التقاضي عن بعد
جوانة نجيب محمد موسى أبو رجب التميمي
Jwana Najeeb M.M A.R Tamimi
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Al-Quds University
التقاضي عن بعد، الذي يعني الكترونية القضاء، هو آلية جديدة لتطبيق نظام قضائي يتم بموجبه تطبيق كافة إجراءات التقاضي عن طريق المحكمة الالكترونية، بوسائل تقنية، لغرض سرعة الفصل في الدعاوى وتسهيل إجراءاتها وتنفيذ الأحكام الكترونيا. فتبين هذه الدراسة مراحل التقاضي التقليدية وفق خطوات الكترونية أي عن بعد بتوظيف القواعد العامة لقانون أصول المحاكمات المدنية دون استبعاد أي منها، بل تطويعها للعمل بموجب هذا النظام. مع الاشارة إلى النقاط التي تستوجب تدخل المشرع لتعديل البعض منها كما اشرنا في الدراسة. وقد حاولت الدراسة، معالجة معوقات وصعوبات تطبيق هذا النظام وفق أسلوب تداول الدعوى عن بعد، فقد أبرزت ملامح واجراءات الدعوى الإلكترونية عبر المحاكم الالكترونية، والتي تبدأ بقيام المدعي بعرض دعواه عن طريق الموقع الالكتروني للمحكمة، مروراً بتبادل اللوائح والطلبات واجراءات التبليغ، وتقديم الادلة، وادارة الجلسات، وانتهاءً بصدور الحكم عن بعد وتنفيذه. فقد سعينا للتمييز بين ما يمكن التخلي عنه في الإجراءات العادية، إلى ما يمكن ان يتم إلكترونيا، فنحن نسعى نحو التكامل بالنظامين لا للتفاضل بينهما.
كما استهدفت الباحثة بيان آثـار المعلوماتيـة في تطـوير التقاضـي، ببيـان الآثـار الإيجابيـة والســلبية المترتبـة علـى الأخـذ به، وبيان أثره على مبادئ وضمانات التقاضي، وقـد توصـلت الباحـثة إلـى مجموعـة مـن النتائج والتوصـيات أهمها: أن التقاضي عن بعد يجب اعتباره تدبير استثنائي بجانب نظام التقاضي التقليدي لا بديل عنه، فهو لا يشكل خرقا للمبادئ الدستورية المتعارف عليها، فالعمليات التقنية يمكن أن تجلب مساهمات قيمة ولكنها لا تستطيع إعداد قرارات بحكمة وخبرة القضاة. حيث يوجد تجارب بالفعل للتقاضي الإلكتروني في العديد من بلدان العالم، فغياب التدخل البشري كاملا في القضية ينتج عنه عدالة بلا إنسانية. فنحن بحاجة لحلول قانونية جديدة ولقانون إجرائي أكثر تمشياً مع الواقع المعاصر ويتطور معه. لذا فإننا لا نؤيد التمسك بالشكلية المفرطة أو بالإجراءات التقليدية، فالجمود عكس التطور. إلا أن هذا التطور لا يعني اهدار المصالح الأساسية التي لا تتغير بتغير الوقت كمبادئ وضمانات التقاضي العادل، فحقوق وحريات الأفراد تبقى دائماً هي الاولى بالرعاية.
Remote litigation, which means electronic litigation, is a new mechanism for the application of a judicial system whereby all litigation proceedings are conducted through an electronic court, by technical means, for the purpose of expediting the adjudication of cases, facilitating their proceedings and executing judgements electronically. This study shows the traditional stages of litigation through electronic steps, i.e. remotely using the general rules of the Code of Civil Procedure, without excluding any of them, but adapting them to the system. Reference is made to the points that require lawmakers to intervene in some of them, as indicated in the study. The study attempted to address the constraints and difficulties of implementing this system using the teleconference method. It highlighted the features and procedures of an electronic case through the electronic courts, beginning with the applicant presenting his case through the court's website, through the exchange of regulations, requests and notification procedures, presentation of evidence, conduct of hearings, and leading to the remote ruling and its implementation. We have sought to distinguish between what can be discarded in ordinary procedures, and what can be done electronically, we are seeking complementarity, not differentiation. She also sought to show the informational implications of litigation by stating its positive and negative effects and its impact on the principles and guarantees of litigation. She concluded a series of findings and recommendations, the most important of which was that, in addition to the traditional litigation system, tele-litigation must be considered an exceptional measure that is irreproachable, since it does not violate recognized constitutional principles. Technical processes can bring valuable contributions but cannot prepare decisions with the wisdom and expertise of judges. As there are already online judge trials in many countries of the world, the absence of complete human involvement in the case results in inhumane justice. We need new legal solutions and procedural law that is more in keeping with contemporary realities and evolving with it. We are not in favour of excessive formalism or traditional procedures; inertia is the reverse of development. However, this development does not mean that fundamental interests that do not change over time, such as the principles and guarantees of fair litigation, are lost
Remote litigation, which means electronic litigation, is a new mechanism for the application of a judicial system whereby all litigation proceedings are conducted through an electronic court, by technical means, for the purpose of expediting the adjudication of cases, facilitating their proceedings and executing judgements electronically. This study shows the traditional stages of litigation through electronic steps, i.e. remotely using the general rules of the Code of Civil Procedure, without excluding any of them, but adapting them to the system. Reference is made to the points that require lawmakers to intervene in some of them, as indicated in the study. The study attempted to address the constraints and difficulties of implementing this system using the teleconference method. It highlighted the features and procedures of an electronic case through the electronic courts, beginning with the applicant presenting his case through the court's website, through the exchange of regulations, requests and notification procedures, presentation of evidence, conduct of hearings, and leading to the remote ruling and its implementation. We have sought to distinguish between what can be discarded in ordinary procedures, and what can be done electronically, we are seeking complementarity, not differentiation. She also sought to show the informational implications of litigation by stating its positive and negative effects and its impact on the principles and guarantees of litigation. She concluded a series of findings and recommendations, the most important of which was that, in addition to the traditional litigation system, tele-litigation must be considered an exceptional measure that is irreproachable, since it does not violate recognized constitutional principles. Technical processes can bring valuable contributions but cannot prepare decisions with the wisdom and expertise of judges. As there are already online judge trials in many countries of the world, the absence of complete human involvement in the case results in inhumane justice. We need new legal solutions and procedural law that is more in keeping with contemporary realities and evolving with it. We are not in favour of excessive formalism or traditional procedures; inertia is the reverse of development. However, this development does not mean that fundamental interests that do not change over time, such as the principles and guarantees of fair litigation, are lost