Vol 2 No.1
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- ItemKnowledge, Attitude and Training Physiotherapist Palliative Care - Gaza Strip(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Alser, Amany M.; Darwish, Ahmed S.; Hussein, Khaled I.; Alabsi, Amani A.; Alastal, Heba M.; Sabbah, Lamees Z.; Sharaf, Fawzy; Naim, FadelBackground: Palliative care encompasses holistic management of patients and families facing life-threatening and life-limiting conditions. There is currently little known about Gaza strip physiotherapists’ palliative care knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, experience and training needs. Objectives: Palliative care rehabilitation has been positively associated with a high and prolonged level of independent function, which also reduces the burden on care providers(1,2). This study aimed to investigate the existing knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, training and experience of palliative care by physiotherapists working in Gaza strip. Methodology: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study using a face to face questionnaire included sociodemographic data, physiotherapist’s knowledge, attitude experience and training (modified PTiPC-KABE Scale)(3), the study includes eight major hospitals in the Gaza-Strip. The sample size was 120 participants, 110 were included. SPSS (version 22 for Windows) for descriptive statistics, Chi-Square, Student's t and compare mean -tests were used for the statistical analysis. Results: The total number of respondents was 110(93.3%); male 45%,and females 55%.Years of experience Palliative care intends to hasten death was significant in (p = 0.017), Palliative care does not enhance quality of life (p = 0.117), I feel a sense of personal failure when a patient dies(p=0.035), Palliative care considers dying as a complicated process (p =0.026), Caring for dying patients is traumatic for me(p = 0.004), The provision of palliative care requires emotional detachment(p = 0.009), The physical environment of my workplace is ideal for providing palliative care and rehabilitation(p = 0.026), I am often exposed to death in my workplace(p = 0.034), Conclusions: Many of Gaza's physiotherapists perform in palliative care despite inadequate training and limited knowledge in this area. Further learning and training opportunities for graduates and postgraduate students are required for physiotherapists in palliative care.
- ItemAwareness, Perceptions and Beliefs About Physiotherapy Profession Among Orthopedists and Neurosurgeons Working in the Main Hospitals of the Ministry of Health in Gaza Strip(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Alnajjar, Omar O.; Abo Musabeh, Ahmed M.; Hussain, Khald I.; Al Qedra, Ismail K.; Hamdona, AbdallahBackground: - Healthcare professions have rapidly developed due to advancements in technology along with innovations over years, and Physiotherapists are considered as a key-member of collaborative inter-professional teams due to their broad scope of practice. - Increasing disabilities in Palestine due to occupation and other reasons, life expectancy and the special circumstances made it one of the most imperative socioeconomic medical issues in Gaza Strip. This emphasizes the need for the development and recognition of physiotherapy in multidisciplinary healthcare structures. - In order to deliver effective care, communication, cooperation and agreement between physicians and physiotherapist is essential. - If a physician were well informed about physiotherapy abilities in helping the treatments, prevent complications and decrease hospital stays, that would decrease the burden on the healthcare system. - Lack of knowledge about physiotherapy among medical professionals affects several aspects, including patients, the role of physiotherapy as a part of the healthcare teams, and the outcomes. Objectives: - The aim of the study was to identify awareness, perception and believes about physiotherapy among orthopedists and neurosurgeons. Methods: - A cross-sectional study was conducted between January – June 2019 at the three main hospitals of the Ministry of Health in Gaza Strip. The study population included Orthopedists and Neurosurgeons who work according to the settings. - The total collected samples were 67, and participants of the study were recruited through a Non-Probability convenience sample. - Data was collected through a questionnaire, that was designed in English, with four main parts, a total of 30 items, then data analysis using the (SPSS-V.22) and several statistical operations were done including Cross tabulation using chi-squarer with significance value was defined as p≤0.05. Results: - Results of this study showed that the awareness of orthopedists and neurosurgeons about physiotherapy was 95.5%. The study showed that 54.7% of these physicians received their knowledge through their studying. The study showed that 78.1% of physicians believe that the intervention of physiotherapy is in therapeutic exercises, while 57.8% believe that the biggest intervention is the use of electrical modalities, and 60.9% believe that it is manual therapy. The study found that 96.9% of physicians believe that physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment plan for the patient. And 71.9% of the physicians believe that the physiotherapist has the right to return the patient to the physician due to misdiagnosis. The study indicated that 90.6% of physicians believe it is important to discuss the patient's discharge with a physiotherapist, and shocking result was that 95.3% of physicians say that they write on the referral what should a physiotherapist do to a patient, and that is a huge violation of the physiotherapists right of making their own decision. Conclusions: - There is a close association between orthopedists and neurosurgeons about physiotherapy. The study has shown that they have a clear awareness, perception and beliefs about physiotherapy. - This relationship should be supported and developed to provide the best possible treatment to patients.
- Itemبشأن قرار بقانون رقم ٣١ لسنة ٢٠١٨ بشأن الحماية والسلامة الطبية والصحية(جامعة القدس، عمادة البحث العلمي, 2020-12-22) زبن, حنين توفيق; زيد, جميلةأصدر هذا القرار بقانون الرئيس محمود عباس بتاريخ ١٢/٩/٢٠١٨، ويتكون هذا القرار من ثلاث وثلاثين مادة قانونية، بهدف أن ينظم العلاقة بين الطبيب والمريض والمؤسسة الطبية والصحية. ونظراً لأهمية مهنة الطب في حياة كل إنسان، تناولنا هذا القرار لمناقشته من الناحية القانونية وإبراز الضوء عليه حيث أنه يحمي الطبيب من أن يترتب عليه أي عقوبة على أي خطأ غير مقصود ويكفل لكل مريض تقديم خدمة طبية ممتازة بكل تفاني وإخلاص دون أي إهمال أو تقصير ويضمن لكل مريض مقاضاة كل من لا يلتزم بعمله وفق القوانين مما يعرضه للمساءلة القانونية. الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو إلقاء الضوء على المسؤولية الطبية والقانونية بشقيها الجزائي والمدني الخاصة بالقانون. ومن المهم دراسة جوانب هذا القانون في ظل غياب المجلس التشريعي وعدم قيامه بدوره المنوط به، وضرورة حماية حقوق المرضى خاصة مع تزايد الخطاء الطبية في الآونة الأخيرة والتي أصبحت بحاجة ماسة إلى وقفة وقرار رسمي. وهنا يطرح السؤال في ظل القرار بقانون الجديد ما مصير الطبيب الذي تقدم بحقه دعوى جزائية، هل يحال إلى الحبس الاحتياطي ام يبقى على رأس عمله. ونتطرق في هذه الدراسة إلى تشكيل صندوق فلسطيني للتعويض عن الأخطاء الطبية، ما مصيره سيفعل ام يبقى حبرًا على ورق؟ هل يوجد توازن بين حقوق الأطباء وأصحاب المهن الصحية من جهة وحقوق المرضى والمتضررين من الأخطاء الطبية من جهة اخر. جانب اخر هو ضرورة دراسة مدى اهمية توفير البيئة الصحية المناسبة للطبيب والمرضى وتوفير كل ما يلزمهم في التقليل من الأخطاء الطبية وبناء عليه يتم محاسبة الطبيب على أخطائه. ودراسة ضرورية وجود نيابة خاصة للأطباء والتحقيق بأي خطأ يكون من خلالهم. ومن المهم الحديث عن حق المريض في سالمته وابعاد تأثير الاخطاء الطبية عليه، مع ضرورة ايجاد انظمة تحسين الجودة وسالمة المريض في مؤسسات الرعاية.
- Itemالآثار القانونية لصفقة القرن(جامعة القدس، عمادة البحث العلمي, 2020-12-22) سميح سعيد الشاعر, عرين; دقماق, نجاحكأن فلسطين موعودة بوعد وصفقة من عام 1917م إلى عام 2019م. المشهد يتكرر من لا يملك لمن لا يستحق، هذا الوعد الذي عمل على تهجير الفلسطينيين من أرضهم وتفريغ أوروبا من اليهود وحشدهم في فلسطين، واليوم تأتي صفقة القرن لتكمل المشهد الآخر بإنهاء القضية الفلسطينيّة، عندما أعلن الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بأنّ القدس عاصمة لإسرائيل. تلك الصفقة التي تتناقض مع قرارات مجلس الأمن 242 و338، بحيث تنتهك المبادئ الأساسية للقانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان وهو حق تقرير المصير للشعب الفلسطيني، وذلك من أجل الاستيلاء الكامل على الأراضي الفلسطينية. ما يحتاجه الفلسطينيون هو أن يكون لهم الحق في حكم أنفسهم بأنفسهم وأن يكونوا قادرين على اختيار نظامهم السياسي ومستقبلهم بشكل حر، ولا يكون هذا الحق قابلًا للتطبيق إلا في حال استطاع الشعب الفلسطيني أن يعيش على أرضه الكاملة بصورة مستمرة غير متقطعة. وعليه، لا يمكن لأي شعب أن يقرر مصيره ما لم يكن على أرضه، بهدف إنشاء دولة ذات سيادة. وورد في العهد الدولي للحقوق المدنية والسياسية لعام 1966 أنّ للشعوب حق تقرير مصيرها بنفسها، وحرية في اختيار نظامها السياسي وحرية أيضاً بالتصرف بثرواتها ومواردها الطبيعية. وقد أشارت الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة في عدة قرارات صادرة عنها وعلى وجه الخصوص قرار حق العودة للاجئين رقم 194، وأقرنته بحق تقرير المصير على اعتبار أنه حق فردي ذو بعد جماعي. عملت صفقة القرن نهائيًا على إسقاط حق العودة وضربت قرارات الشرعية الدولية التي اعترفت بحق الشعب الفلسطيني في تقرير مصيره في عشرات القرارات بعرض الحائط، منها قرار 3089 (د-28) الصادر بتاريخ 7/12/1973، وقرار 3236 (د-29) الصادر بتاريخ 22/11/1974 وغيرهما من القرارات ذات الصلة التي تصدر سنويًا عن الجمعية العامة، ناهيكم عن محكمة العدل الدولية في رأيها الاستشاري بخصوص الجدار معتبرة أنّ حقّ الشّعب الفلسطينيّ في تقرير مصيره يشكل التزامًا على عاتق الدول أعضاء المجتمع الدولي كافة، ويتعين عليهم احترامه. اهمية البحث والخلفية عنه الأهمية النظرية: يأتي البحث للتركيز على نقاط التشابه ما بين وعد بلفور وصفقة القرن ومدى تأثيرهما على تصفية القضية الفلسطينية بالتناوب من حيث تسليط الضوء على القرارات والسياسات العدوانية الخبيئة التي ذات المخطط المنهج لتصفية القضية الفلسطينية من قبل الولايات المتحدة وإسرائيل دون أي اعتبار لقرارات الشرعية الدولية، لأنّ العالم اليوم يحكم بقانون القوة وليس بقوة القانون. الأهمية العملية: هذا البحث يتناول قضية مصير شعب بأكمله، حق العودة وحق تقرير المصير وإقامة الدولة المستقلة وعاصمتها القدس، بحيث يعكس البحث الانتهاكات الاسرائيلية المترتبة على هذه الصفقة في محاولة لزيادة الاستيطان والضم وصولا إلى حلول حول مستقبل القضية الفلسطينية . أهداف البحث 1-العمل على ايجاد طريقة لمواجهة هذه التحديات العصيبة التي يمر بها شعبنا الفلسطيني من حراك على كافة المستويات الدولية والاقليمية والمحلية . 2_وضع القدس كقضية مركزية ورئيسية أثناء المباحثات وليس مؤجله كما في اتفاقية أوسلو باعتبارها عاصمة لفلسطين. 3-التركيز على الجامعات بالاهتمام بالرواية الفلسطينية حول القدس، ووجهة نظر القانون الدولي من خلال البحوث والمساقات ذات الصلة بحق العودة وتقرير المصير كمساق حقوق الانسان. 4-لحمة الشعب الفلسطيني في كل مكان قوة، فإنهاء الانقسام ما بين شطري الوطن، يرتب سياسات قوة ورعب ويعيد الاعتبار لشعبنا بالوحدة نبني وطن. أساليب البحث: استخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، بهدف وصف لتلك المشكلة العالقة منذ أكثر من سبعين عاما للوصول لدلائل وبراهين لوضع إطار لحلول لها، اي الخروج بتوصيات واقتراحات. النتائج: اعادة تفعيل الرأي الافتائي لمحكمة العدل الدولية التي أشارت إلى انطباق القانون الدولي الانساني والقانون الدولي لحقوق الانسان على الأراضي المحتلة. 2-محاكمة دولة الاحتلال عن جرائمها التي اقترفت بحق أبناء الشعب الفلسطيني وعلى وجه الخصوص الجريمة الدولية الأخيرة صفقة القرن، حيث تنعقد المسؤولية الدولية للمحتل لمخالفتها لقرارت الشرعية الدولية . الاستنتاجات و التوصيات: 1- توحيد المصطلحات الاعلامية وتعميمها، حيث يتم استخدام المصطلحات الصحيحة في أماكنها الصحيحة. 2- تخصيص زواية مرئية و/أو مسموعة و/ أو مقروءة للحديث عن عدم شرعية صفقة القرن ونخالفتها لقرارات الشرعية الدولية فيما يتعلق بحق العودة وحق تقرير المصير. 3- إنهاء الانقسام وإاهدة اللحكة بين شطري الوطن، لمواجهة عدوان غاصب واحتلال أخذ شكل الاستعمار . 4- رصد دعم مالي من قبل الدول العربية للتعريف بالقدس وبقضية فلسطين وما يجري من تهويد لها من خلال انتاج افلام وثائقية مترجمة و/ أو عربية وتقارير مصورة وقصص انسانية، وأفلام لانتهاكات ممنهجة داخل اسوار القدس تتعلق بحقوق المواطن المقدسي. 5- اعتماد منهج قانوني وآخر تاريخي للتركيز على القدس في الجامعات ناهيكم عن تشجيع الباحثين على البحث العلمي لنشرها بالدراسات المقدسية في جامعة القدس. الكلمات المفتاحية: صفقة القرن, قانون , قرار, دولي ,القدس, اللاجئين ,حقوق , اتفاقيات ,معاهدات العاصمه , الجمعية العامه ,الشعب الفلسطيني , اتفاقية جنيف الرابعة ,مجلس الامن , شرعنه المستوطنات ,الموقف الدولي والعربي). اشكالية البحث تتمحور اشكالية البحث فيما يلي: هل الصفقة جاءت لتجريد الشعب من حقوقه المشروعه، لانهاء القضية الفلسطينية وتشريع الاستيطان والضم ؟ ويتفرع عنها الأسئلة التالية: 1- هل الصفقة تأقيتها للضغط على السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية لاغلاق ملفها أمام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية وايضا محكمة العدل الدولية؟ 2- أين المجتمع الدولي من مخالفة الصفقة لقرارات الشرعية الدولية فيما يتعلق بفلسطين سواء من مجلس الأمن والجمعية العامة والرأي الافتائي لمحكمة العدل الدولية فيما يتلعق بالجدار؟ 3- أين نحن من القدس ومن قرار 181 الصادر عن الجمعية العام الخاص بإقامة دولة عربية ويهودية واقيمت الأخيرة ولم تقم الأولى؟
- ItemTranscending Zionism Identity and Inclusion Across the Borders of its Colonial Schema(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Milhem, Zeina; Ruiz, Laura MenchacaThe Israeli State envisions itself as first and foremost a Jewish state. Its founding narrative is that it offers refuge and safe haven to Jews from around the world, who would otherwise face discrimination. However, seen from a historical perspective, Zionism used non-European Jews as colonial tools to emancipate the European Jew. Within this process of emancipation, new Jewish identities emerged like the “New Jew” and the “Mizrahi” while others have been marginalized like the “Arab Jew”. My research explores the various ways Zionism has included and excluded Jewish groups [Arab Jew and Sephardim] in various stages of its colonial presence in Palestine. I complicate Zionism’s colonial schema through analyzing the role of the Mizrahi in advancing and hindering the process of Zionist nation-building. Through exploring Zionism’s domain of labour in Palestine, this project explores the limits of the borders and boundaries of the Zionist colonial - schema. .
- ItemIsrael Methodologies on Palestinian Properties(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Satari, Anaghim Ibrahim Salama; Alkurd, MaherPalestinians suffer since 75 years from the apartheid system that Israel applies as a method to dominate the land. This study highlights the importance of international law and international humanitarian law in the Palestinian case and analyzes the relation between occupying power and people under occupation. So, Israeli builds methodologically expropriate Palestinian properties in contravention of international law and human rights. Also, its expropriation police are branching for different aspects. The project will begin with colonization methodological on Palestinian properties since the beginning of the Zionist movements and the first conference in 1897. Israeli settlements began to be manifested in a settlement of Bitah Tikfa - The first Israeli settlement built on Palestine - and the point of view of the international law and conventions, such as Huge 1907, Fourth Geneva 1949, Security Council and General Assembly resolutions. In the third part, the project will review how Oslo accords in 1993 and Tramp’s Deal of the century legitimize the right of the expropriation of Palestinian properties by Israel and partition the land between Israel and Palestine. Fourthly: How Israel applies the law of Absentee properties as the right to ownership by applying Ottoman law to serve its interests. Lastly: What is the role of international law in the protection of the right of propriety for refugees and displacement people (in camps and the Diaspora) with reference to the convention on refugee's convention in 1951 and the Fourth Geneva Convention in 1949. The research includes criticism of the extreme and barbaric methodology of domination by using claims based on ancient history, and demonstration to collect documentations and secondary sources of information: websites, books, films, magazines, and articles, the primary sources are interviews with first-generation refugees and political figures and activists, interviews with people who have had their properties expropriated. The research design is a historical review; the methodology is qualitative, which gives a mixed method, this design gives a multi-level of perspectives, interpretations, and practices or examines it in real-life. The method of research is more illustrative, using maps and historical documents, it is necessary to present a political message that the world should understand. On one hand, I will capture what history narrative, and see this methodology from a political perspective without an emotional aspect. On the other hand, build a strong point of the rights of properties and give the reader more approach to think more politically. Also, this research project is useful because people lack knowledge and analysis to have critical points by using laws and evidence; so, the project will provide a wide explanation of colonization methodology. The research project will end with a conclusion and a set of recommendations.
- ItemDegree of Awareness of Medical Students in Palestinian Universities of Patients' Rights(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Hammad, Abdelrahman Shareef; Hammad, Shareef AliThe study aims to measure the degree of awareness of medical students in Palestinian universities of patients' rights according to variables: university, gender and level. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach (questionnaire) in measuring the degree of awareness of medical students in Palestinian universities of patient rights and processing them into quantitative Valuable expressing the degree of knowledge and awareness. Then, a random sample of 132 medical students was chosen from Al-Azhar and Islamic Universities in the Gaza Strip. The results show that the medical student understands the patients' clinical rights with no statistically significant differences between the third and sixth level students in the two universities. As well as there are no statistically significant differences between Males and females. The researcher recommends enriching medical ethics subject with the patients' and doctors' rights and responsibilities. And emphasizing the ethics of the medical profession in colleges before the clinical stage and before graduation. Objectives: Measuring the degree of awareness of medical students in Palestinian universities of patients' rights according to variables: university, gender and level. Methods: Descriptive analytical approach (questionnaire). Results: The results show that the students of the Faculty of Medicine of the third and sixth levels are fully aware of the rights of patients with an estimated average of 2.24 and a standard deviation of 0.317. Moreover, there are no differences between the third level and the sixth level in the degree of awareness of patients' rights where the average of the third level is 4.25 and Standard deviation 0.326 and the 6th level arithmetic average and standard deviation are 4.23 and 0.309 respectively. The difference of universities does not mean a difference in the awareness of medical students of patients' rights, as it appears in the results that state there are no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the students of the Faculty of Medicine at al-Azhar and Islamic universities in the degree of their awareness of the rights of patients, where the mathematical average of the sample students of Al-Azhar University 4.18 and standard deviation 4.279 also the mathematical average of the sample of students of Islamic University average 4.279 and standard deviation 0.319. The results show there are no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between males and females in awareness of patients' rights, and this emphasizing their sense of belonging to the medical profession and patients, though the researcher attributes this to the Palestinian society and its culture and that the students of the Faculty of Medicine are informed about the rights of patients. Conclusion: Medical student understands the patients' clinical rights with no statistically significant differences between the third and sixth level students in the two universities.
- ItemHolistic Assessment of Community Palliative Care Needs Among Palestinian Cancer Patients(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Groof, Majeda; Joulani, Bayan; Abu Hamad, Bassam; Jebrini, Nidal; Abu Fardi, Sali; Abu Hbees, Aseel; Abu Issa, Huda; Kharroubi, Akram; Rimawi, Atef; Al-Sharabati, Wasim; Aljafari, Tamer; Abu Seir, RaniaBackground: Palliative care focuses on improving the quality of life of terminally ill patients and their families. Objectives: This cross-sectional study aims to assess the level of community palliative care among terminally ill Palestinian cancer patients and the needs of their families in the West-Bank and Gaza strip. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among cancer patients. Patients were recruited through five hospitals that provide cancer care in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Al-Hussein Hospital, Beit Jala; Augusta Victoria Hospital, Jerusalem; Istishari Arab Hospital, Ramallah; European Hospital and Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi Hospital; Gaza). Data were collected using an interview-based questionnaire. The questionnaire focused on assessment of physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual components of palliative care. In addition, the questionnaire assessed caregiver’s needs. Results: A total of 238 patients were interviewed. The mean age of the participants was 53.8±15 years. The most common types of cancer among patients were breast cancer (51 [21.4%]) and colorectal cancer (33 [13.9%]). Fifty percent of the patients had their children as their primary caregivers. Overall, the majority of the patients had good psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional scores. On the other hand, >80% had moderate to poor physical functioning scores. Psychosocial and emotional scores decreased significantly as the disease progressed. More than 33% of the patients reported that their caregivers were in need of financial, legal, and work-related support. In addition, other commonly reported unmet needs included support in understanding what to expect in the future and dealing with the feelings and worries of the patient. Conclusions: Cancer patients suffer mostly from their physical symptoms in addition to financial problems. On the other hand, assessment of the emotional, spiritual and psychological functioning of Palestinian patients indicates that the strength of religious beliefs and the support of the family and the friends in the Palestinian community had a great impact on the patients and help reduced the gap in palliative care services.
