المسؤولية القانونية الدولية لبريطانيا عن الأضرار التي لحقت بالشعب الفلسطينيّ
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
تأتي أهمية هذه الرسالة من كونها محاولة بحثية منهجية حول مسؤولية بريطانيا عن
الأضرار التى لحقت بالشعب الفلسطيني، والأسس القانونية التي تستند إليها تلك المسؤولية، وذلك
من خلال البحث في مجموعة القواعد القانونية الدولية والداخلية التي تدين ما قامت به بريطانيا
فقد ناقشت الرسالة المسؤولية الدولية وتعريفها. لما لها من دور كبير في المنظومة القانونية
الدولية؛ حيث تعد أهم وسيلة قانونية لحل المنازعات بين أشخاص القانون الدولي، كما تناولت
عناصر المسؤولية بالشرح من خلال الاتجاهات الفقهية والتطبيقات القضائية.
وبعد ذلك بحثت الرسالة في ماهية الأسباب التي تؤدي لقيام المسؤولية الدولية تجاه بريطانيا،
اسباب ما قبل مرحلة الانتداب والمتمثلة في اتفاقية سايكس بيكو، ووعد بلفور، والاحتلال الحربي
البريطاني لفلسطين، وانطباق قواعد اتفاقية لاهاي 1907 الخاصة بحماية المدنيين وقت الحرب
على تلك الأفعال، وأخرى أثناء مرحلة الانتداب البريطاني على فلسطين، أهمها إصدارها للقوانين،
وطرد السكان الأصلين، وتسهيل الهجرة الصهيونية لفلسطين وإلاستيلاء على أهم منابع الثروات
المعدنية في فلسطين ليتم بناء الوطن القومي اليهودي المزعوم في فلسطين. ليتم بحث مفهوم
التعويض وسبل الملاحقة الدولية لبريطانيا.
وخلصت الرسالة الى نتائج تشير بوضوح ان هناك مسؤولية دولية تقوم بكامل أركانها المادية
والمعنوية في مواجهة بريطانيا، تتمثل في عدم التزامها بصك الانتداب على علته، وإصدارها لوعد
بلفور الباطل قانونيَا، وما ترتب عليه من أثار ما زالت مستمر ليومنا هذا ، أهمها حرمان الشعب
الفلسطيني من حقه في تقرير مصير، وهذا يحتم على بريطانيا بدفع تعويض للشعب الفلسطيني عما
لحقه من أضرار.
وفي نهاية الرسالة تم وضع مجموعة من التوصيات. أهمها ضرورة الإسراع في الانضمام
إلى الهيئات الدولية، ومنها محكمة العدل الدولية، ومحكمة الجنايات الدولية، وهذا الأمر أصبح من
الممكن بعد أن حصلت فلسطين على عضوية دولة مراقب في الأمم المتحدة.وهذا يتطلب تشكيل
لجنة من ذوى الخبرة القانونية لرفع دعوى قضائية على بريطانيا، ومقاضاتها أمام المحاكم،
وليرافقه تشكيل لوبي دولي لخلق رأي عام مناصر لمطالبة الشعب الفلسطيني بالتعويض، كما ان
هناك مسؤولية على الدول العربية ممثلة بجامعة الدول العربية لإصدار قانون بشأن تشكيل محكمة
عدل على غرار محكمة العدل الدولية، لمحاكمة بريطانيا على جرائمها.
The importance of this thesis stems from being a methodological attempt to research about Britain's responsibility for the damage caused to the Palestinian people, and the legal foundations that underpin that responsibility, through researching in a range of international legal norms and internal laws condemning what was done by Britain and criminalizing it . The thesis has discussed the international responsibility and defined it due to its significant role in the international legal system as it is the most important legal means to resolve disputes between subjects of international law. It also addressed the elements of responsibility through explanation of jurisprudence trends and judicial applications. After that, the thesis examined the causes that lead to the international responsibility towards Britain , the reasons for the pre- mandate represented in Sykes-Picot agreement and the Balfour Declaration , British military occupation to Palestine , and the applicability of the rules of the Hague Convention of 1907 on the protection of civilians in time of war on those acts , and the other during the phase of the British Mandate over Palestine , the most of which of was the issuance of laws, expulsion of the native population, facilitate the Zionist immigration to Palestine and take over the most important sources of mineral wealth in Palestine to build the alleged Jewish national home in Palestine, then researching the concept of compensation and international prosecution to Britain. The thesis concluded to results that clearly indicate that there is an international responsibility materially and morally against Britain represented in not committing in mandating deed with its deficits, issuing Balfour Declaration which is legally null with its consequences still ongoing to this day, the most important of which is depriving the Palestinian people from its right to self-determination. This makes it imperative for Britain to pay compensation to the Palestinian people for the damages caused to this people. At the end of the thesis, several recommendations have been concluded the most notably are the need to accelerate the accession to international bodies, including the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court. This matter has become possible after Palestine got observer membership state observer in United Nations. This requires the formation of a legal experienced committee to file a lawsuit on Britain, sue it before the courts accompanied by the formation of an international lobby to create a public opinion pro to Palestinian people claims of compensation. Moreover, there is also a responsibility on the Arab countries represented by the Arab League to pass a law on the formation of the Court of Justice similar to the International Court of Justice to sue Britain on its crimes.
The importance of this thesis stems from being a methodological attempt to research about Britain's responsibility for the damage caused to the Palestinian people, and the legal foundations that underpin that responsibility, through researching in a range of international legal norms and internal laws condemning what was done by Britain and criminalizing it . The thesis has discussed the international responsibility and defined it due to its significant role in the international legal system as it is the most important legal means to resolve disputes between subjects of international law. It also addressed the elements of responsibility through explanation of jurisprudence trends and judicial applications. After that, the thesis examined the causes that lead to the international responsibility towards Britain , the reasons for the pre- mandate represented in Sykes-Picot agreement and the Balfour Declaration , British military occupation to Palestine , and the applicability of the rules of the Hague Convention of 1907 on the protection of civilians in time of war on those acts , and the other during the phase of the British Mandate over Palestine , the most of which of was the issuance of laws, expulsion of the native population, facilitate the Zionist immigration to Palestine and take over the most important sources of mineral wealth in Palestine to build the alleged Jewish national home in Palestine, then researching the concept of compensation and international prosecution to Britain. The thesis concluded to results that clearly indicate that there is an international responsibility materially and morally against Britain represented in not committing in mandating deed with its deficits, issuing Balfour Declaration which is legally null with its consequences still ongoing to this day, the most important of which is depriving the Palestinian people from its right to self-determination. This makes it imperative for Britain to pay compensation to the Palestinian people for the damages caused to this people. At the end of the thesis, several recommendations have been concluded the most notably are the need to accelerate the accession to international bodies, including the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court. This matter has become possible after Palestine got observer membership state observer in United Nations. This requires the formation of a legal experienced committee to file a lawsuit on Britain, sue it before the courts accompanied by the formation of an international lobby to create a public opinion pro to Palestinian people claims of compensation. Moreover, there is also a responsibility on the Arab countries represented by the Arab League to pass a law on the formation of the Court of Justice similar to the International Court of Justice to sue Britain on its crimes.
القانون , Law