أثر الإعلام على سياسة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الخارجية 1990-2000)

نضال فايز ظاهر فقهاء
Nidal Fayez Thaher Foqaha
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
IMPACT OF MEDIA ON U.S. FOREIGN POLICY (1990-2000) With the end of the Cold War with the communist bloc following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the United States (U.S) had no more communist enemy to fight. Thus, a substantial change had taken place regarding U.S national interests and its strategic priorities. This thesis consists of six chapters addressing the impact of media on American foreign policy making process. Chapter One sets forth the methodology, theoretical framework, limitations and basic assumptions as well a brief summary of the thesis. Chapter Two (Review of Literature) lists the different literatures pertaining to the subject matter of the thesis. It reviews the works of other authors who already tackled the topic from different perspectives. Chapter Three (Media Power Effects) sets forth the various media power theories that constructs the theoretical framework of the thesis. Chapter Four sheds light on the main impact of the media, especially as an agenda setter. Chapter five (U.S. Military Interventions Abroad) reviews the three main American military interventions abroad in the period (1990 – 2000). It reviews American interventions in Iraq, Somali and The Balkans, and discusses reasons, nature and consequences of those interventions. Chapter Six Conclusions and Recommendations) outlines the conclusion and recommendations reached after completing the thesis. Within the framework of the American military interventions abroad, the primary study question intends to check whether there are any effects of the media on foreign policy-making process. For this purpose, the researcher examines the impact of media on three cases: The first case is the first gulf war (1990 - 1991) to end Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. The second, is the American intervention in Somalia (1991 - 1994); while the third is the American intervention in The Balkans (1994 - 1995). The three interventions took place within a short period of time, where the American administration mainly intervened for protecting the values of human rights and democracy. The declared purpose of the three interventions show that the United States intervened for ethical purposes; however, many believe there is hidden agenda. The media played a crucial role in the three interventions mainly by mobilizing and shaping the public opinion towards each case in a supportive way for the military intervention. Accordingly, the researcher concludes that media has an impact on the foreign policy-making process, where this impact became decisive with the existence of American national and strategic interest
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies
فقهاء، نضال فايز. (2006). أثر الإعلام على سياسة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الخارجية 1990-2000) [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab- scholars.com/9a2f77