المُساندة الاجتماعيّة وعلاقتها بقلق الموت لدى المُسنين المُسجلين في وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعيّة الفلسطينيّة في محافظة القدس
سوزان محمد عبدالله أبوهلال
Suzan Mohammad Abu Hilal
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Al-Quds University
The study aims to identify with the social support and its relation with death anxiety for
olds who are listed at the Palestinian ministry of social affairs in the Jerusalem
governorate, in the light of the variables of sex, age, social status, number of children, and
the diseases they have. For the purpose of the study, the researcher uses the descriptive
The data were statistically processed using the SPSS program, and concludes with a
number of results. The total level of responses of olds who are listed at the Palestinian
ministry of social affairs in the Jerusalem governorate, of all the articles related to social
support section is intermediate with an arithmetical average (3.528) and a normative
deviation (0.869), while the total level of articles regarding death anxiety section of olds
responses is intermediate with arithmetical average (3.164) and a normative deviation
(0.946), the results also show no statistical differences in the level of social support for
olds who are listed at the Palestinian ministry of social affairs according to the variables of
sex and age. Whereas there are statistical differences in the level of social support for those
olds according to the variable of social status of couples and the variable of the number of
children for those who have more than seven children, in addition to the variable of
diseases they have comparing with those who do not suffer from any disease. In addition,
the data does not show statistical differences of death anxiety amongst the olds according
to the variables of sex and the number of children. Nevertheless, these differences present
in the death anxiety level according to the variable of age for those who are up to eighty
years, the variable of social status for single ones and the variable of diseases for those
who have chronic diseases, the data also shows that there is a relation between the death
anxiety and the social support for those olds that is when the social support becomes less,
the death anxiety increases for them.
According to the concluded results mentioned above, the researcher recommends for
further research and studies about the subject of social support and its relation to death
anxiety, and other psychological variables. She also recommends of paying more attention
to senility issue for its importance, also recommends increasing the mass awareness about
the way of dealing with the needs of olds, and the changes they pass through in order to
achieve the best of social interaction and the emotional balance for those olds by utilizing
the visual, audible and legible media for them.
أبوهلال، سوزان محمد. (2013). المُساندة الاجتماعيّة وعلاقتها بقلق الموت لدى المُسنين المُسجلين في وزارة
الشؤون الاجتماعيّة الفلسطينيّة في محافظة القدس [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع
الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/b736e1