تحسين محطة معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي على نطاق واسع باستخدام تقنية إبوفاليزاشيون وفلتر الطين والميسيل
صابرين زيدان راسم دغرة
sabreen zidan raseem daghra
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
Many countries are moving towards building large-scale membrane based on
wastewater treatment plants to use treated wastewater for none restricted irrigation. The
effluent of secondary treatment process at Al-Quds University wastewater treatment
plant was treated using an Epuvalisation system and Micelle-clay complex column. The
Epuvalisation technique is a hydroponic treatment, technique that used for secondary
wastewater purification. The Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Geranium plants
(Pelargonium hortorum) were selected for Epuvalisation system. Both fresh water and
secondary treated wastewater were applied on the system in a greenhouse and in a
closed-loop for many days.
The results of water quality analysis of both TWW and FW using the Rosemary plants
showed a remarkable decrease of biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen
demand with a reduction of 24% and 13%, respectively for TWW; whereas the effluent
of FW showed 29%, and 16%, reduction for the same parameters. The results of water
quality analysis of both TWW and FW using Geranium plants showed a decrease in the
biological oxygen demand and the chemical oxygen demand with a reduction of 23%
and 41%, respectively for TWW; whereas the effluent of FW showed 23%, and 67%,
reduction for the same parameters. The removal percentage of electrical conductivity in
FW decreased to 48%, and 52% in TWW, almost the same in TDS 49% and 53%
respectively. The removal percentage in TWW of suspended solids was 95%, PO4
-3 was
89%, Cl- was 60%, TN was 98% and K+ was 59%.
Plant growth parameters (plant height, fresh and dry weight, number of branches and
flowers number) of Rosemary and Geranium showed no significant difference between
irrigation with both media. The results of plant analysis of roots, leaves, stems and
flowers showed that there is no effect for irrigation with the secondary wastewater in
plant tissues.
The results have shown that the Epuvalisation system is a promising technique for
wastewater treatment using the Rosemary and the Geranium plants.
Membrane Technology manufacturing and ensamling construction have been drastically
improved during the past few years. However, membrane fouling is still the main
disadvantage of this technology. In an earlier publication, polishing of secondary treated
wastewater by bench top filter filled with micelle-clay complex, demonstrated that the
water quality obtained from this filter is similar to that obtained from Ultra filtration
using spiral wound membranes with reduced cost. The micelle-clay complex is
composed of Octadecyltrimethyaammonuim bromide (ODTMA) and montmorillonite
clay. The aim of this work is to investigate the efficiency of micelle-clay complex filters
in polishing secondary treated wastewater by using small scale wastewater treatment
A column filled with a mixture of micelle-clay complex and sand was installed inside
small scale wastewater treatment plant at Al-Quds University. The sand was pre-washed
with fresh water and air dried. A mixture of sand and micelle-clay complex in ratio 3:1
(w/w) was prepared. The flow rate and operation time were adjusted to 200 liter per
hour and 4 hours per day. Samples from influents and effluents were taken continuously
as a function of volume at 20 L, 50 L, 100 L, 200 L, 400 L and 800 L. These cycles
were repeated for several days. The samples were analyzed for chemical, physical and
biological quality using standard methods of water and wastewater examination.
The results showed that the efficient removal of COD during the time of operation days.
The removal efficiency varied between 53 to 95%. Turbidity results showed efficient
removal by micelle-clay complex due to adsorption of collides, micro-emulsion, macro
molecules and suspended particles by both micelle clay complex and sand. The
characteristics of UF-SW and MCXC was almost the same which means UF-SW could
be replaced by using MCXC.
The results showed that the benefit of inserting micelle clay complex column as pretreatment
stage before advanced membrane technology system in large wastewater
treatment plant.
الدراسات البيئية , Environmental Studies