- ItemPalestinian Prisoners and the Right to Health the Israeli Systematic Violations Against the Right to Health(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Mizher, Yazan; Al-Kurd, MaherThe idea of this research came as a result of the increasing number of health problems among the Palestinian prisoners, and as a result of the Israeli attempts in legitimizing the grave violations against Palestinian prisoners, since the Israeli government passed and ratified many laws that directly violate Palestinian prisoners' rights, and especially the right to health. This research aims to show the responsibility of Israel under international law, and how it tries to remove the legal status of the Palestinian prisoners. This project adopted both quantitative and qualitative methods to conduct the research since they complement each other for the various aspects of this research. In the qualitative approach, reports and international treaties will be used. As for quantitative, statistics and surveys from Addameer will be used. These surveys are filled by prisoners during the lawyers’ first visits, and they include direct specific questions about the ill-treatment, and torture that they might have/ might have not experienced. The methodological approach of this project includes: - 1) Analysis of the primary documents. 2) Primary source: Such as reports published by organizations and institutions. The reports would act as a database for the research, for they include statistics, laws, procedures, etc. 3) Analysis of the secondary sources: The secondary sources used in this research are books, journals, reports, and articles. 4) Interviews: The interviews will be held with former prisoners who have been detained in Israeli prisons, and with people who have experience with the mechanisms that Israel uses in the lawmaking process. This research is expected to conclude that Palestinian prisoners' right to health is deliberately violated by the prison administration and the Israeli judicial system. Also, it's expected that this research will explore how the judicial system in Israel deals with the grave violations of prisoners' right to health. The hypothesis of this research is trying to prove how the Israeli military and judicial system are biased and do not comply with the international treaties and agreements that Israel has signed and ratified. The significance of this research is to show how Palestinian prisoners' right to health is systematically violated, and what are the methods that Israel uses in its violation. The most challenging part of this research is to prove that Israeli violations are systematic.
- ItemSearching for potential novel Orf virus epitopes using reverse vaccinology(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) AL-Shareef, Aseel; Al-Natsheh, Raghad; Abu Omar, Zainab; Abu Ghazaleh, RobinOrf virus is a zoonotic virus that mainly affects sheep and goats and causes skin lesions, which reduce the feeding process among their lambs and kids. An Orf virus vaccine is available, however, the immunity it induces doesn’t last for more than one year, making the reinfection of the virus very common. This research aims to find epitopes that could be a good target for a long-term protein-based vaccine. Using reverse vaccinology, all proteins of the three Orf virus strains (ORFV-SA00, ORFV-NZ2 & ORFV-SY17) were studied by searching for proteins that could have good subcellular localization, antigenicity, as well as being conserved among the three genomes. After selecting proteins with these properties, linear B-cell and T-cell epitopes were detected. The last step was to test the stability of these chosen epitopes by searching for potential proteasomal cleavage sites. This final step in the bioinformatics discovery pipeline left a single stable epitope candidate (DRRPCGVQD). This protein (epitope) is recommended to be tested experimentally to ensure its effectiveness as a vaccine target protein.
- ItemMicrobiological Quality of Fermented Homemade Green Olive(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Ayyad, Jamila Ismail; Khalid, MahmoudBackground: Table olive is one of the most popular fermented vegetables in the Mediterranean Basin and has great importance as a food source. Traditionally, table olive fermentation proceeds spontaneously by soaking olives in a brine solution containing water and certain concentrations of table salt (NaCl). In fact, some bacterial types can grow and multiply in salty environments and high acidity conditions of fermented olives, which can be pathogenic and can increase the risk of food poisoning. Objective: This study was done to investigate the microbial quality of fermented homemade green olives at three different salt concentrations. Methods: Fresh green olives were processed using the traditional method, they were directly soaked in brine solutions with three different concentrations 5%, 10%, and 15% of NaCl and the fermentation process took place spontaneously. The microbial analysis was done on the olive pulp and the brine solution using the traditional producer. Results: Lactic acid bacteria were the predominant bacterial type, the growth of lactic acid bacteria was observed in almost all samples. Fermented olives with lower concentrations of NaCl yielded higher bacterial counts. However, the bacterial counts did not show significant differences between the three levels of salt concentration with increasing the fermentation time. Total viable counts of bacteria had an average of 4.2 log CFU/mL. Conclusion: The harsh environmental conditions of fermented olive are not suitable for the existence of pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in a safe product with good quality. The predominant bacterial types present in fermented table olives were mainly lactic acid bacteria, and the presence of pathogenic bacteria was only detected at the beginning of the fermentation process with low salt concentrations.
