من مفردات اللغة الاشارية في القران الكريم دراسة استقرائية

حمد الله أحمد محمود عاصي
Hamadallah Ahmad Mahmoud Assi
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
The study handled the Vocabulary of Sign Language in the Holy Koran in the form of an inductive study , through inducting the Koranic verses which mentioned numerous vocabulary relating the subject and showed their linguistic and rhetoric ancient and recent importance. Investigation was conducted on some kinds of signs in the Holy Koran. The researcher mentioned the three kinds of signs: body sing, light sign and sound sign. The researcher justified his study with the aim of revealing the inference of each kind of signs in the context of the Koranic verses, specifying their positions , forms and shapes , and exploring their effects on the meaning and its diagnosis . The researcher depended , in this , on analyzing the speech of the Holy Koran in order to reach the essence of the sign language in the Holy Koran . The importance of the study lies in that it has revealed a distinctive and pioneering role of the sign language in the Holy Koran , as it helps in analyzing the Koranic speech and explaining and understanding the text; and this role will nominate the sign language to be a self-dependent language having its inferences and meanings which make it deserve more studying and investigation . In his study the researcher followed an integral methodology gathering the historical methodology , the statistical methodology , descriptive and analytical methodology and psychological methodology , in addition to the inductive sight to show the integral methodology in the analytical presentation. The study consisted of an introduction, three chapters and conclusion . In the First Chapter , the researcher handled the approach to the sign as language and term . he investigated the sign language from the ancient people till the modern people . Then , in the Second Chapter , he followed up the signs in the Holy Koran ; he classified these signs into three kinds ; body sign , light sign and sound sing in order to reveal the inference of each sign vocabulary in the Holy Koran . The researcher continued in the Third Chapter to show the characteristics of the sign language including ideological, linguistic , rhetorical and psychological characteristics. The researcher , in the conclusion of his study , reached to a number of result , the most significant of which is the contribution of the sign language to raise up the level of the Koranic speech and how to use and understand the words. The signs and their various kinds and branches played a great role in producing the meaning. Also, the sign is the partner of pronunciation in the language because it conveys the picture or the event through movements sounds and colors. The most important recommendations of the researcher in this study lie in directing the researchers and students towards conducting studies in sign language in order to develop this language as it is considered a world language because it contributes to identify the meaning and its connection to the rules of grammar, linguistics and rhetoric. The researcher also recommended to apply the educational , behavioral and guiding aims and integrating them into the psychological and social methodologies. This is the conclusion of the study , and if I am right , this is with the help of the Almighty God , and if I am wrong , this is from myself .,And I pray the Almighty God to show me the right and make me accept it.
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature
عاصي، حمد الله أحمد. (2008). من مفردات اللغة الاشارية في القران الكريم دراسة استقرائية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/2962a7