العنف الأسري وعلاقته بالصحة النفسية لدى الأبناء في محافظة غزة

ختام خليل محمد قطامش
khtam Khalil Muhammad Qatamish
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Al-Quds University
Domestic Violence and Its Relationship with Mental Health among Children in The Gaza Governorate The study aims to identify the relation between domestic violence and mental health among children in Gaza governorate, and to identify wither there are differences in domestic violence among children due to some demographic variables ie. (sex, grade, family size, rank of birth, profession of education of parents, monthly income). The study is applied to a random sample of (225) male and (261) female from UNRWA preparatory schools, year 2010/ 2011. The analytical descriptive method is used in this study . The average age of the sample is 13.7 years and the standard deviation is 1.08 years. A list of demographic variable , a domes tic violence scale and mental health scale are prepared and used by the researcher . The study outcome reveals that there are significant statistic differences between mate and female in level of domestic violence in favor of male . . There are significant statistic differences in the level of violence due to the family size , family with (6-8 members), suffers less domestic violence than a family with (9 or more members). There are significant statistic differences in the physical violence due to the level of education and employment in favor of parents with low level of education and unemployed father, also there are differences due to the family monthly income in favor of low monthly income. The study recommends that there should by psycho-social support programs that eliminate the aggressive behaviors, participate in solving the psychological problems , improve the siblings mental health and guide the parents to the effective way of upbringing their children , and how to enhance their mental health .
قطامش، ختام خليل. (2012). العنف الأسري وعلاقته بالصحة النفسية لدى الأبناء في محافظة غزة [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab- scholars.com/a49992