التوافق النفسي لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية العليا الأيتام في مدارس الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية في محافظة الخليل لعام 2002-2003م
محمود محمد مصطفى عمرو
Mahmoud Mohammad Mustafa Amro
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
This survy was done by M. Amro, aiming at evaluating the degree of
psychological adaptation of the orphan students in grad 8, 9, and 10. who are
studying at the Islamic charitable society , in Hebron district.
The population of the study was all the students in the previosly mentioned
classes, and were 609 students in all, from four schools.
The Islamic school for girls Hebron( 224), The Islamic school for boys -
Hebron( 285), Al seddek school-Dura( 37), and Abdullah Ben Masoud –
BaniNaeem( 39), Of all only 582 participated in the study.
The male orphans were181 student, and 204 were not orphans, while 138
were orphan girls, and 86 were not orphans.
The researcher developed atool depending on Hue.M.Bell tool for
psychological and professional adaptation, that was translated to Arabic By
Othman Nagati, and cosist of four dimentions:( the physical adaptation,
emotional, social, and family adaptationThe validity of the tool was tested , by using referees( refereed testing), and
the reliabilty was tested by cronbach alpha, the results were 82% and this is
considered as a good reliability result.
The study tried to answer the following two main questions
What is the degree of the psychological adaptation of the students studying
at the Islamic chritable society schools?
Is there any deferences between the degree of the psychological adaptation
between the orphans and the none orphan students?
The results revealed that the students in general has a moderat to high
adaptation level, and that there is differences between the orphans level ofadaptation , and the none orphans, were the none orphans were having a better
adaptation level in all aspects of the study.
The study identify various elements that affect the lvel of adaptation such
as: the student sex, age, economical, number family members, parents
education, who is the lost parent( father or mother), and if the student is living in
the orphanage or at home.
The Recommendations:
The researcher proposed the following recomenations:
1-There is a necessity to provid more care to the orphans specialy those in the
2-Orphan girls are in need of more attention and councilling to help them adopt
better adaptation skills.
3-The orphan students who are living in the orphanage are in need of more
attention as they are more affected.
5-The parents educational level play an important role in the psycological
adaptation level of the students, so attention and opportunity for further
education of both girls and boys as a future parents is neede.
6- Ther is a need to provid the student who experience separation, with
psychological support as soon as he possible.
7-There is a need for multi dimentional services, for the orphans and there
families, to minimize the hard life experience they are living.
8- Finally thr researcher recommende further studies, of the psychologica-There is aneed to take care of the economical status of the single parentadaptation in other settings for better comparison, and widening of variables.
الصحة النفسية المجتمعية , Community Mental Health
عمرو، محمود محمد. (2005). التوافق النفسي لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية العليا الأيتام في مدارس الجمعية
الخيرية الإسلامية في محافظة الخليل لعام 2002-2003م [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين].
المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/c94cb4