شعر الطبيعة عند شعراء سيف الدولة: دراسة موضوعية وفنية

خميس احمد محمد عبدالرحمن
Khamis Ahmad Mohammad Abd-Rahman
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
This study is called :the poetry of nature at the poets of Saif Adawlleh: objective and artistic study to study the poetry of nature under the protection of Saif Adawlleh in which his poets were creative at the poetry of nature, to an extend their poetry was called the renaissance in the poetry of nature. This purpose formed a necessary one of the poets purposes in that period. There are reasons which motivated me to study this subject. For one thing, I didn’t find a complete, independent study, which reveals the objective, artistic characteristics of the poetry of nature for the poets of Saif Adawlleh. For another, most researchers focused on a poet who was creative at this type, namely Asunubary, but they neglected the other poets who, without doubt, participated heavily in the poetry of nature. This study aims at studying the poetry of nature with an objective study that shows the components of nature which were described by the poets. Besides that, it aims at studying it with an artistic study, showing the artistic features that the poetry of nature was distinguished by during that period in comparison to the previous times. It also aims at filling the gap in the poetry of describing nature. In fact, it is considered a continuing issue for what the researchers studied, beginning with the pre-Islamic epoch and finishing with the second Al-Abassy age in which the first third of the fourth century was a part of it. This study has followed as it can be called the complementary methodology depending most heavily on the analytical, descriptive, historical and statistical ones. The fourth century of Hegira (in which Saif Adawlleh and his poets) formed a temporal frame for this study. On the other hand, Helab city and the areas which surround it ( north Asham and Iraq) formed the spacious frame. This study is divided into three chapters. The first one focuses on the historical study. The second one focuses on the objective study for the poetry of nature. The third one focuses on the artistic study for this poetry. The most important results which the research found are: the poetry of nature was an important subject for the poets of Saif Adawlleh concerning the meaning and form, These poets had a long experience at creating images and meanings. They were unique in terms of raising subjects such as ( Al-Fasliat and Athaljiat) which had not been raised before. They also had a major role in developing some subjects in the field of nature. Moreover, these poets had artistic features which distinguished the poetry of nature from other ages. They also made some of the nature’s components share their feelings. And they had a tendency towards independence in some of their poems. و The study recommends to raise up the roles of the poets of Saif Adawlleh in this fertile field independently in order to show everyone’s role in developing the poetry of nature in that period. It is possible to study the poets of nature under Saif Adawlleh with contemporary studies. This can be done through applying contemporary literary methods in their poetry such as stylistic and comparing them with the poets of Al-Andalus on the one hand and with modern romantic on the other hand and with sentimental Arab poets on the third hand
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature
عبدالرحمن، خميس احمد. (2006). شعر الطبيعة عند شعراء سيف الدولة: دراسة موضوعية وفنية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab- scholars.com/335b15