الحال في صحيح البخاري؛ (دراسة نحوية دلالية)

باسم أحمد محمد أبو فارة
Basem Ahmad Mohammad Abu Farah
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
Adopted by the Hadith of Sahih Al-Bukhari Sharif in the province of this study,"as in Sahih Al-Bukhari grammatical and indicative; study was collected from three levels: I: Indigenizatio n Grammar to the subject of theoretical study and practical application of the second through the extrapolation of hadith in the Sahih Al-Bukhari, and extraction conditions, and the third level: The implications of significance in a statement on the nature of linguistic structure in the Hadith and the field of study. The goal of the researcher in this study is to explore the conditions contained in the texts of Sahih Al-Bukhari, and to show their kinds ; forms, and treated, and the owner. Then exceeded Grammar lesson to highlight the semantic effect of the seeds of the nature of linguistic structure. Adopted by the descriptive and analytical approaches, and sometimes used the statistical approach, where he followed the conditions contained in the texts of Sahih Al-Bukhari. He defined and showed their kinds; owners and its factor. The researcher had a trend to analyze the nature of linguistic structure by considering the structure of a single case, and the contextual meaning of those individual , in order to highlight the significance of a single case. At the conclusion of the study the researcher found a number of conclusions, including: Texts need to be inferred in the Hadith Sharif Takaed AlQaeda, in particular, and that articulated by the human, and rejected the argument of those who rejected the reasoning texts of the Hadith as-Sharif, saying that the word pronunciation is narrated and the narrator is not the word Prophet. Saying that though the modern term is the narrator, these narrators you were closer than the narrators, who protested With their poetry, and more accurate investigation of them and caught them closer, and most of them Arabs protesting their words, if one of them replaced prophets word with his own word by investigating cases where the exact meaning not argue that evil is the word. The study concluded that the installation of a modern language is linked to the sense of Prophet Mohammad's miraculous rhetorical, and this requires the installation in his investigations in the science and language interpretation. The study concluded that the reverse of the Prophet the word $ word to another, it was up to the degree of moral, such as a reprieve from the use of derivatives as the source term effect off., It was observed that the reverse may be reported on different meanings, as reported, and faces different Iarabip. And by the need to boost the tendency to study the text of Prophet Mohammad's study of grammatical and giving great importance to govern the introduction of the rule and not the opinion of those who reject the reasoning texts of the Hadith Sharif.
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature