الوقف والابتداء في سورة آل عمران وعلاقتهما بالمعنى دراسة دلالية

خالد عدنان ساري مرشد
khaled adnan sary morshed
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
This study addresses the “The rules of the stop (Alwaqf) and the beginning (Al-ebtida’a) in Surat “Al-Emran”, and their relation with the meaning of the verses of Quran. This study is concerned with Surat Al-Emran, which is one of what so called “Azzahrawan”,in which the other is Surat Al-Baqra. The researcher was motivated to study this subject by different reasons, the most important of which are, the desire for discovering the secrets and the great treasures of the Quran, and serving the great holy book. Also, this subject had not been studied before and it is worthy of studying, especially that this subject is one of the best and the most graceful sciences, due to its relation with the greatest book Al-Quran. This subject helps in understanding Quran and going deeply in its meanings and its inimitability. Moreover, It clarify the different stops like, the perfect, the sufficient and the good stop, which explains and clarify the meanings to the reader of the Quran. The researcher has chosen this subject to meet the requirement for the master degree. The importance of the study emerges from different sides, which are: being aware of the fact that the stop and the beginning is one of the noblest and the best Quranic sciences; due to its effect of the extremely good recitation of the Quran. Also, this science plays large role in understanding the meaning and determining it in which, the meaning cannot be known by the readers unless they are familiar with the knowledge of the placements of the stop (Alwaqf) and the beginning (Al-ebtida’a) in the Quran. This science clarifies to the readers, where they may stop, where they should have stop, and where to refrain upon stopping, in order for the reader not to confuse the different verses or stop at a verse, in which it change the rule and the type of the stop and then it leads to a lack of understanding of the meanings and the connotations of the verse. That is because, the meaning changes completely by the change of the stop (Alwaqf) and the beginning (Alebtida’a) in the Quran. This study consists of, an introduction, an abstract, two chapters, a conclusion and recommendations. The researcher clarified at the beginning the importance of study, as it is concerned with the holy book “Quran” that is eloquent and miraculous. He also, accentuated the research question, the motives, the difficulties, the method, the literature review and the chapters of the study. و This study contains two chapters; the first one addressed the stop (alwaqf) and the beginning (Al-ebtida’a) in general. The researcher divided the chapter into seven main subjects. Those chapters started with the definition of the stop and the beginning and ended with the types of the stop (Alwaqf) in Surat Al-Emran and how to study it. The second chapter studies the rules of the “stop and the beginning” in Surat Al-Emran” in accordance with its relation with the meaning of the verses. The study found that the knowledge of the stop (Alwaqf) and the beginning (Al-ebtida’a) have a large role in determining the intended meaning of the verse, in which the symbols and signs of the stop have a clear indication that the reader must follow to give the proper meaning intended from the verse, so that the reader will not fall into the problem of giving a false meaning. Hence, the complete stop (Waqf tam) comes in a verse that gives a full meaning that is not related to the meaning of the next verse, and the good pause (Waqf Hassn) comes in a verse that is related in meaning with the next verse, though, the pause does not change the meaning. The study recommended the need to work on the study of the rules of the stop (Alwaqf) and the begining (Al-ebtida’a) in the whole Quran, because of their great importance to help in setting the exact meanings and revealing the inimitability of Qura’n. Consequently, the knowledge of the stop (Alwaqf) and the beginning (Al-ebtida’a) clarify the phonetic tone inimitability of the Quran, and set forth the deep and accurate meanings of the verses in the holy Qura’n
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature