دور التخطيط العمراني في تعزيز السياحة التراثية في فلسطين مدينة اريحا حالة دراسية

dc.contributor.advisorسامر رداد
dc.contributor.authorتمارا محمد عيسى عريقاتar
dc.contributor.authortamara mohammad issa arikaten
dc.contributor.examinerفايز فريجات
dc.contributor.examinerعلى عبد الحميد
dc.description.abstractTourism is considered one of the basic pillars in the global economy. Most of countries seek through developing their tourism sector as a main supporter to their national income. Tourism in Palestine varies in its forms and characteristics according to the religious and historical status which it occupies. In addition, Palestine has a huge variety in its natural characteristics. The archaeological sites in Palestine form the corner stone in the field of the archaeological tourism and in the economy of the Palestinian tourism. It should be emphasized that the Palestinian sector faces many obstacles and challenges represented in. the little concern which the government pays towards archaeological sector and the poor urban planning. This led to the negative effect on archaeological tourism in Palestine. The study aims at analyzing the urban planning in Palestine, the laws and regulations in regard of protecting the Palestinian archaeological sites. The relation between the urban planning and the archeological sites will be reviewed by studying the policies, the strategies and the local and national planning. In addition ، the views of the planners and the activists who in relation with the archaeological tourism will be analyzed added to analyzing the resent status for the borders of Jericho municipality. A new strategy will be suggested that could protect the archaeological sites and clarify its historical and economic importance. The archaeological tourism in Palestine has its own flavor and is distinguished from any other tourism in the world since it forms the identity of the Palestinian people.en
dc.publisherAL-Quds Universityen
dc.publisherجامعة القدسar
dc.subjectالدراسات الاقليميةar
dc.subjectRegional Studiesen
dc.subject.otherدراسات علياar
dc.subject.otherرسالة ماجستيرar
dc.subject.otherHigher Studiesen
dc.subject.otherMaster Thesisen
dc.titleدور التخطيط العمراني في تعزيز السياحة التراثية في فلسطين مدينة اريحا حالة دراسيةar
dc.titleThe Role of Planning in Enhancing Heritage Tourism in Palestine: Jericho City- Case Studyen
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