ملاحقة مرتكبي جريمة التعذيب
عبدالفتاح امين عبدالفتاح ربعي
Abdulfatah Ameen Abdulfatah Ribei
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
تم دراسة هذا الموضوع وتطبيقاته في سياق التشريعات الفلسطينية المطابقة في مناطق السلطة
الوطنية الفلسطينية وفي بعض التشريعات الوطنية المقارنة وفي القانون الدولي والعرفي،
وتركز البحث في الفترة الواقعة ما بين إنشاء السلطة الفلسطينية في عام 1993 م لغاية شهر
شباط من العام 2011 م.
بحثت الرسالة في تجريم هذا الفعل، وفي مسؤولية الأشخاص عن هذه الجريمة، وتم التعرف
على الآليات الوطنية والدولية واختصاصاتها في الملاحقة وإجراءات ذلك.
هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على مجمل القواعد القانونية التي تنظم عملية الملاحقة في هذه
الجريمة في ظل تزايد مزاعم وقوع التعذيب في كل من الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة، للتحقق
من مدى تأثير التشريعات المطبقة في ملاحقة مرتكبيها وبيان أسباب القصور في ذلك للحد من
هذه الجريمة.
تم استخدام منهجية الوصف التحليلي المقارن في هذه الدراسة من خلال تحديد قواعد ملاحقة
هذه الجريمة في التشريعات الوطنية ومقارنة ذلك بغيرها من تشريعات وطنية أخرى ودولية.
خلصت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات يقف على رأسها قصور واضح في آليات
وإجراءات ملاحقة مرتكبي هذه الجريمة في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة وغياب الإرادة
السياسية المطلوبة في ملاحقتها، ووجوب مساءلة النيابة العامة عن تقصيرها في الملاحقة،
وتقصيرها هي والقضاء في الرقابة على أماكن الحجز، ووجوب انتقال الولاية في ملاحقتها
من القضاء العسكري إلى القضاء العادي، وضرورة تعيين مفتش عام مستقل لقوى الأمن،
وكذلك الّنص في القانون على اعتبار أن هذه الجريمة جناية وليست جنحة.
The study of this subject and its applications were developed in the context of the Palestinian legislation in force in the areas of the Palestinian National Authority, in some comparative national legislations and customary international law. The research focused in the period between the establishments of the Palestinian Authority in the year 1993, until February 2011. The thesis examined the criminalization of torture and the responsibility of persons who commit this crime. National and international mechanisms and procedures, and the competence to prosecute were identified. The study aimed at identifying the overall legal rules that govern the process of prosecution concerning this crime in the light of increasing allegations of torture in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in order to verify the extent of the effect of legislation in force in pursuing the perpetrators and the reasons for failure to minimize the crime rate. In this study the comparative analytical methodology description has been utilized through the identification of the rules of persecution of the crime in the national legislations in comparison with other national and international legislation. The study concluded to a set of conclusions and those are; mainly the clear failure of mechanisms and procedures to prosecute the perpetrators of this crime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the absence of the required political will in the pursuit of prosecution, the need for accountability of the Public Prosecutor's Office for such failure and moreover the Office and Judiciary’s failure to oversight the detention places and the necessity of the transition of the jurisdiction of prosecution from the military judiciary to the ordinary courts. It also recommended the necessity for the appointment of an independent Inspector General for the security forces as well as stipulating in the law that the act of torture is a crime and not a misdemeanor.
The study of this subject and its applications were developed in the context of the Palestinian legislation in force in the areas of the Palestinian National Authority, in some comparative national legislations and customary international law. The research focused in the period between the establishments of the Palestinian Authority in the year 1993, until February 2011. The thesis examined the criminalization of torture and the responsibility of persons who commit this crime. National and international mechanisms and procedures, and the competence to prosecute were identified. The study aimed at identifying the overall legal rules that govern the process of prosecution concerning this crime in the light of increasing allegations of torture in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in order to verify the extent of the effect of legislation in force in pursuing the perpetrators and the reasons for failure to minimize the crime rate. In this study the comparative analytical methodology description has been utilized through the identification of the rules of persecution of the crime in the national legislations in comparison with other national and international legislation. The study concluded to a set of conclusions and those are; mainly the clear failure of mechanisms and procedures to prosecute the perpetrators of this crime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the absence of the required political will in the pursuit of prosecution, the need for accountability of the Public Prosecutor's Office for such failure and moreover the Office and Judiciary’s failure to oversight the detention places and the necessity of the transition of the jurisdiction of prosecution from the military judiciary to the ordinary courts. It also recommended the necessity for the appointment of an independent Inspector General for the security forces as well as stipulating in the law that the act of torture is a crime and not a misdemeanor.
القانون , Law
ربعي، عبدالفتاح امين. (2011). ملاحقة مرتكبي جريمة التعذيب [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس،
فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/108be2