Palestinian Socialization: Between Gender Inequality and Discriminatory Practices
Banat, Bassam Yousef Ibrahim
Dayyeh, Jawad
Entrena-Durán, Francisco
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The current study addressed the socialization process in the Palestinian
family which remains unclear. Family discriminatory practices as experienced by
sons and daughters was evaluated using an index of a 27-item scale, developed
by the researchers, and was administrated to three hundred eighty-four youth
in the West Bank, Palestine stratifiedly selected. Findings demonstrated that
Palestinian family imposes moderate discriminatory practices among their
sons and daughters during the socialization process; and females experienced
more gender discriminatory practices within their households than males in a
patriarchal society. Current statistics revealed that parents’ educational level,
number of household members, and poverty contributed to their discriminatory
practices among their sons and daughters.
Socialization , gender inequality , discriminatory practices , patriarchal society