الانتخابات الإسر ائيلية عام ( 2009 م) ونتائجها على العملية السلمية بين لجانبين الفلسطيني والإسرائيلي

محمود طالب محمود السويطي
mahmood taleb mahmood alswitie
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
This study aimed to explore, analyze and evaluate the effects of the Israeli elections in (2009) on the process of peaceful settlement between Israel and (P.L.O). In addition, this study will assess the impact of the election results on the two state solution, Jerusalem settlements and the right of return for Palestinian refugees. In addition to assessing the impact of the concept of "a Jewish state" solution to the conflict and the Palestinians in (1948) areas. The research is conducted relying on the qualitative approach and descriptive method to describe the impact of the Israeli elections on a peaceful settlement between the two sides. The study found several results including; that the elections (2009) contributed to the move away from resolving the conflict through the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, especially in light of Israel's insistence on keeping Jerusalem united and eternal capital of the state of Israel, and with its insistence on expanding settlements, especially around Jerusalem, in order to eliminate any possibility of giving East Jerusalem as a capital for the Palestinian state. The study also noted that the Israeli political parties with their different ideologies agree on the outlines of any settlement with the Palestinian side, where the parties agree on the fate of Jerusalem, the non-recognition of the right of return, and not to withdraw to the borders of June (1967). The study showed the extent of the negative impact of the concept of “a Jewish state” on the Palestinians in (1948) areas, the Palestinians of West Bank, and the diaspora. Where the concept of “a Jewish state” aims to a pure state for Jews only, and any Palestinian people stay in this state must declare his loyalty to state of Israel. The study also showed that the elections (2009) contributed in shifting the Israeli society more and more towards right and extremism, also contributed in increasing the power of the settlers in Israeli politics, and increasing political elites supporting them and sympathetic
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies