Using Stage Of Change To Understand Dentists’ Medicaid Participation Behavior

Kateeb, E.
Askelson, N.
McKernan, S.C.
Momany, E.T.
Damiano, P.
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University of Iowa
Stage of Changes theories hypothesize that individual professionals and teams differ according to the “Stage” of their change, with different “Stages-of-Change” models offering theoretical assumptions about the steps that professionals or teams in health care must take to achieve the intended changes. Stages-of-change theories state that the stages differ according to the professionals’ and teams’ awareness of and motivation to perform a specific behavior.1 Each stage is governed by different factors and requires different strategies for change. Such theories naturally lead to the distinction of different subgroups or segments in a target group.2 Accordingly, different theories have been used to explain dentists’ Medicaid participation behavior, but most theories treat dentists as a homogenous group that shares the same determinants and motives to participate.2 In contrast, a theoretical approach utilizing “Stages of Readiness to Change” hypothesizes that groups can be categorized according to their “Stage” of readiness to undertake a behavior.