- ItemSelf-medication by Using Online and Other Methods in Palestine(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Salameh, Iman; Awwad, Shahd; Hallak, HusseinBackground: Advertisements of medical products on social media networks has become increasingly common. This is also associated with online shopping in order to self-medicate. Such practicehighlights the influence of social media and advertising on individuals to use medicinal products without instructions of physicians. Objectives: To assess the probable reasons, the extent of use, sources of advice and consequences of online self-medicate practice among University students in Palestine. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out using a" pretested questionnaire", which was prepared in the Arabic language, among 700 students involved in face-to-face interviews, from three public universities in Palestine (Al-Najah, Al-Quds and Bethlehem university). The study was conducted over three months (Nov2019—Jan2020), including all years universities students of both medical and nonmedical faculties. Data were collected,coded, entered,analyzed and summarized by statistical package for social sciences program (SPSS) version 22. Descriptive results were expressed as frequency, percentage, and mean±SD. Results:(94.2%) students reported that they keep seeing medical ads while scrolling their social network accounts. Younger age (20-29 years), female (87.6%), medical students (57.4%) tented to use online self-medication practice more than their peers did. In addition, (52.7%) of the respondents reported that they use the internet for more than six hours per day, (65.7%) reported that they use online products without consulting a physician or a pharmacist. The most commonly used products among the surveyed students were skincare products (76.7%), followed by hair products (72.2%), and vitamins (58.8%). The most frequently reported dosage form was cream and ointments (71.3%). Moreover, (54.7%) students reported not using the product again after their first trial. The Principle reasons for seeking online self-medication were, “I don’t have time to visit doctors (50.4%)”, and “to save money” (49.8%). The most-reported sources for self-medication were the internet (45.3%), and (16.7%) reported using the product according to the great propaganda campaign by the social networks. The majority (64.1%) reported that their experience was “bad” and “not healthy”. (50.8%) students reported having experienced side effects, in addition to this, 33.6% is the proportion of the students who stopped using the product because of side effects and so they gave it to one of their family members or friends. (29.6%) did not have any instructions for use and (35.3%) reported trusting what the seller said about the product, and (65.3%) reported searching on the internet before using it. Conclusions: Online self-medication is a commonly used practice by young Palestinian University students; this constitutes a health problem that needs intervention to minimize risk. We emphasize the important role of a pharmacist in educating the community especially the youth category (20-29 years) regarding online medication practicesthat may have harmful side effects.
- ItemEmotional Intelligence Among Medical Students in Palestine A Cross-Sectional Study(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Ewaiwi, Bashair Imad; Hijazi, Bassel Yaser; Attiyeh, Rania Khaleel; Niroukh, Effat Ayman; Adawi, Samer Osama; Al-Qaissi, Heba Saleem; Faris, Khaled Jamal; Darras, Osama Majed; Zuhour, Afnan Ibraheem; Khalil, Nabil Carlo Nabil; Hammad, Shorouq Yosef; Al-Masri, Tabarak Abedlnaser; Hallak, HussienBackground: Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as a pro-social behavior that deals with recognizing, understanding, influencing and managing our own and other’s emotions. In medical education and clinical practice, EI has been related to improves the doctor-patient relationship. Objectives: Measure EI among Palestinian medical students in two stages of their studies, clinical and basic sciences, and assessing the factors that may affect it. Moreover, compare medical students of Al-Quds and Al-Najah Universities regarding EI score and detect possible differences. Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, questionnaire-based, online survey was conducted among 692 medical students in Al-Quds and Al-Najah universities in Palestine. Emotional intelligence was evaluated using a 33-item scale as an index introduced by Schutte et al. (1998). Data was analyzed in a quantitative manner using SPSS (VER.20). Results: 745 students filled the questionnaire with a response rate of 92.88%. A total of 692 were sampled which were representative of the student population. The mean score of EI is 3.83 (SD=0.41) out of a maximum possible score of 5 with 69.1% of the sample having high EI. Statistics showed that EI decreased significantly at α≤0.05 among basic and clinical stages of study with a negative correlation between EI and academic year (PCC= -0.086). This indicates that as the academic year increases, EI decreases (p=0.023). Moreover, EI is affected significantly at α≤0.05 in a positive manner by having a hobby or doing extracurricular activities. In addition, students who indicate they always regret studying medicine tend to relate to lower EI, this may reflect the lack of interest to study this field. Conclusion: Medical students, both male and female, have a relatively high level of emotional intelligence in the universities that were studied. Students in the clinical stage have lower EI than basic sciences medical students, which indicates that students have a conflict between objectivity and humanity while training clinically. Therefore, emotional support during clinical years would serve in improving EI. Moreover, EI is affected by having a hobby or extracurricular activities, indicating that EI can be modulated through the encouragement of such activities.
- ItemDepression Among Medical Students When Compared to Other Students at West Bank Universities(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Edkaidek, Mayar; Mereb, Beesan; Al-Sharif, Niveen; Rishiq, Aseel; Al-Hleqawi, Alaa’; Idkiedek, Sarah; Khalil, Mohammad Omran; Hamad, Lana Barakat; Hallak, HusseinBackground: Depression has been an inconspicuous yet crucial concern in our society, particularly among medical students, who are the future health care providers. Therefore, our research investigated the following question: “What influence do socio-demographic and academic factors have on depression levels among medical students compared to other students, at West Bank Universities?” Objectives: This research aimed to assess the previous influence, identify and compare the prevalence of depression among medical and non-medical students. More importantly, to investigate whether medical students have the propensity for depression, or it is just a false perception of depression symptoms? Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 714 medical and non-medical students (comparative group), from Al-Quds and Al-Najah Universities. Data was collected using a questionnaire that includes: the investigation of research questions and related factors, and the computations of depression using Beck Depression Inventory. The data were analyzed using SPSS (VER:20). Results: About one-third of our sample’s medical students suffered from some form of depression; in particular, moderate depression appeared to be relatively high (18.7% and 25.5% in medical and control, respectively). At all depression levels, there appeared to be a significant difference, with a lower prevalence of depression in medical students compared to the control group, except that medical students suffered from a higher rate of mild mood disturbances (25.1%) than non-medical students (14.6%). Furthermore, there was a significant relationship (α ≤0.05) between higher prevalence of depression and female gender, lower GPA, low economic status, and lack of psychological support. Other variables, such as accommodation and year of study, showed insignificant relationships with depression. Conclusion: Based on these results, we conclude that the prevalence of depression appears to be high regardless of university or specialty, reflecting the high depression rates in Palestinian society. Higher prevalence of depression among non-medical students can be attributed to medical students’ adaptation to stress from high school, as both universities accept high scores. The researchers recommend medical students to practice their hobbies and participate in extracurricular activities as both factors showed a significant decrease in depression. Finally, the perception of higher depression among medical students seems to be false, according to our results.
