Does Endovascular Duration Impact Clinical Outcomes in Aortic Arch Repair? The RELAYTM Branched International Stance
Abedalaziz Omar Surkhi
Sven Z. C. P. Tan
Matti Jubouri
Damian M. Bailey
Ian M. Williams
Mohamad Bashir
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Al-Quds University - Deanship of Scientific Research
Background: The high mortality and morbidity rates in surgical aortic arch repair are a barrier to therapy for a considerable proportion of patients with aortic arch aneurysm or dissection. There is hence a demand for the development and adoption of a minimally invasive alternative to aortic arch repair, such as thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Procedural duration is a key factor in the pathogenesis of complications in surgical aortic arch repair.