دور البطاقات التعليمية في تنمية المهارات الاجتماعية ومهارات التعبير لدى طلبة صعوبات التعلم من وجة نظر معلمي غرف المصادر ومعلماتها في فلسطين

creativework.keywordsالمصادر البطاقات التعليمية , المهارات الاجتماعية ,مهارات التعبير , صعوبات التعلم , غرف
dc.contributor.authorغادة إسحق محمد رجبي
dc.contributor.authorGhada Ishaq Mohammad Rajabi
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to know the role of flash cards in developing social and expressive skills among students with learning difficulties from the point of view of resource room teachers in Palestine. To collect the information, two tools were prepared: the first to measure social skills and the number of its skills (12), and the second to measure the expression skills and the number of its skills (27) skills distributed over two areas: oral expression and the number of its skills (14), and written expression and the number of its skills (13). Signs of validity and reliability, and the descriptive approach was used for its relevance to the nature of the study. The size of the study population was (66) male and female resource room teachers in Hebron governorate, while the size of the study sample was (49) female teachers, who were chosen intentionally. The results of the study showed that the total degree of the role of flash cards in developing social skills among students with learning difficulties from the point of view of resource room teachers was medium, and the highest skill was (following the classroom rules of the resource room) with an arithmetic mean (4.08), and the lowest was (using “from” statements Please, please, thank you, sorry, I do not know), and there were no significant differences in the study variables (specialization, educational qualification, years of experience, type of school, and the year of foundation of the resource room in the school (age of the resource room)). As for the expressive skills scale, the results showed that the total score was medium, as well as in the areas of oral and written expression, and the highest skill in the expression scale (discrimination in writing between similar letters, such as: (j, h, k), (r, g), (D, Y)) with a mean of (3.71), and the lowest (determining sub-ideas) with a mean of (2.94), and it also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the study variables (specialization, academic qualification for the field of oral expression, years of experience, and type of school, And the year of foundation of the resource room in the school (age of the resource room). While it showed significant differences in the expression skills of the field of written expression due to the educational qualification variable in favor of (Bachelor). In light of these results, the researcher recommends holding courses on the role of flashcards in developing the expression skills of resource room teachers with academic qualifications (diploma and master's).
dc.identifier.citationرجبي، غادة إسحق. (2021). دور البطاقات التعليمية في تنمية المهارات الاجتماعية ومهارات التعبير لدى طلبة صعوبات التعلم من وجة نظر معلمي غرف المصادر ومعلماتها في فلسطين [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/e5b76far
dc.publisherAl-Quds University
dc.titleدور البطاقات التعليمية في تنمية المهارات الاجتماعية ومهارات التعبير لدى طلبة صعوبات التعلم من وجة نظر معلمي غرف المصادر ومعلماتها في فلسطين
dc.title.alternativethe role of flashcards is developing social skills and expression skills among students with learning dificulties from the point of view of resiuce rooms and their teachers in Palestine
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