التفاعل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالتواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي لدى الأطفال ذوي اضطراب التوحد من وجهة نظر الوالدين
هدى محمد حسن كرشان
Huda Mohammad Hasan Karshan
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Al-Quds University
هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على التفاعل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالتواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي لدى أطفال ذوي اضطراب التوحد من وجهة نظر الوالدين، وإلى تحديد أثر متغيرات (جنس الوالدين، والمستوى التعليمي، وعمر الوالدين، والمهنة، وجنس الطفل، وعمر الطفل، ودرجة التوحد). ولتحقيق هدفي الدراسة اتبع المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي، ولجمع البيانات صممت ثلاث أدوات؛ الأولى لقياس التفاعل الاجتماعي مكونة من (19) فقرة، والثانية لقياس التواصل اللفظي مكونة من(20) فقرة، والثالثة لقياس التواصل غير اللفظي مكونة من (19) فقرة، أما مجتمع الدراسة فقد تكون من والدي أطفال اضطراب التوحد في محافظة بيت لحم البالغ عددهم(186) والدةً ووالداً، وأما العينة فقد تكونت من (70) والدة و(49) والداً.
تبين من نتائج الدراسة أن الدرجة الكلية للتفاعل الاجتماعي لدى أطفال ذوي اضطراب التوحد جاءت بدرجة متوسطة، بمتوسط حسابي مقداره (3.05) وانحراف معياري (0.613).
وتبين أيضاً عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً عند درجة الدلالة الإحصائية (0.05>α) في درجة التفاعل الاجتماعي لأطفال اضطراب التوحد تعزى لمتغير (جنس الوالدين، وعمر الوالدين، والمهنة، وعمر الطفل) في حين تبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير المستوى التعليمي وكانت الفروق بين (دبلوم) و(ثانوية عامة فأقل) لصالح (دبلوم)، وتبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير جنس الطفل وكانت الفروق لصالح الإناث، وتبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير درجة التوحد وكانت الفروق بين (بسيط) و(متوسط) لصالح (بسيط)، وبين (بسيط) و(شديد) لصالح (بسيط)، وبين (متوسط) و(شديد) لصالح (متوسط).
أما بالنسبة للتواصل اللفظي فتبين عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً عند درجة الدلالة الإحصائية (0.05>α) في درجة التواصل اللفظي لطلبة التوحد تعزى لمتغير (جنس الوالدين، وعمر الوالدين، والمهنة، وعمر الطفل) في حين تبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير المستوى التعليمي وكانت الفروق بين (دبلوم) و(ثانوية عامة فأقل) لصالح (دبلوم)، وبين (بكالوريوس فأعلى) و(ثانوية عامة فأقل) لصالح (بكالوريوس فأعلى)، وبين (دبلوم) و(بكالوريوس فأعلى) لصالح (دبلوم)، وتبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير جنس الطفل حيث كانت الفروق لصالح الإناث، وتبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير درجة التوحد وكانت الفروق بين (بسيط) و(متوسط) لصالح (بسيط)، وبين (بسيط) و(شديد) لصالح (بسيط).
وفيما يتعلق بدرجة التواصل غير اللفظي تبين عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً عند درجة الدلالة الإحصائية (0.05>α) تعزى لمتغير (جنس الوالدين، وعمر الوالدين، والمهنة، وجنس الطفل، وعمر الطفل) في حين تبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير المستوى التعليمي وكانت الفروق بين (دبلوم) و(ثانوية عامة فأقل) لصالح (دبلوم)، وتبين وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا تعزى لمتغير درجة التوحد وكانت الفروق بين (بسيط) و(متوسط) لصالح (بسيط)، وبين (بسيط) و(شديد) لصالح (بسيط).
وأخيرا أظهرت النتائج وجود علاقة إيجابية بين التفاعل الاجتماعي والتواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي حيث بلغت قيمة معامل بيرسون (0.719)، ودرجة الدلالة(0.000)، أي أنها دالة إحصائياً، وأنه كلما زادت درجة التفاعل الاجتماعي زاد ذلك من درجة التواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي لدىاطفال اضطراب التوحد من وجهة نظر الوالدين، والعكس صحيح.
