التنظيم القانوني للملكية الفكرية للصورة
جيهان نضال فضل شاهين
Jihan Nidal Fadel Shaheen
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Al-Quds University
يعتبر الحق في الصورة واحدة من أهم القضايا الرئيسية في مجتمعاتنا والتي تأخذ مسارين مختلفين الأول مرتبط بحقوق وحريات الانسان وخاصة بحقه بالحرية الشخصية وخصوصية حياته الخاصة والتي يعتبر التصوير لها دون الحصول على اذن من صاحبها تعدي على خصوصيته، اما المسار الثاني مرتبط بحق المؤلف بالصورة وضرورة عدم انتهاك هذا الحق من قبل المتطفلين ومنتهكي الحق بالملكية.
ويتطلب توفير الحماية للحق في الصورة شروط تتمثل في ظهور المصنف حيز الوجود، أن يكون دور ابتكاري للمؤلف، أن يكون هنالك نص قانوني يجرم في الحماية الجزائية وليس هنالك ان يكون نص في الحماية المدنية، وترد على الحماية استثناءات تتمثل في الاعلام، والتصوير للشخصيات العامة والمشهورة، كما يعتبر الرسوم الكاريكاتورية من ضمن الاستثناءات، وكذلك صور الاشخاص المتوفين، ويكون نطاق الحماية مرتبط بضوابط وحدود معينة ولا يمكن تجاوزها ، وتهدف الحماية الى منع وقوع أي انتهاك للحق في الصورة المكفولة في الاتفاقيات والمواثيق الدولية والتشريعات الوطنية، ومنع أي انتهاك لهذه الحقوق من خلال نشر صورة دون اذن صاحبها او استخدام صورة مبتكرة مملوكة لمصور فوتوغرافي امضى فترة زمنية طويلة في اخراج الصورة بالشكل المطلوب .
واهتمت الاتفاقيات والمواثيق الدولية وعلى راسها اتفاقية بيرن وتريبس بحقوق المؤلف وأكدت على منع اي جهة او شخص انتهاك الحق في الصورة، وضمنت التشريعات الوطنية تشريعاتها بنصوص تجرم التعدي على الحق بالصورة، من خلال فرض جزاء جنائي بإيقاع عقوبة الحبس وجزاء مدني والذي يشتمل على وقف الاعتداء، والتعويض العادل بعد الاطلاع من قبل القاضي على الأدلة المقدمة وتوافر اركان تحققها، دون أي تعسف من قبله خاصة ان القواعد العامة تؤكد على ان الأصل في الانسان البراءة والاستثناء هو الإدانة.
The study dealt with the issue of copyright in the image, by following the comparative descriptive analytical approach, in view of the Palestinian administrative legislation regulating this subject, in addition to the comparative legislation and jurisprudence in several countries, including the Jordanian and Egyptian legislation, This study aimed to clarify the conditions for the protection of the image as a copyright and the exceptions to the protection, and to clarify the protection procedures for the copyright in the image and the authority concerned with the protection, and to identify the penalty resulting from the violation of the copyright in the image. The Palestinian in the draft copyright law The general provisions regulating the copyright in the image in the legislation in force in the State of Palestine are sufficient to preserve copyright and not violate it? Where the study was divided into two chapters; The first chapter titled the objective framework of the right to the image, and was divided into two sections. In the first topic, the nature of the image right was addressed by addressing what is meant by the image right, its importance, the scope of protection for the image right, and the exceptions established for it. As for the second topic of the same chapter, it dealt with the issue of the conditions for realizing the legal protection of copyright in the image and included the legal basis for copyright protection in the image. In the second chapter, the researcher touched on a title related to the procedural framework for the legal protection of copyright in the image, and the first section of the same chapter dealt with the subject of legal protection procedures for the copyright in the image, while the second topic dealt with the penalty resulting from the violation of copyright in the image, the criminal penalty for violating Violation of the right to image and civil penalty for violation and violation of the right to image, At the end of this study, the researcher reached a set of results, the most prominent of which is that the Ministry of Culture is the competent authority to follow up the protection procedures for copyright in the image, in addition to that the law guarantees criminal and civil protection for the copyright in the image in the event of any violation of this right, as it imposes legislation related to copyright law and rights Neighboring is the penalty of deprivation of liberty and a fine against the violator, in addition to a civil penalty represented in stopping the infringement and compensation for the violator of copyright in the image. Some legislation related to the protection of copyright in the image stipulated that the existence of a deposit for the photograph as a mandatory condition for the protection to be achieved, while another part of the legislation went to not taking into account Photo filing system as a way to expand the protection system. The researcher also reached a set of recommendations represented in the necessity of approving a Palestinian law on copyright through the exceptional powers granted to the President of the State of Palestine for the purposes of protecting intellectual property. And its development, which facilitates the violation of the right to the image quickly. The researcher also recommends the Ministry of Culture to work on preparing a guide for procedures on how to achieve protection for copyright in the image and to follow up its procedures with the competent authorities through making memorandums of understanding that adopt the work mechanism, its details and the time period.
The study dealt with the issue of copyright in the image, by following the comparative descriptive analytical approach, in view of the Palestinian administrative legislation regulating this subject, in addition to the comparative legislation and jurisprudence in several countries, including the Jordanian and Egyptian legislation, This study aimed to clarify the conditions for the protection of the image as a copyright and the exceptions to the protection, and to clarify the protection procedures for the copyright in the image and the authority concerned with the protection, and to identify the penalty resulting from the violation of the copyright in the image. The Palestinian in the draft copyright law The general provisions regulating the copyright in the image in the legislation in force in the State of Palestine are sufficient to preserve copyright and not violate it? Where the study was divided into two chapters; The first chapter titled the objective framework of the right to the image, and was divided into two sections. In the first topic, the nature of the image right was addressed by addressing what is meant by the image right, its importance, the scope of protection for the image right, and the exceptions established for it. As for the second topic of the same chapter, it dealt with the issue of the conditions for realizing the legal protection of copyright in the image and included the legal basis for copyright protection in the image. In the second chapter, the researcher touched on a title related to the procedural framework for the legal protection of copyright in the image, and the first section of the same chapter dealt with the subject of legal protection procedures for the copyright in the image, while the second topic dealt with the penalty resulting from the violation of copyright in the image, the criminal penalty for violating Violation of the right to image and civil penalty for violation and violation of the right to image, At the end of this study, the researcher reached a set of results, the most prominent of which is that the Ministry of Culture is the competent authority to follow up the protection procedures for copyright in the image, in addition to that the law guarantees criminal and civil protection for the copyright in the image in the event of any violation of this right, as it imposes legislation related to copyright law and rights Neighboring is the penalty of deprivation of liberty and a fine against the violator, in addition to a civil penalty represented in stopping the infringement and compensation for the violator of copyright in the image. Some legislation related to the protection of copyright in the image stipulated that the existence of a deposit for the photograph as a mandatory condition for the protection to be achieved, while another part of the legislation went to not taking into account Photo filing system as a way to expand the protection system. The researcher also reached a set of recommendations represented in the necessity of approving a Palestinian law on copyright through the exceptional powers granted to the President of the State of Palestine for the purposes of protecting intellectual property. And its development, which facilitates the violation of the right to the image quickly. The researcher also recommends the Ministry of Culture to work on preparing a guide for procedures on how to achieve protection for copyright in the image and to follow up its procedures with the competent authorities through making memorandums of understanding that adopt the work mechanism, its details and the time period.