تأثير جودة حياة العمل على أداء الموظفين في القطاع المصرفي الفلسطيني

ميران جمال قاسم يوسف
meeran jamal qasem yousef
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جامعة القدس
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the impact of the quality of work life on the performance of employees in the banking sector. The dimensions of the quality of work life are (relationship among employees, compensation and rewards, participation in decision-making, stability and job security, material conditions at work, and work-life balance), and to examine the effect of the quality of work life on the employees` performance. Besides, to examine if there are any differences in the studied sample response toward the quality of the work life and employees` performance attributed to: gender, age group, educational qualification, job position, and nationality of the bank. In this study, the researcher relied on the quantitative, cross sectional, correlational study and survey design. The data was taken from a sample of (242) employees of the Palestinian banking system. The researcher verified the questionnaire's validity through face validity and internal validity through Pearson's correlation coefficient between each paragraph and the domain to which it belongs, and verification of the questionnaire's stability through Cronbach's alpha and split half techniques. The study concluded the following results: There is a low degree of employee satisfaction with the quality of working life in the banking system, where the arithmetic mean was (2.19) and with a standard deviation of (1.10), and it was found that the highest dimensions corresponding to the material conditions at work, followed by the dimension of life balance And work, participation in decision- making, relations between employees, stability and job security, while it was ranked last in the dimension of wages and rewards, and it was found that the highest correlation of job performance was with the dimension of relationships between employees. It was also found through multiple regression analysis that the value of the correlation coefficient (0.826) and the value of the adjusted coefficient of determination (0.822), and this indicates that about 82.6% of the change in the level of employee performance is attributed to the change in the dimensions of job quality in the Palestinian banking system. It was found that there are four dimensions of job quality that are statistically significant: relationships between employees, wages and rewards, material conditions at work, and work-life balance. While it was found that stability, job security and participation in decision-making were not statistically significant. It was also found that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α ≥ 0.05) between the arithmetic averages of the responses of the study sample towards the dimensions of quality of work life and its impact on the level of job performance in banks operating in Palestine due to the variables of the study, gender, in favor of males, age group 50 years and older, and qualification The scientific study is in favor of postgraduate studies, and the bank’s ownership (local/expatriate) is in favor of local Palestinian banks. The researcher recommends the need for the managements of banks operating in Palestine to pay attention to improving and developing relationships at work among employees, adopting a participatory and transformational leadership style, helping employees to balance life and work, improving and developing material working conditions at work, and developing a system of incentives, wages, compensation and rewards based on justice in Distribution among employees by studying the rates of wages and salaries in different banks, and conducting more research and studies in the field of study.