Indirect Impact of Segregation Wall on the Investment in Renewable Energy in Palestine
Alsamamra, Husain
Shoqeir, Jawad
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Published by ECSDEV, Via dei Fiori, 34, 00172, Rome, Italy
Segregation wall played a pivotal role in making the renewable energy sector in Palestine insecure. This
study assesses the direct and indirect effects of the Segregation Wall on investment in renewable energy
in Palestine. Elucidate the possibility of confronting the policy of imposing unilateral sovereignty and
clarifying the depth of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict over energy sector and renewable energy sector
by separating residential complexes, which exacerbated the economic problems in various
governorates. The study also showed that the Palestinians are highly dependent on the Israeli
occupation in the energy sector, which makes the idea of dependence of the Israeli occupation
economy. The historical approach has been used to follow up the Israeli occupation policy in the
energy sector, in addition to using the descriptive approach and analyzing the investment policy in
renewable energy sector. The construction of 771km wall forced more than 41% of the Palestinians
to abandon the lands that were confiscated from the lands close to the segregation wall, the wall
confiscated many mountainous areas in West Bank that could be used to operate wind turbines. In
addition to that 47.6% of Palestinian families lost their local source of income due to the construction
of the segregation Wall, and the occupation authorities have demolished and closed many economic
establishments near the segregation wall. The study recommended the importance of developing
strategic plans by governmental and non-governmental agencies to promote investment in renewable
energy, as the wall caused the demolition and closure of many economic institutions, which
contributed to an increase in the poverty rate, which made it difficult to invest in renewable energy.
Segregation Wall , Renewable Energy , Palestine , Investment