تفسير الشيخ عبد القادر الجيلاني والشيخ أبي القاسم القشيري " دراسة مقارنة في منهج التّصوّف"
شعبان أحمد حسين حمّاد
Shaban Ahmad Husain Hammad
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Al-Quds University
تتضمّن هذه الدّراسة منهجيّ التّفسير والتّصوّف عند الشّيخين عبد القادر الجيلاني وعبد الكريم القشيري، بعنوان: تفسير الشّيخ عبد القادر الجيلاني والشّيخ أبي القاسم القشيري " دراسة مقارنة في منهج التّصوّف".
وتظهر أهمية هذه الدّراسة من خلال تعلّقها بتفسير القرآن الكريم؛ خير الكتب، وكون الشيخين: الجيلانيَّ والقشيريَّ مِنَ العلماء الْمُجْمَعِ عليهم عند علماء المسلمين على اختلاف المذاهبِ والمشاربِ. وأنّ في تفسيريِ الشيخين: الجيلانيِّ والقشيريِّ خلاصةَ علومِهِمَا الشّرعيّة على مرِّ سنيّ حياتهما. وأخيرًا: لما للتّفسير الإشاريّ من أثر طيب يتركه في نفوس قارئيه.
وتهدف هذه الدارسة إلى الإسهام في رفد الدّراسات القرآنية ذات العلاقة بالتفسير المقارن. والتعريف بالتفسيرِ الإشاريِّ عندَ الشيخِ عبدِ القادرِ الجيلانيَّ والشيخ عبد الكريم القشيريِّ. وإبراز التصوف الحقيقيِّ النقيِّ المُتَّبِعِ للكتاب والسنة. وشحذ الهمة للتعامل الأمثل مع نصوص القرآن الكريم في حياتنا اليومية. وتسليط الضوء على عَلمين جليلين من أعلام الأمة المحمدية.
وقد استخدم الباحث في هذه الدّراسة المنهج الاستقرائي من خلال تقصّي النّصوص من الكتاب والسّنّة والمصادر التي كتبت في التّفسير الإشاري ومناهج التّصوّف، والمنهج الوصفي وذلك من خلال دراسة تفسير الشّيخ الجيلاني وتفسير لطائف الإشارات للشّيخ القشيري، والمنهج الاستنباطي، في استخلاص النّتائج منهما والمقارنة بين كلا التّفسيرين في منهج التّصوّف.
ومن أبرز النتائج التي توصل إليها الباحث في هذه الدراسة أنّ لكلّ من الشّيخ الجيلاني والشّيخ القشيري منهجًا مميّزًا في التّفسير، وأنّ كلّا منهما أبدع في ميدان التّفسير الإشاري، واحتواء كل من تفسير الشيخ الجيلاني والشيخ القشيري على علوم لدنيّة رفيعة، حرص الشّيخان على بثّها على طول التّفسيرين.
ومن أبرز التوصيات التي يوصي بها الباحث أن تدرّس مادّة الأخلاق والتّزكية في منهج مستقلّ لجميع المراحل التّعليميّة بلا استثناء، وأن تُعنى وزارة التَّربية والتّعليم باختيار من يدرّس هذه المادّة، بأن يكون مؤهّلًا على يد شيخ عارف بالطّرق الصّوفيّة. وأن ينشط الباحثون والعلماء المسلمون في تنقية علم التّصوّف ممّا اعتراه من غلوّ وانحراف، وبثّه على طريقة الشّيخ الجيلاني والشّيخ القشيري، من خلال المحاضرات الأكاديميّة، والخطب المنبريّة، والمؤلّفات العلميّة. هذا والله وليّ التوفيق .
