تحقيق كتاب الأيمان من كتاب فتح القدير للكمال بن الهمام (790-861) هـ على الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي لبرهان الدين المرغيناني (551-593)هـ
نوره حسين حموده ابوقويدر
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
This research is to achieve abook of faith and Alndhurmen book open for
AL‐ Kadeer Kamal Addeen Mohammad ibn abdelwahid Ibn Al‐ Humam Alswasi
who is known as Ibn Al‐ Humam who died in 861.H, which is the most famous
book of annotations guidance by Burhanuddin Ali bin Abi Bakr Almargnana's, who
died in 593 .H.
The importance of this message in it to achieve part of a book of important books and
approved of the Hanafi school, in particular, jurisprudence in general The researcher
followed to achieve the descriptive approach, which relied on two manuscript copies
and the third printed but unachieved , and I have to attribute the Quranic verses and
Hadith and the effects together with the judgment of the scholars who know it, and
documenting issues of the books of jurisprudence adopted, and the definition of
jurisprudence and linguistic terms ,and defining the meanings of vague terms, as well
as defining known areas and places, and verses.
The AL‐ Kadeer book focused on defining the evidence for in doctrinal matters,
especially AlA hadeth 0f Prophet Muhammad in Sunnah, has emerged the character
of Ibn Al‐ Humam – mercy be upon him- in his commentary on the issues raised by
Ibn AL Hamam.
The researcher recommends the need to complete the achievement of this book by
graduate students, and a support of decision-makers at the university to print it for the
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies