نحو إدارة أنجع للمساعدات المقدمة للهيئات المحلية الفلسطينية دراسة حالة صندوق تطوير و اقراض البلديات
أسامة كامل خليل صالح
Osama Kamil Khaleel Saleh
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
هدفت هذه الد ا رسة للإسهام في جهود إصلاح وتطوير واقع الحكم المحلي في فلسطين، وذلك من
خلال د ا رسة كفاءة إدارة عملية التمويل لهذا القطاع الهام.
لقد استندت الد ا رسة للمنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وقد تم تصميم استمارة الد ا رسة وتطبيقها على 35 بلدية
موزعة على كافة محافظات الضفة الغربية، وقد تم تفريغ وتحليل الاستما ا رت بواسطة برنامج تحليل
إحصائي، وبعد ذلك تمت د ا رسة النتائج وتحليلها، ومن ثم الخروج بالاستنتاجات ووضع التوصيات
المناسبة كاستجابة لأهداف ومنهجية البحث.
يمكن تلخيص أهم النتائج التي توصلت لها الد ا رسة بوجود ضعف بكفاءة إدارة التمويل بقطاع الحكم
المحلي، ويظهر ذلك من خلال الضعف الواضح بتقبل البلديات المستهدفة من الد ا رسة لإج ا رءات
صندوق البلديات المختلفة في عملية إدارة المنح، حيث تبين انه لا يوجد إج ا رءات محددة يستخدمها
الصندوق في عملية التخطيط واختيار المنح، وكذلك عدم وجود إج ا رءات لتحديد الاحتياجات
والأولويات للبلديات، وتبين ان هناك ضعفا في فهم وتعبئة نماذج طلبات الدعم، وقد تبين وجود تأخير
من قبل الصندوق بمرحلة إق ا رر المخصصات المالية للبلديات سنويا. أما فيما يتعلق بتنفيذ المشاريع
فقد وجد أن هناك حاجة لوجود نظام مدون لإدارة المشاريع يحوي كافة الإج ا رءات والنماذج ذات
العلاقة، كما وجد أن هناك ضعف بنظام الزيا ا رت والمتابعات لعملية التنفيذ، وبخصوص التقارير
المالية والفنية، فقد اعتبرت البلديات أن العديد منها نماذج غير متوافقة مع طبيعة المشاريع وتحتاج
للفهم والتوضيح بشكل اكبر، وبخصوص الاتصال والتواصل مع البلديات من قبل الصندوق، فقد تبين
أن هناك ضعف بنظام الاتصال والبلديات غير ا رضية عن ذلك، وأخي ا ر تعتبر البلديات أن هناك
ضعف في نظام التقييم للمشاريع ونظام الحفاظ على ديمومتها وصيانتها.
لقد خلصت الد ا رسة لمجموعة من التوصيات التي يمكن تلخيصها بضرورة القيام بتطوير كفاءة إدارته
عملية التمويل لقطاع الحكم المحلي في فلسطين، وذلك من خلال التركيز على د ا رسة إمكانية تطوير
واقع عمل المؤسسات التي تدير هذا القطاع، وتشمل أوجه التطوير (التخطيط لطبيعة المنح التي
تقدمها، تحديد الاحتياجات والأوليات لدى البلديات، إدارة المشاريع التي تنفذها)، كما يوصى باستخدام
هذه المؤسسات لمجموعة من الإج ا رءات التي تشجع الإبداع والتميز والشفافية والمصداقية في تعاملها
مع البلديات.
The study contributes to the efforts that aim to reform and restore the local governmental sector in Palestine by studying the efficient management of the funding process for this vital sector. The study relied on the descriptive-analytical approach. The study targeted 35 municipalities in the West Bank by conducting a survey (structured questionnaire). The outcomes of the survey were analyzed using statistical analysis software. Based on the statistical analysis, conclusions and recommendations were presented. The main conclusions of the study highlighted the lack of acceptance from municipalities side for the MDLF's work procedures in the management of grants administered by MDLF. It was found that there were no concrete procedures that MDLF use in the planning process and in the selection of grants, as well as the lack of procedures for identifying needs and priorities of the municipalities. It was also found that there was a deficiency in understanding of the grant application funding forms and the submission process. There was also a delay by the MDLF in the approval of the annual financial allocations to municipalities. As for the implementation of projects, it was found that there is a need for a inscribed manual on the system for project management that includes all related procedures and forms. The study pointed out to a weakness in the monitoring and the follow-up system on the implementation process. As for the financial and technical reports, the municipalities have considered many forms as not compatible with the nature of projects they implement and there is a need for these forms to be better presented and illustrated. With respect to communication between MDLF and the municipalities, it was found that there is a weakness in the communication system and municipalities are not satisfied with it. Finally, municipalities stated that there is a deficiency in the project evaluation systems and a weakness in their maintenance and sustainability. Recommendations were made according to the study outcomes. The key recommendation states that there is a need to develop efficient management practices for the funding process for the local government sector in Palestine. This can be attained by focusing on the study of the possibility of developing the work of institutions involved in the Local Government Sector. The proposed developed areas would include for instance the planning of the grants, the identification of needs and priorities of municipalities, and the management of the implemented projects. In addition, the study recommended that these institutions to use a set of procedures that encourage creativity and excellence, transparency and credibility in dealing with municipalities.
The study contributes to the efforts that aim to reform and restore the local governmental sector in Palestine by studying the efficient management of the funding process for this vital sector. The study relied on the descriptive-analytical approach. The study targeted 35 municipalities in the West Bank by conducting a survey (structured questionnaire). The outcomes of the survey were analyzed using statistical analysis software. Based on the statistical analysis, conclusions and recommendations were presented. The main conclusions of the study highlighted the lack of acceptance from municipalities side for the MDLF's work procedures in the management of grants administered by MDLF. It was found that there were no concrete procedures that MDLF use in the planning process and in the selection of grants, as well as the lack of procedures for identifying needs and priorities of the municipalities. It was also found that there was a deficiency in understanding of the grant application funding forms and the submission process. There was also a delay by the MDLF in the approval of the annual financial allocations to municipalities. As for the implementation of projects, it was found that there is a need for a inscribed manual on the system for project management that includes all related procedures and forms. The study pointed out to a weakness in the monitoring and the follow-up system on the implementation process. As for the financial and technical reports, the municipalities have considered many forms as not compatible with the nature of projects they implement and there is a need for these forms to be better presented and illustrated. With respect to communication between MDLF and the municipalities, it was found that there is a weakness in the communication system and municipalities are not satisfied with it. Finally, municipalities stated that there is a deficiency in the project evaluation systems and a weakness in their maintenance and sustainability. Recommendations were made according to the study outcomes. The key recommendation states that there is a need to develop efficient management practices for the funding process for the local government sector in Palestine. This can be attained by focusing on the study of the possibility of developing the work of institutions involved in the Local Government Sector. The proposed developed areas would include for instance the planning of the grants, the identification of needs and priorities of municipalities, and the management of the implemented projects. In addition, the study recommended that these institutions to use a set of procedures that encourage creativity and excellence, transparency and credibility in dealing with municipalities.
التنمية الريفية المستدامة , Sustainable Rural Development
صالح، أسامة كامل. (2012). نحو إدارة أنجع للمساعدات المقدمة للهيئات المحلية الفلسطينية دراسة حالة صندوق
تطوير و اقراض البلديات [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.