample, as the questionnaire tool was applied to workers at the upper and middle administrative levels in the Union of Health Work Committees, the study community consists Of (210) employees, where a simple random sampiling method was used and (100) questionnaires were distributed, and (59) questionnaires were recovered, with a recovery rate of (59%). The study found a set of results, the most important were the existence of a positive correlation between planning the scenario with its dimensions in the study and achieving institutional excellence, in addition to the existence of a moral impact with statistical significance for scenario planning practices in achieving institutional excellence in NGOs The study also found that there were no differences in the respondents 'responses to the study variables: scenario planning and institutional excellence due to the demographic variables that are: (gender, age, academic qualification, job title and number of years of experience), with the exception of differences in the respondents' responses about the scenario planning variable due to the (gender) variable, where the differences were in favor of males. The study concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of were: The study recommends that NGOs should adopt and apply aspects of scenario planning practices in order to improve strategic planning processes and thus give them a competitive advantage in order to ensure their sustainability in the labor market in light of the successive changes and challenges in Palestinian society The study also recommends the Union of Health Work Committees of the necessity to establish specialized organizational units to analyze the work environment and supervise the preparation and implementation of scenarios for strategic plans, in addition to the necessity of providing all data, information and support necessary for these units to enhance the effectiveness of strategic planning in the Federation of Health Work Committees.