المجال الحيوي للأمن القومي الإسرائيلي في الدول العربية المجاورة
امنة حسين محمد سرحان
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
Study interested in the lebensraum of Israeli national security in the neighboring Arab
countries, where the expansion in the Arabs lebensrom meant the national security for
"State of Israel" according to the Zionism's belief, this belief congeal what the Zionist
leadership believes in , that security is start from the land, and so more land means more
The significance of the study comes from its dealt with the new old subject, this subject
has importance in the local regional and international levels so it cause an antithesis of
attitudes opinions and viewpoints, and duplicate in it the international standards.
The researcher used the analytical ,and descriptive research methodologies to make sure of
the relation ship between the Israeli expansion in the Arab lebensrom and fulfill Israeli
national security, and shows the obstacles of this expansion, through reference to the
primary sources of information include: treaties and international conventions, policy
plans, speeches, press interviews, decisions of international forums, politicians analysis
and views, and secondary sources of books ,magazines ,newspapers and maps .
The limits of the study, temporal: start from 1897 until 2006, spatial: the study covers the
area of Arabic Israeli conflict, humanity: it was in the Israeli and Arabic societies.
The study results confirmed the hypothesis that the relationship between the Israeli
expansion in the neighboring Arab countries lebensrom and Israel's National Security is
negative relationship and also the Israeli geopolitics is in permanent mobility, as the search
results showed that the expansion and extension of Israel at the expense of neighboring
Arab countries in pursuit of security, its the stated goal of Israel, but the fact of the matter
is the greed of achievement the dream which they derive it from Al-Torah entitle "Your
Land, Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile" and to unloading Palestine from the original
inhabitants in order to bring what can be collected from the dispersed Jewish, and the
results confirmed that the United States of America direct and indirect support economic
politic and military contribute in Israeli expansion in the Arabs area and confiscated the
Arab rights, the results have shown the utter failure of Israel to fulfill the security of the
State of Israel, in the belief of the force policy based on military superiority and military
strategies based on deterrence, and the pre-emptive and preventive strikes, and forcing the
enemy to keep pace with the Israeli policy, through the expansion in the Arabs lebensrom
the settlement effect on the Israelis geopolitics' by withdrawal from some occupied areas
although it s still in the limits of "Promised Land" or " the Greatest Israel" as it claims.
In the light of the results the study has recommended to overstep the diametral problems
and reach to nationalism, by butting integrated Arab strategy to management of the conflict
based on the reform of the volition, and awakening against the Israeli schemes which go
after the reach of the neighboring Arab lebensrom, During peace operations, beside
awakening to prevent the implementation of the unilateral solutions that aimed to reach to
a regional trusteeship on the Palestinian people, and also the study recommended to
arrange studies and researches about the relation between Israeli withdrawal from some
occupied countries and the reality of its claim historical right of "great Israel "and
"promised land "
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies