Analysis Study of Online Teaching in the Educational System in Palestine in the Absence of Vision and Consequent Policy in Light of COVID-19

Alzeer, Imad
Albadawi, Bushra
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The Palestinian formal and informal education circumstance changed on March 5, 2020, when the first reported case of Infectious diseases, COVID-19, was discovered. As a result, Palestine joined a list of 188 nations around the world that have put schooling on hold. This research assessed the numerous existing body of literature of networks and suggests those that have been used in different nations around the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as offers a suggestion for the transfer phase to online courses in the Palestinian school system during the COVID-19 eruption namely the web platform and television education and alternatives such as Zoom, Google Meet, the Edu website, which can be used for e-Learning and direct communication. The main objective of this study was to look at the different environments in which individuals continued their education at homes during the school closure caused by COVID-19, the benefits and drawbacks of virtual learning implementation, the difficulties faced by both teachers and students, and the contrast of e-learning frameworks in developed countries. The research is focused on the descriptive research process, which involves analyzing previous studies and conducting research on various scientific research platforms. When nations, states, and citizens are better equipped than they are currently, the experience gained from the COVID-19 pandemic can implement a range of rules, policies, forums, and new strategies in all areas and attitudes, particularly education.
COVID-19 pandemic , Online teaching , Palestine , Learning obstacles , distance learning