This study includes the methods of interpretation and Sufism according to Sheikhs Abdul Qadir al-Jilani and Abdul Karim al-Qushayri, entitled: Interpretation of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani and Sheikh Abi al-Qasim al-Qushayri, “A Comparative Study in the Methodology of Sufism.” The importance of this study appears through its attachment to the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. The best books, and the fact that the two sheikhs: Al-Jilani and Al-Qushayri are among the scholars unanimously agreed upon by Muslim scholars of different sects. The interpretations of the two sheikhs: Al-Jilani and Al-Qushayri contain the summary of their legal knowledge over the years of their lives. Finally: Because the indicative interpretation has a good effect on the souls of its readers This study aims to contribute to supplementing Qur’anic studies related to comparative interpretation. Introduction to the indicative interpretation according to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani and Sheikh Abdul Karim Al-Qushayri. And highlighting true, pure Sufism that follows the Qur’an and Sunnah. Increasing the energy to deal optimally with the texts of the Holy Qur’an in our daily lives. And highlighting two venerable figures of the Muhammadan nation. In this study, the researcher used the inductive approach by investigating texts from the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and the sources that were written about indicative interpretation and the Sufism, and the descriptive approach, by studying the interpretation of Sheikh Al-Jilani and the interpretation of Lataif Al-Isharat by Sheikh Al-Qushayri, and the deductive approach, in drawing conclusions from them and comparing both interpretations. In Sufism approach One of the most prominent findings reached by the researcher in this study is that both Sheikh Al-Jilani and Sheikh Al-Qushayri have a distinct method to interpretation, and that each of them excelled in the field of indicative interpretation, and that both the interpretations of Sheikh Al-Jilani and Sheikh Al-Qushayri contain high worldly sciences, which the two sheikhs were keen to disseminate throughout. The two interpretations. Among the most prominent recommendations made by the researcher is that the subject of ethics and purification be taught in an independent curriculum for all educational levels without exception, and that the Ministry of Education be concerned with selecting someone to teach this subject, who must be qualified by a sheikh who is familiar with Sufi orders. And that Muslim researchers and scholars be active in purifying the science of Sufism from the exaggeration and deviation it has afflicted, and disseminating it in the manner of Sheikh Al-Jilani and Sheikh Al-Qushayri, through academic lectures, pulpit sermons, and scientific works.
This study includes the methods of interpretation and Sufism according to Sheikhs Abdul Qadir al-Jilani and Abdul Karim al-Qushayri, entitled: Interpretation of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani and Sheikh Abi al-Qasim al-Qushayri, “A Comparative Study in the Methodology of Sufism.” The importance of this study appears through its attachment to the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. The best books, and the fact that the two sheikhs: Al-Jilani and Al-Qushayri are among the scholars unanimously agreed upon by Muslim scholars of different sects. The interpretations of the two sheikhs: Al-Jilani and Al-Qushayri contain the summary of their legal knowledge over the years of their lives. Finally: Because the indicative interpretation has a good effect on the souls of its readers This study aims to contribute to supplementing Qur’anic studies related to comparative interpretation. Introduction to the indicative interpretation according to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani and Sheikh Abdul Karim Al-Qushayri. And highlighting true, pure Sufism that follows the Qur’an and Sunnah. Increasing the energy to deal optimally with the texts of the Holy Qur’an in our daily lives. And highlighting two venerable figures of the Muhammadan nation. In this study, the researcher used the inductive approach by investigating texts from the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and the sources that were written about indicative interpretation and the Sufism, and the descriptive approach, by studying the interpretation of Sheikh Al-Jilani and the interpretation of Lataif Al-Isharat by Sheikh Al-Qushayri, and the deductive approach, in drawing conclusions from them and comparing both interpretations. In Sufism approach One of the most prominent findings reached by the researcher in this study is that both Sheikh Al-Jilani and Sheikh Al-Qushayri have a distinct method to interpretation, and that each of them excelled in the field of indicative interpretation, and that both the interpretations of Sheikh Al-Jilani and Sheikh Al-Qushayri contain high worldly sciences, which the two sheikhs were keen to disseminate throughout. The two interpretations. Among the most prominent recommendations made by the researcher is that the subject of ethics and purification be taught in an independent curriculum for all educational levels without exception, and that the Ministry of Education be concerned with selecting someone to teach this subject, who must be qualified by a sheikh who is familiar with Sufi orders. And that Muslim researchers and scholars be active in purifying the science of Sufism from the exaggeration and deviation it has afflicted, and disseminating it in the manner of Sheikh Al-Jilani and Sheikh Al-Qushayri, through academic lectures, pulpit sermons, and scientific works.
حمّاد، شعبان أحمد. (2024). تفسير الشيخ عبد القادر الجيلاني والشيخ أبي القاسم القشيري " دراسة مقارنة في منهج التّصوّف" [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.