دراسة حول العلاقة بين ظاهرة عمالة الاطفال للفئة العمرية بين10-15سنة والصحة النفسية لهم في محافظة بيت لحم
فاتن اميل نقولا نصرالله
Faten Emile Nicola NassrAllah
Journal Title
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
This Study aimed at exploring the relationship between child labour phenomenon for the
ages of 10 to 15 year olds, and their mental health in Bethlehem district. The study tackled
several areas of mental health such as: self esteem, adjustment tactics, anxiety, and future
The concerned study section consisted of working children, and non working children who
attend schools. The study sample was an intentional one, which consisted of eighty
children, whereas the main or experimental sample consisted of forty working children
who did not attend school and are currently working in factories, markets, industrial areas, and bakeries as workers or sellers. The secondary or control sample however consisted of
forty non working children who attended schools.
Study dependent variables were: sex, age, place of living, school attendance, child's
academic level, number of working years, payment, kind of work, number of family
members, father's and mother's academic level, father's and mother's profession. Study
independent variables were: self esteem, adjustment tactics, anxiety, and future aspiration.
The study focused on three main domains: What is the level of the mental health
(conception of their self esteem, adjustment tactics, and anxiety) of the working and non
working children between the ages of 10 to 15 year olds in Bethlehem district according to
their opinions. Is the mental health level of working children between the ages of 10 to 15
year olds in Bethlehem district related to the difference in child age, place of living, academic level, number of working years, kind of work, payment, number of family
members, father's and mother's academic level, father's and mother's profession? Eleven
hypothesis's emerged from this matter in accordance with the above mentioned variables. What are the aspirations of the working and non working children towards the future and
what are their whishes and future plans?
The study used the analytic descriptive model. And the study tool was a questionnaire
which was used during the individual meetings with the children. The data was analyzed
using the statistical program for social sciences (SPSS).The most important results of the study were: The mental health level of working and non
working children between the ages of 10 to 15 year olds in Bethlehem district was
mediocre. And the mean was 2.611 on the total level for the two samples which consisted
of eighty children. The self- esteem level for the non working children was high, and was
higher than self esteem level of working children which was mediocre. The mean of self
esteem level for the non working children was 3.010, while the mean of self esteem level
of working children was 2.611. There was no relationship between the mental health level
for the working children and the independent variables, except for place of living. The
results showed that the differences were between the children from cities and children from
refugee camps, and children from cities and children from villages Children from cities have more self-esteem, more adjustment, and less anxiety.
According to the study results, the most important recommendations were:
In order to give children an opportunity for physical, mental, social, and psychological
growth and development, institute Palestinian laws and legislations to prevent child labour
under the age of 18. To ensure and to implement a well studied national plan from the
Palestinian government, and all the public and private institutions in order to face poverty
in the Palestinian authority territories and Gaza strip, because poverty was one of the main
reasons that pushed children into labour. The concerned authorities - institution should
provide a comprehensive system of health insurance, social security, and fixed monthly
income, for unemployed families, or for the handicapped, or for the sick, or the death of
the father
الصحة النفسية المجتمعية , Community Mental Health
نصرالله، فاتن اميل. (2008). دراسة حول العلاقة بين ظاهرة عمالة الاطفال للفئة العمرية بين10-15سنة
والصحة النفسية لهم في محافظة بيت لحم [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي
لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/9adce1