Biochemistry & Molecular Biology الكيمياء الحيوية والأحياء الجزيئية
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Browsing Biochemistry & Molecular Biology الكيمياء الحيوية والأحياء الجزيئية by Issue Date
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- Itemمرض اللشمانيا الجلدية(AL-Quds University, 2000-05-10) عمر يوسف محمود حمارشة; Omar Yousef Mahmoud Hamarsheh; لا يوجد; لا يوجد
- ItemMolecular Genetics Analysis Of MEFV Gene Mutations In Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) Among Palestinans In The West Bank(AL-Quds University, 2001-05-01) رانية يوسف ابراهيم أبو سير; Raniah Yousef Ibrahim Abu Seir; هشام درويش; محمود ابو حديد
- Itemتأثر مادة (medica 16) على الفئران البدينة التي تم معاملتها بمادة gtg(AL-Quds University, 2001-11-03) غدير خليل توفيق زعترة; Ghadeer Khalil Tawfiq Zatarah; نبيل نحاس; شكري الخطيب; معتز عكاوي
- Itemطيف طفرات الثلاسيمية بين الفلسطينيين في الضفة الغربية(AL-Quds University, 2001-11-05) فادية فرح حسن الخطيب; Fadia Farah Hasan Al-Khatib; هشام درويش; khaled Salem; Ahed AbdulKhaliq
- Itemاللشمانيا الجلدية(AL-Quds University, 2001-11-10) كفاية عزمي محمد سليمان; Kifaiah Azmi Mohammad Suliman; هارون خنفر; Dr. Ziad Abdeen; د زياد عابدين
- Itemآثار الكولشيسين والسيتوكينات على التعبير عن mefv في الثقافات الليفية الإنسان الأولية(AL-Quds University, 2001-11-10) سوزان محمد حسين عبيدات; Suzan Mohammad Hussain Abedat; عبدالكريم الشريف; Dr. Mahmoud Abu Hadid; Dr.Yaacob Al-Ashhab
- Itemلا يوجد(AL-Quds University, 2001-11-11) ريم فايز رشيد جابر; Reem Fayez Rasheed Jaber; زياد عابدين; Mahmoud Abu -hadid; Moien Kanan
- Itemالوراثة الجزيئية لسرطان القولون والمستقيم: دراسة مقارنة بين المرضى الفلسطينيين والإسرائيليين(AL-Quds University, 2004-04-01) سامر محمد حماد عوينة; Samer Mohammad Hammad iweinah; هشام درويش; سهيل عايش; رسمي ابو حلو
- ItemMOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS AND GENOTYPING OF CANINE VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE WEST BANK, PALESTINE(AL-Quds University, 2005-05-10) سهير ابراهيم محمدعريقات; Suhair Ibrahim Mohammed Oraiqat; زياد عابدين; Robin Abu-Ghazaleh; Moaen Kanan
- Itemمرض الشريان التاجي (مرض القلب التاجي(AL-Quds University, 2005-12-28) واصف عبدالفتاح عوض الشريف; Wasif Abdul-Fattah Awad Al-Shareef; سهيل عايش; ezz-eddin; ghassan ba'lousheh
- Itemمرض الالتهاب الكبدي الفيروسي (C )(AL-Quds University, 2006-01-06) رشدي رشاد رشدي رصرص; Rushdi Rashad Rushdi Rasras; يحيى عابد; Dr. Suzanne shasha'a; Dr. Abed Al Jabbar al TeebiHepatitis C virus infection is a global public health problem. An estimated 3% of the world population is chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). It accounts for approximately 20% of cases of acute hepatitis and 70% of cases of chronic hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis C is a major cause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Preliminary studies show that prevalence of HCV among blood donors in Gaza Strip is 0.3%. The main objective of this case control study is to define the risk factors of HCV among Gaza Strip, population. Variables studied include demographic status (sex, age, governorate, locality, maritual status, education level, occupation), and another risk factors for HCV transmission (travel abroad, health workers, blood transfusion, blood donation, having surgery, having insulin injection, having caesarian, having tattooing, visiting dentist, using un sterile injection, hemodialysis, using analgesics, making sure that barber changing the razor, practicing illegal sex, sharing family in teeth brush, sharing family with razor, sharing family with nail cutter). The study population is a sample of all reported positive cases in the records of bloodbanks and central laboratories in Gaza Strip for the year 2004. Two controls are chosen for each positive case, one from neighboring and the other from negative HCV-blood donors. The reported cases are coming from the five districts in Gaza Strip. At the time, controls are selected from the same localities. Number of cases reaches sixty eight (68) cases, and the number of controls is one hundred thirty six (136This step is followed by designing an entry model using computer software "Statistical Package for Social Sciences" (SPSS) where data was entered and analyzed. It is found that males are more exposed to HCV than females. According to age it is clear that people of 35 years and above has more chance to get HCV than those of less than 35 years. While there is no difference between villages, camps, and cities in chance of getting HCV. For education level, secondary level is at higher risk than elementary (OR= 3.47). It is also found that people who are working as employee and workers are more exposed to HCV than those who has no definite work (students, house keepers, police, un employee). In case of risk factors that could affect the chance of getting HCV in Gaza Strip. It is found that the main risk factors have statistically significance are: Travel abroad especially to Egypt, blood transfusion, having surgery, having tattooing, dentist visit for treatment, using un sterile injection. while risk factors which is not statistically significant in Gaza Strip were: blood donation, health organization workers, having insulin injection, having caesarian, using analgesics, hemodialysis, making shore that barber changing the razor, practicing illegal sex, sharingfamily with teeth brush, razor, and nail cutter. This study could be a model to define the risk factors associated with hepatitis C in a developing community as Gaza. Such study and similar studies will be a base for a successful intervention program to reduce prevalence rate of hepatitis C in Gaza, and in similar countries.).
