The Impact of the Apartheid Separation Wall on Resiedancy Rights of Palestinian women: A Case Study on Jerusalemite Married Women and their Spouses Holding a Different Identity Card
Allabadi, Fadwa
Hardan, Tareq
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American Research Institute for Policy Development
This research aims to examine the impact of the Apartheid separation Wall (ASW) on the residency rights of
Palestinian couples that reside on both sides of the ASW border zone and in which the women hold a
Jerusalem identification card (ID) and are married to spouses whom hold a different ID. The ASW border
zone includes the J1 area, which was annexed to the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem after the six-day-war of
1967 and the J2 area, which is excluded from the Israeli Municipality of Jerusalem. The Jerusalemite women
who are married to spouses and hold different ID’s have been facing a complex dilemma and many
hardships of displacement and statelessness. These women and their families have been threatened of losing
their residency right in Jerusalem as they are not considered Israeli citizens. The Palestinian Jerusalemites’
fundamental rights to adequate housing and freedom of movement and their rights to health, work,
education, and family life are thus routinely violated as a result of Israeli policies. These policies include the
plethora of [Israeli colonialist] legislative measures aimed at reducing the number of Palestinians resident
within Jerusalem municipality boundaries.
Jerusalemite women , colonialism , apartheid separation wall , border zone , residency rights , citizenship , statelessness , family unification