A Fuzzy Bayesian Network Model for Quality Management in O2O E-Business for dairy industries in Palestine

Iman Mousa Khalaf Bajali
ايمان موسى خلف بجالي
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Al-Quds University
This research provides a fuzzy Bayesian network model for successfully managing quality in O2O e-business models in order to determine the best path for dairy products supply chain quality. Such a model is able to effectively reflect the uncertainty inherent in the process, leading to the development of a comprehensive system for selecting and evaluating quality. The designed questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire consists of different variables including the stages of milk production from the production of milk at the farm to the delivery stage. The questionnaire was distributed in two ways: electronically and manually. We received 31 responses, and each question was evaluated and analyzed using the SPSS software. And a simulation was performed to demonstrate that the suggested methodology (Fuzzy Bayesian Model) is relevant for efficiently controlling quality in O2O e-commerce. A Fuzzy Bayesian Network Model to study the feasibility of quality management in the dairy industry in Palestine has a high degree of acceptability that’s according to the results of the following stages: product preparation (production of milk at farm), production and distribution processing (production stage) , sorting process (controlling process) and delivery links which all had a high degree approval. In conclusion, this model has the potential to be implemented in Palestine.