وبناء على نتائج الدراسة يوصى بضرورة تعزيز التفاعل الاجتماعي لدى أطفال اضطراب التوحد من خلال مشاركتهم مع الأطفال من غير ذوي اضطراب التوحد والاندماج معهم، وضرورة تعزيز التواصل اللفظي لدى أطفال اضطراب التوحد من خلال مراعاة الفروق الفردية في البرامج المقدمة لأطفال اضطراب التوحد من حيث تخطيطها، وتنفيذها لتحقيق الرعاية اللازمة لكل طفل على حده، وضرورة تعزيز التواصل غير اللفظي لدى أطفال اضطراب التوحد كطريقة تساعدهم في تعويض النقص الحاصل لديهم.
The current study aims to investigate the correlation between social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication in autistic students from parents' perspectives. It is also geared toward pinpointing the effect of certain variables; such as parents' gender, age, and profession as well as student's gender, age, and the level of autism they have on social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication. The study employs the descriptive collective approach to address the aims of the study. Thus, methods are designed for data collection including the following; the first consists of (19) paragraphs and is designed for the measurement of social interaction. The second method, compromising (20) paragraphs, tackles the measurement of verbal interaction. The third method, which is made up of (19) paragraphs, addresses the measurement of nonverbal interaction. Whereas, the study population is composed of (186) autistic students' mothers and fathers in Bethlehem. The study sample comprised (70) mothers and (49) fathers. The study reveals that the total level of social interaction comes in medium degree with an arithmetic average of (3.05) and a standard deviation of (0.613). It also argues that the highest arithmetic average of and standard deviation is found in the paragraph stipulating "He/ She waits for his/ her turn to play" with results of (3.63) and (1.007) respectively. Furthermore, the paragraph, entitled "He/She interacts with others' feelings", shows the lowest score of arithmetic average with an outcome of (2.35) and a standard deviation of (1.246). The study proves that the total level of verbal interaction is medium with an arithmetic average outcome of (2.91) and a standard deviation of (0.780). In the same vein the paragraph, stating "He/she addresses his / her parents using mum and dad", shows the highest arithmetic average with an outcome of (4.10) and a standard deviation of (1.145). On the contrary, the paragraph, entitled " He/ she converses with others about topics that he/ she prefers", indicates the lowest arithmetic average with an outcome of (2.33) and a standard deviation of (1.208). The study also shows that the total level of non-verbal interaction indicates an average level with an arithmetic average of (2.97) and a standard deviation of (2.68). The paragraph, which reads" He/ she looks at the person he/ she's talking to (showing interest)", gained the highest arithmetic average with an outcome of (3.25) and a standard deviation of (0.902). On the contrary, the paragraph, that indicates the lowest arithmetic average with an outcome of (2.67) and standard deviation of (1.143), reads "He/ She puts his/ her hands on his / her mouth with I ask him to stop making noises be it speech or sounds". The study proves that there is no statistical correlation in the statistical significance degree of (α≤0.05) concerning the degree of social interaction attributed to the variables of parents' gender, age and profession, and students' age. Meanwhile, the study shows that there is a statistical correlation attributed to the variable of the educational level of the parents. The discrepancy, which is made between two educational levels namely, diploma and high school or less, comes in favor of diploma. The study also demonstrates statistical correlation related to gender which comes in favor of females. In addition to noticing differences concerning the level of autism namely, mild moderate, and severe. The comparison is made between first, mild and moderate, second, mild and severe, and third moderate and severe. The outcome comes in favor of mild in the first and second discrepancy and moderate in the third. The verbal interaction shows no traces of statistical correlation at the statistical significance level of (α≤0.05) concerning the degree of the verbal interaction which can be attributed to parents' gender, age, and profession as well as students' age. Meanwhile, a statistical correlation, which can be attributed to the level of education, is found where the comparison is made between diploma and high school or less and it comes in favor of diploma. Another correlation is investigated between a diploma and a BA or higher education and it comes in favor of a diploma. The study contends the existence of differences in the statistical correlation attributed to gender variables and comes in favor of females. Other differences in the statistical correlation are found in the variable of the level of autism. The discrepancy that is made between mild and moderate comes in favor of mild and mild and severe comes in favor of mild. Finally, the study demonstrates a positive correlation between social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication with a Person value of (0.719) and a significance level of (0.000) which proves that it is a statistical significance. Further, the higher the level of social interaction occurs, the greater the degree of verbal and non-verbal communication the students show from the perspective of parents and the reverse is true. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends the necessity of fostering social interaction for autistic students by integrating them with non-autistic students. The researcher also urges stressing the importance of advancing autistic students' verbal interaction by taking into consideration personal differences during the planning stage and implementation to guarantee the attainment of care for each student individually. The researcher calls for the need for enhancement of non-verbal communication for it being a method that compensates for loss where it occurs.
The current study aims to investigate the correlation between social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication in autistic students from parents' perspectives. It is also geared toward pinpointing the effect of certain variables; such as parents' gender, age, and profession as well as student's gender, age, and the level of autism they have on social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication. The study employs the descriptive collective approach to address the aims of the study. Thus, methods are designed for data collection including the following; the first consists of (19) paragraphs and is designed for the measurement of social interaction. The second method, compromising (20) paragraphs, tackles the measurement of verbal interaction. The third method, which is made up of (19) paragraphs, addresses the measurement of nonverbal interaction. Whereas, the study population is composed of (186) autistic students' mothers and fathers in Bethlehem. The study sample comprised (70) mothers and (49) fathers. The study reveals that the total level of social interaction comes in medium degree with an arithmetic average of (3.05) and a standard deviation of (0.613). It also argues that the highest arithmetic average of and standard deviation is found in the paragraph stipulating "He/ She waits for his/ her turn to play" with results of (3.63) and (1.007) respectively. Furthermore, the paragraph, entitled "He/She interacts with others' feelings", shows the lowest score of arithmetic average with an outcome of (2.35) and a standard deviation of (1.246). The study proves that the total level of verbal interaction is medium with an arithmetic average outcome of (2.91) and a standard deviation of (0.780). In the same vein the paragraph, stating "He/she addresses his / her parents using mum and dad", shows the highest arithmetic average with an outcome of (4.10) and a standard deviation of (1.145). On the contrary, the paragraph, entitled " He/ she converses with others about topics that he/ she prefers", indicates the lowest arithmetic average with an outcome of (2.33) and a standard deviation of (1.208). The study also shows that the total level of non-verbal interaction indicates an average level with an arithmetic average of (2.97) and a standard deviation of (2.68). The paragraph, which reads" He/ she looks at the person he/ she's talking to (showing interest)", gained the highest arithmetic average with an outcome of (3.25) and a standard deviation of (0.902). On the contrary, the paragraph, that indicates the lowest arithmetic average with an outcome of (2.67) and standard deviation of (1.143), reads "He/ She puts his/ her hands on his / her mouth with I ask him to stop making noises be it speech or sounds". The study proves that there is no statistical correlation in the statistical significance degree of (α≤0.05) concerning the degree of social interaction attributed to the variables of parents' gender, age and profession, and students' age. Meanwhile, the study shows that there is a statistical correlation attributed to the variable of the educational level of the parents. The discrepancy, which is made between two educational levels namely, diploma and high school or less, comes in favor of diploma. The study also demonstrates statistical correlation related to gender which comes in favor of females. In addition to noticing differences concerning the level of autism namely, mild moderate, and severe. The comparison is made between first, mild and moderate, second, mild and severe, and third moderate and severe. The outcome comes in favor of mild in the first and second discrepancy and moderate in the third. The verbal interaction shows no traces of statistical correlation at the statistical significance level of (α≤0.05) concerning the degree of the verbal interaction which can be attributed to parents' gender, age, and profession as well as students' age. Meanwhile, a statistical correlation, which can be attributed to the level of education, is found where the comparison is made between diploma and high school or less and it comes in favor of diploma. Another correlation is investigated between a diploma and a BA or higher education and it comes in favor of a diploma. The study contends the existence of differences in the statistical correlation attributed to gender variables and comes in favor of females. Other differences in the statistical correlation are found in the variable of the level of autism. The discrepancy that is made between mild and moderate comes in favor of mild and mild and severe comes in favor of mild. Finally, the study demonstrates a positive correlation between social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication with a Person value of (0.719) and a significance level of (0.000) which proves that it is a statistical significance. Further, the higher the level of social interaction occurs, the greater the degree of verbal and non-verbal communication the students show from the perspective of parents and the reverse is true. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends the necessity of fostering social interaction for autistic students by integrating them with non-autistic students. The researcher also urges stressing the importance of advancing autistic students' verbal interaction by taking into consideration personal differences during the planning stage and implementation to guarantee the attainment of care for each student individually. The researcher calls for the need for enhancement of non-verbal communication for it being a method that compensates for loss where it occurs.
كرشان، هدى محمد. (2024). التفاعل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالتواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي لدى الأطفال ذوي
اضطراب التوحد من وجهة نظر الوالدين [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي
لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/0dac7f