- ItemAnalysis of the Secondary Structure of the Transmembrane Domain of SARS CoV E Protein using FTIR Spectroscopy(AL-Quds University, 2007-05-10) قاسم موسى هاشم أبو رميله; Qassem Mussa Hashem Abu Rmeleh; معتز عكاوي; Mohammed Abo-Alhaj; Sameir AlnajdeOne of the major obstacles facing the field of structural biology in the postgenomic era is the inherent difficulty of solving the structure of membrane proteins under native conditions. Membrane proteins share a common property; part of their structure is embedded in the lipid bilayer. This feature makes them attractive drug targets, which requires a detailed knowledge of the secondary structure of their transmembrane domain. Both crystallography and NMR still encounter difficulties in handling membrane proteins, so there is an urgent need for new biophysical methods and new insights in the biophysics of membrane proteins to solve the secondary structure of such proteins. The outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus, July 2003, has presented a formidable challenge for the scientific community. As part of that effort, we decided to study the high resolution backbone structure of E transmembrane proteins of the SARS coronavirus, by Attenuated Total Internal Reflection (ATR) FTIR of eighteen of isotopically labeled sites with ( 13C=18O) of the synthesized sequence for the SARS coronavirus E protein transmembrane domain. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is a wellestablished method for generating precise structural information on isotopically labeled membrane proteins embedded in a lipid bilayer. We used the new biophysical method site specific infrared dichroism (SSID), to investigate the structure and orientation of transmembrane. α-helical bundles We postulate in this work that the E protein of SARS CoV is α-helix, and it has 26 residues embedded in the lipid bilayer, and the SARS CoV E protein is not a regular helix, but it adopts a unique transmembrane helical hairpin model, and the E protein has two possible kinks at residue No. 26 and 31 Phe and Leu respectively within the lipid bilayer, which isreported for the first time in this thesis. And it also has a possible kink in residue No 15 too. All the results were confirmed experimentally.
- Itemوصف الطفرات المتعلقة بالموروث البشري المسؤول عن انتاج الانزيم تايروسين امينوتر نسفيراز بين مرضى فلسطين مصابين بمرض التايروسينيميا نوع 2(AL-Quds University, 2007-08-19) نيفين نائل عبد الجليل الريماوي; Niveen Na`l Abedjaleel Alrymawy; هشام درويش; Ibrahim Abbasi; Annie Rambaud
- Itemتحليل الحمض النووي من الحيوانات المستنسخة عالية جدا بين البلهارسيا الدموية وغيرها من الأنواع ذات الصلة(AL-Quds University, 2008-12-30) فاطمة محمد غيث زحايكة; Fatemah Mohammed Gaith Zhaykh; ابراهيم عباسي; Samer Barghouthi; Khaldoun Niejem
- Itemعلاقة الطفرة الوراثية معامل لايدن والإجهاض المتكرر لدى النساء الحوامل الفلسطينيات في الضفة الغربية(AL-Quds University, 2009-06-29) علا داود خليل أبوهلال; Ula Daoud Khalil Abu Hilal; هشام درويش; سمير البرغوثي; ايمن حسين
- ItemThe Role of Human Cytomegalovirus UL16 Glycoprotein and pp65 Phosphoprotein on Tegument Site, Membrane and Raft Association in Human Fibroblast Infected Cells(AL-Quds University, 2009-06-30) خضر محمد ابراهيم زواهرة; Khader Mohammed Ibrahim Zawahreh; ميساء العزة; Musa Hindiyeh; Zaidoun Salah
- Itemالنشاط ماسخ من الفثالات على تطوير الفراخ وخصوبة فئران الإناث(AL-Quds University, 2010-05-24) صفاء عبد السلام سامي عبد الغني; safa Abdul Salam Sami Abdul Ghani; زياد عابدين; منير قزاز; معتز عكاوي
- Itemالتحقق من العلاقة في التغيرات المحذثة في جيني PPAR? و PGC-1? ومرضى السكري من النوع الثان للمرضى الفلسطينيين(AL-Quds University, 2010-06-10) انمار مصطفى توفيق ابوزهره; Anmar Mustafa Tawfeeq Abuzahrah; هشام درويش; اكرم خروبي; Ahed Abdulkhaliq
- Itemالارتباط بين الأشكال المتعددة الوراثية في أنماط إيبوكسايد إيبوكسيد فيتامين ك و GAS6 مع فقد الحمل المتكرر بين النساء الفلسطينيات(AL-Quds University, 2010-08-08) أنظار صقر محمد درويش; Anthar saqer Mohammed Darwish; هشام درويش; عماد معتوق; مي مغاثي
- Itemجمعية تعدد الأشكال لمستقبلات هرمون الاستروجين وفقدان العظام هشاشة العظام بين النساء الفلسطينيات بعد انقطاع الطمث(AL-Quds University, 2010-08-29) دينا خالد احمد علي; Dina Khaled Ahmad Ali; هشام درويش; اكرم خروبي; الياس سابا