- ItemEmotional Intelligence Among Medical Students in Palestine A Cross-Sectional Study(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Ewaiwi, Bashair Imad; Hijazi, Bassel Yaser; Attiyeh, Rania Khaleel; Niroukh, Effat Ayman; Adawi, Samer Osama; Al-Qaissi, Heba Saleem; Faris, Khaled Jamal; Darras, Osama Majed; Zuhour, Afnan Ibraheem; khalil, Nabil carlo nabil; Hammad, Shorouq Yosef; Al-Masri, Tabark Abd Al-Raheem; Hallak, HussienBackground: Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as a pro-social behavior that deals with recognizing, understanding, influencing and managing our own and other’s emotions. In medical education and clinical practice, EI has been related to improves the doctor-patient relationship. Objectives: Measure EI among Palestinian medical students in two stages of their studies, clinical and basic sciences, and assessing the factors that may affect it. Moreover, compare medical students of Al-Quds and Al-Najah Universities regarding EI score and detect possible differences. Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, questionnaire-based, online survey was conducted among 692 medical students in Al-Quds and Al-Najah universities in Palestine. Emotional intelligence was evaluated using a 33-item scale as an index introduced by Schutte et al. (1998). Data was analyzed in a quantitative manner using SPSS (VER.20). Results: 745 students filled the questionnaire with a response rate of 92.88%. A total of 692 were sampled which were representative of the student population. The mean score of EI is 3.83 PalStudent Journal Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed tothe mentioned authors at the mentioned institutes. Copyright © 2020 Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research. All rights reserved. E-mail: research@admin.alquds.edu Palestine, Abu Dis, Al-Quds University (SD=0.41) out of a maximum possible score of 5 with 69.1% of the sample having high EI. Statistics showed that EI decreased significantly at α≤0.05 among basic and clinical stages of study with a negative correlation between EI and academic year (PCC= -0.086). This indicates that as the academic year increases, EI decreases (p=0.023). Moreover, EI is affected significantly at α≤0.05 in a positive manner by having a hobby or doing extracurricular activities. In addition, students who indicate they always regret studying medicine tend to relate to lower EI, this may reflect the lack of interest to study this field. Conclusion: Medical students, both male and female, have a relatively high level of emotional intelligence in the universities that were studied. Students in the clinical stage have lower EI than basic sciences medical students, which indicates that students have a conflict between objectivity and humanity while training clinically. Therefore, emotional support during clinical years would serve in improving EI. Moreover, EI is affected by having a hobby or extracurricular activities, indicating that EI can be modulated through the encouragement of such activities.
- ItemObstructive Sleep Apnea in Bethlehem Diabetic Patients(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Hemeid, Eman; Bannoura, Natalie; Hallak, Husseinsleep specialists have dealt with this disease as a simple closure of the upper airway that was treated mainly by Tracheostomy surgery. After 1981, specialists wanted to introduce other effective, easier, and more compliant methods to treat this disease. The continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device fulfilled this intention by supplying a constant air pressure to prevent the airway from collapsing. This method became the gold standard for treating OSA. Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea is a sleep disorder that includes cessation in airflow in the presence of breathing effort, characterized by recurrent episodes of upper airway collapse leading to hypoxia during sleep, so the brain wakes the body to restart breathing. Apnea occurs 1-2 times per minute every night in patients with severe OSA. The estimated prevalence has been 4% for men and 2% for women. This disease is strongly related to serious co-morbidities including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and sleepiness-related accidents. Untreated OSA can lead to a 15-fold increase in traffic accidents so treating OSA can save lives. Objective: The Purpose of this study was to evaluate the awareness of obstructive sleep apnea in Palestinian Diabetes patients. Method: A cross-sectional study used convenience sampling to collect data from 80 diabetic patients in the Bethlehem area. The questionnaire consisted of two parts; the validated Berlin questionnaire for Sleep Apnea was part 1 and sociodemographic factors and disease status in part 2. Based on Berlin Questionnaire, DM patients were divided into high or low risk of having sleep apnea. The second part investigated these people’s knowledge/awareness about the disease and the Device used for treatment. Results: Our sample consists of 80 Palestinian diabetic patients in the Bethlehem district, it includes 39 men and 41 women; their age ranged from 35 to 95 years in which the major percentage was taken from 41 to 65 years. The data indicates that 52 of the patients (65%) have a high risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and the other 28 patients (35%) have a low risk of developing the disease. It appears that 2.5 % already suffers from OSA. The core of our study is to test awareness and knowledge in Bethlehem; results indicate that 70% of patients have no clue what OSA is, while only 30% of the sample heard about this disease. Conclusion: Our study confirmed our main concern; the level of awareness of the condition called obstructive sleep apnea was quite low even though 65% of the diabetic patients tested are at high risk. This may be attributed to a lack of sleep specialists nor centers in the West Bank to diagnose or treat these patients.
- ItemEvaluation of Infection Control Adherence Among Health Care Workers at Hemodialysis Units(2020-12-22) Elmanama, Abdelraouf A.; Abu Sedo, Nour Maher; Alshami, Salsabeel Ehab; Al-Reefi, MariamBackground: Patients with chronic renal insufficiency suffer from abnormalities of the immune system, making them more susceptible to infections. Renal disease patients and health care workers are at high risk for infection due to frequently repeated exposure to contaminants in dialysis units. The microbiological monitoring used for hemodialysis is extremely important, especially because of the debilitated immune system of patients suffering from chronic renal insufficiency. Objectives: The purpose of this study to investigate Infection Control Adherence among Health Care Workers at Hemodialysis Units. Methods and Materials: The study was performed from Jun 2019 to 2019. Environmental and air samples were collected. The media used were nutrient agar for the total bacterial count, MacConkey agar for Gram-negative count. Colonial morphology, Gram staining and biochemical test were used for the identification and characterization of the microorganisms. Demographic, environmental, behavioral and some risk factors associated with the patients (N=205) and the HCW (N=32) in haemodialysis units were recorded in a separate questionnaire. Results: The isolates were predominantly gram-negative bacteria, with Enterobacter being the most common followed by Staphylococcus spp. One isolate each of Klebsiella pneuminiae, Salmonella sp. and Citrobacter diversus was obtained. Only 80% of haemodialysis patients received hepatitis B vaccine. Adherence to infection control measures among health care workers was low in 31.2%, moderate in 34.4% and high in 34.4%. Conclusion: The study showed low adherence to infection control measures among patients receiving maintenance HD and HCW in Gaza Strip.
- Itemتأثير استخدام مستخلص نبات الميرمية ( Salvia officinalis ) على تثبيط نمو البكتيريا (Escherichia coli )(جامعة القدس، عمادة البحث العلمي, 2020-12-22) عايد سلامة, سارة; رشدي قنيبي, عبير; سمار, وسام; صغير, صبرييهدف البحث إلى دراسة تراكيز مختلفة من كل من المستخلص المائي الحار ومستخلص الزيوت الكحولي لنبات الميرمية على تثبيط نمو E.coli تحت الظروف المخبرية. أظهرت النتائج أنه تم تثبيط نمو E. coli عند استخدام المستخلص المائي (النقيع) ، ولا يوجد نمو للبكتيريا في التراكيز 0.1، و0.2 لزيت الميرمية، أما على التركيز العالي 0.3 لزيت الميرمية فقد ظهر نمو للبكتيريا (76 كولوني في الطبق) مقارنة مع الشاهد الملوث وبدون معاملات (127 مستعمرة في الطبق). ويوصي البحث بضرورة إجراء أبحاث أكثر لتحديد أقل تركيز فعال سواء للمستخلص المائي أو الزيت ضد بكتيريا E.coli ، وإجراء دراسات لإطالة فترة حفظ الالبان باستخدام مستخلص الميرمية.
- ItemThe Psychological Impact of the Covid-19 Lockdown on Dental Students: A Cross-sectional Study(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Abu Kwaik, Aya; Saleh, Raghad; Danadneh, Mayar; Kateeb, ElhamIntroduction: Dental students in their clinical training face a higher risk of contracting the disease, COVID-19, as well as experiencing adverse psychological outcomes. Therefore, this study was done to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown on the mental health of dental students during the current pandemic. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted among dental students during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic to assess levels of depression, anxiety, and stress using the standardized DASS-21 scale. In addition, demographic, socio-economic, academic performance, sources of information about COVID-19, and perception of on-line education difficulties were collected. Results: A total of 436 students completed the survey (55.18% response rate). In the current sample, 48% (n=209), 76% (n=33), 70% (n=305) showed different levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Dental students who stated that their family income was impacted by COVID-19 showed signs of depression, X2=7.3, p=.007, and anxiety, X2=6.1, p=.013. Dental students who faced difficulties in switching to e-learning reported different levels of depression, X2=14, p<.001; anxiety, X2=9, p=.003; and stress, X2=24, p<.001. Conclusions: In preparation for the next academic year, strategies to support the mental health of dental students in their clinical training and e-learning process should be in place.
- Itemاستخدام استراتيجية المعلم الصغير وملاحظة تأثيرها على تفاعل وتحصيل طلاب الصف التاسع(ب) في مادة العلوم في مدرسة ذكور ديراستيا الثانوية(جامعة القدس، عمادة البحث العلمي, 2020-12-22) جعفر أبو حجلة, محمد; عايد, سائد; طالب سلمان, مريميهدف البحث الحالي الى معرفة أثر استخدام استراتيجية المعلم الصغير على تفاعل وتحصيل طلاب الصف التاسع (ب) في مدرسة ذكور ديراستيا الثانوية في مادة العلوم. استخدم الباحثان المنهج الاجرائي التطبيقي باعتماد مجموعتين متكافئتين تجريبية وضابطة وعلى وفق هذا التصميم تم اختيار عينة البحث من مجتمع البحث الذي تمثل (مدرسة ذكور ديراستيا الثانوية في محافظة سلفيت)، تم تحديد المادة العلمية الخاصة بمبحث العلوم وهي الوحدة الثالثة من الفصل الأول التي تتحدث عن مصابيح السماء من كتاب الصف التاسع وفيما يتعلق بأداتي البحث: تمثلت إحداهما باختبار تحصيلي في مادة العلوم مكون من خمس فقرات لقياس مدى تحصيل الطلبة، أما الأداة الثانية فتمثلت في الملاحظة الصفية لقياس مدى تفاعل الطلاب نحو مادة العلوم. بعد تطبيق أداتي البحث وتحليل النتائج أظهرت النتائج زيادة تفاعل ومشاركة طلبة الصف التاسع ب ( مجموعة تجريبية) اللذين درسوا وفق استراتيجية المعلم الصغير على الصف التاسع أ ( مجموعة ضابطة)، إضافة إلى تفوق طلاب المجموعة التجريبية في الاختبار البعدي على المجموعة الضابطة.
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