الدكتور محمد عبد القادر أبو فارس فقيهاً
إناس عبد حمد عبد القادر
Inas Adeb Hamad Abdelqader
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Al-Quds University
رسالتي بعنوان الدكتور محمد عبد القادر أبو فارس فقيهاً، وهي دراسة فقهية، تحدثت فيها عن بعض من مؤلفاته الفقهية؛ شاملة الجوانب السياسية والاجتماعية والأحوال الشخصية وأصول الفقه، وقد قمت بالتعريف عن العصر الذي عاش فيه الدكتور متضمناً جوانب حياته المتعددة؛ شخصية وعلمية وسياسية واجتماعية، والصعوبات التي تعرض لها، وعرفت بمولده ونشأته وصفاته وأخلاقه وبعض شيوخه وتلاميذه ومكانته عند العلماء.
وقد تناولت بعضاً من مؤلفات الدكتور الفقهية التي تخدم موضوع رسالتي، منها النظام السياسي في الإسلام، والذي أخذت منه مسألة الشورى والنسب القرشي ووجوب توفر شرط سلامة الحواس والأعضاء في رئيس الدولة الإسلامية، ورسالته الدكتوراه " القاضي أبو يعلى الفراء وكتابه الأحكام السلطانية"، التي تضمنت حكم تولي الذمي وزارة التنفيذ وحكم التسعير، وكتاب تحديد النسل والإجهاض كجانب طبي، كما أخذت من الجانب الاجتماعي كتاب أحكام الذبائح في الاسلام (التذكية والذبح والصيد والاضحية والعقيقة)، وبما يتعلق بالأحوال الشخصية من (أهلية وولاية ووصية ووصاية وميراث)، وبيّنت موضوعي الاستحسان ودلالة الألفاظ من كتابه أصول الفقه بجزأيه الأول والثاني، وقد عرضت رأي الدكتور في المسائل التي رجحها، فقد اكتفيت بذكر المسألة كما عرضها في كتبه في المسائل التي لم يرجحها. وقد توصلت من خلال دراستي الى بعض النتائج والتوصيات ، من أهمها: النتائج
توصلت من خلال رسالتي إلى :
1- عاش الدكتور في ظروف سياسة صعبة جعلته سياسيا مخضرماً، حيث هجر من قريته الفالوجة إلى مدينة الخليل، وقد كان والده أمياً لكنه متديناً، وقد عاش في كنف عمه أبي فارس بعد فقد والده بعمر التسع سنوات الذي رعاه ورباه أحسن تربية، وغرس فيه حب العلم والاعتماد على النفس ما جعله عالماً جليلاً.
2-كان الدكتور يدرس المسائل الفقهية ويرجح ما يراه مناسباً معتمداً على الأدلة.
3-اتسمت مؤلفات الدكتور بشموليتها لكل جوانب الحياة، فكتب في السياسة والأحوال الشخصية والأصولية، وتناول عدة موضوعات اجتماعية وحياتية، كما كان أسلوب الدكتور سهلاً ويسيراً يمكن لطلاب العلم البحث فيها والأخذ منها.
4-تميزت مؤلفات الدكتور بتنوع المنهج الذي اتبعه في الكتابة، فقد رجح بعض المسائل ولم يرجح في أخرى، وقد ذكر صورة المسألة أحياناً وأحيانا أخرى لم يذكرها، كما تناول سبب الاختلاف في بعض المسائل دوناً عن أخرى وهكذا.
1-تناولت في دراستي الدكتور أبي فارس فقيها، أوصي طلاب العلم بتناول جوانب حياة الدكتور محمد عبد القادر أبو فارس الأخرى.
2-أوصي طلبة العلم الشرعي بأخذ مؤلفات الدكتور محمد عبد القادر أبو فارس بعين الاهتمام والأخذ بها؛ لما تتميز به من سهولة التعامل معها.
3-أوصي طلبة الثانوية باختيار تخصصات الفقه الشرعي و الاستفادة منها لإحياء الكتب الفقهية .
4- عقد ندوات ومؤتمرات ومحاضرات تتحدث عن حياة الدكتور محمد عبد القادر أبو فارس وعلمه.
