بشرى اللبيب بذكرى الحبيب لابن سيد الناس اليعمري (671-734هـ) دراسة وتحقيق
محمد يوسف ابراهيم بنات
Mohammad Yousef Ibrahim Banat
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
The seventh Hijri century is considered the age when the art of prophetic eulogy
reached its zenith. This subject matter was addressed at varying degrees by most poets in
the Mameluk era. Several of them dedicated special poetic divans (collection of poems) to
this topic.
As for the subject matter of my research , it focused on one anonymous poet lived at the
Mamleuk age called Fatih Addin Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Said An Nas al Ya’mari
(died in 734 A.H.). This poet had a unique character; he excelled in several different arts
like composition of poetry; he was also well versed in the knowledge of the Science of
tradition, Jurisprudence, Interpretation, Biographies, Lineage and History. He also
established a deeply rooted school of writing to the extent that his name was mentioned
with his predecessor writers like Abu Fadil Al Mikiyali, Abu Fatih Al Busti, Ibn Al Amid,
As Sahib Ibn Abbad and Abu Bakr Al Khawarizmi.
The research focused on an investigation and a study of one of his works; the research title
is , “Bushara Al Labib Bi Thikra al Habib libn Said an Nas al Ya’mari 761-734 A.H.:
Dirasa wa Tahqiq” (Good Tidings in Memory of the Prophet (PBUH) by Ibn Said An Nas
al Ya’mari761-734A.H.: A study and Investigation)
Following a lengthy search about copies of the manuscript and according to my available
means, I was able to collect five copies of the book manuscripts.
As for the approached followed in this study, it was an integrated approach since I
followed the historical approach in the study of Ibn Said An Nas biography; the descriptive
and analytical approach in the study of his poems and the holistic artistic approach in the
study of his poems along with the statistical approach in the study of poetic verses (buhur).
The research reached several outcomes most important of which are:
Ibn Said An Nas was one of the many poets of the prophet’s eulogy. They had composed
special poetic divans for this poetic purpose. In this book, he composed twenty nine odes
arranged alphabetically.
Ibn Said An Nas followed the traditional method in his prophet’s eulogy. He was keen on
showing his well versed knowledge of ancient Arab poetry, secrets of the Arabic language.
Our poet was distinguished for his poetic steadfastness; he supplied a lot of metaphors and
similes in his poems; he was also fond of quotation from the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s
What makes this book more valuable is the huge volume of foreign vocabulary mentioned
in his poetry; then he would take the time to explain, interpret and exemplify; this indicates
that he is well versed in language; he was also keen on adorning his book with these
linguistic additions and details that added more value to the book.
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature
بنات، محمد يوسف. (2010). بشرى اللبيب بذكرى الحبيب لابن سيد الناس اليعمري (671-734هـ) دراسة
وتحقيق [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-