My thesis entitled Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Abu Faris as a Jurist, which is a jurisprudential study, in which I talked about some of his jurisprudential works; Including the political and social aspects, personal status, and principles of jurisprudence. I have introduced the era in which the doctor lived, including the many aspects of his life. Personal, scientific, political and social, and the difficulties he was exposed to, and his birth, upbringing, qualities, morals, some of his sheikhs and students, and his status among scholars were known. I have discussed some of the doctor’s works on jurisprudence that serve the subject of my thesis, including the political system in Islam, from which I took the issue of Shura, the Qurashi lineage, and the necessity of fulfilling the condition of the safety of the senses and organs in the head of the Islamic state, and his doctoral thesis, “Judge Abu Ya’la al-Farra’ and his book, The Sultanic Rules,” which included The ruling on a dhimmi assuming the Ministry of Execution, the ruling on pricing, and the book on birth control and abortion as a medical aspect. I also took from the social aspect the book on the rulings on sacrifices in Islam (slaughter, slaughter, hunting, sacrifice, and the aqeeqah), and what relates to personal status (liability, guardianship, will, custodianship, and inheritance), and I explained the topics of approval and its significance. The words from his book, Fundamentals of Jurisprudence, in its first and second parts, and I presented the doctor’s opinion on the issues that he favored. I contented myself with mentioning the issue as he presented it in his books on the issues that he did not favor. Through my study, I reached some results and recommendations, the most important of which are: Results Through my message, I reached: 1- The doctor lived in difficult political circumstances that made him a veteran politician, as he migrated from his village of Fallujah to the city of Hebron. His father was illiterate but religious. He lived under the care of his uncle Abu Fares after losing his father at the age of nine years, who took care of him and raised him in the best way, and instilled in him a love for Knowledge and self-reliance are what made him a great scholar. 2-The doctor would study jurisprudential issues and give weight to what he saw fit, based on the evidence. 3- The doctor’s writings were characterized by their comprehensiveness to all aspects of life. He wrote about politics, personal status, and fundamentalism, and dealt with several social and life topics. The doctor’s style was also easy and easy for students of science to research and learn from. 4- The doctor’s writings were distinguished by the diversity of the approach he followed in writing. He gave preference to some issues and not others. He sometimes mentioned the form of the issue and at other times he did not mention it. He also addressed the reason for the difference in some issues and not others, and so on. Recommendations: 1- In my study, I dealt with Dr. Abu Fares, a jurist. I recommend that students of science study other aspects of the life of Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Abu Faris. 2- I recommend that students of Sharia science take the writings of Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Abu Faris seriously and take them seriously. Because of its ease of handling. 3- I recommend that high school students choose the specializations of Sharia jurisprudence and benefit from them to revive jurisprudential books. 4- Holding seminars, conferences and lectures that talk about the life and knowledge of Dr. Muhammad Abdel Qader Abu Fares.
My thesis entitled Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Abu Faris as a Jurist, which is a jurisprudential study, in which I talked about some of his jurisprudential works; Including the political and social aspects, personal status, and principles of jurisprudence. I have introduced the era in which the doctor lived, including the many aspects of his life. Personal, scientific, political and social, and the difficulties he was exposed to, and his birth, upbringing, qualities, morals, some of his sheikhs and students, and his status among scholars were known. I have discussed some of the doctor’s works on jurisprudence that serve the subject of my thesis, including the political system in Islam, from which I took the issue of Shura, the Qurashi lineage, and the necessity of fulfilling the condition of the safety of the senses and organs in the head of the Islamic state, and his doctoral thesis, “Judge Abu Ya’la al-Farra’ and his book, The Sultanic Rules,” which included The ruling on a dhimmi assuming the Ministry of Execution, the ruling on pricing, and the book on birth control and abortion as a medical aspect. I also took from the social aspect the book on the rulings on sacrifices in Islam (slaughter, slaughter, hunting, sacrifice, and the aqeeqah), and what relates to personal status (liability, guardianship, will, custodianship, and inheritance), and I explained the topics of approval and its significance. The words from his book, Fundamentals of Jurisprudence, in its first and second parts, and I presented the doctor’s opinion on the issues that he favored. I contented myself with mentioning the issue as he presented it in his books on the issues that he did not favor. Through my study, I reached some results and recommendations, the most important of which are: Results Through my message, I reached: 1- The doctor lived in difficult political circumstances that made him a veteran politician, as he migrated from his village of Fallujah to the city of Hebron. His father was illiterate but religious. He lived under the care of his uncle Abu Fares after losing his father at the age of nine years, who took care of him and raised him in the best way, and instilled in him a love for Knowledge and self-reliance are what made him a great scholar. 2-The doctor would study jurisprudential issues and give weight to what he saw fit, based on the evidence. 3- The doctor’s writings were characterized by their comprehensiveness to all aspects of life. He wrote about politics, personal status, and fundamentalism, and dealt with several social and life topics. The doctor’s style was also easy and easy for students of science to research and learn from. 4- The doctor’s writings were distinguished by the diversity of the approach he followed in writing. He gave preference to some issues and not others. He sometimes mentioned the form of the issue and at other times he did not mention it. He also addressed the reason for the difference in some issues and not others, and so on. Recommendations: 1- In my study, I dealt with Dr. Abu Fares, a jurist. I recommend that students of science study other aspects of the life of Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Abu Faris. 2- I recommend that students of Sharia science take the writings of Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Abu Faris seriously and take them seriously. Because of its ease of handling. 3- I recommend that high school students choose the specializations of Sharia jurisprudence and benefit from them to revive jurisprudential books. 4- Holding seminars, conferences and lectures that talk about the life and knowledge of Dr. Muhammad Abdel Qader Abu Fares.
عبد القادر، إناس عبد. (2023). الدكتور محمد عبد القادر أبو فارس فقيهاً [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة
القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/8add1a