النباتات والتحليل الخضري لمنطقة أريحا

رامي صلاح مصطفى جفال
Rami Salah Mustafa Jaffal
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
iii Abstract The study area is about 22 km 2 located in the southern part of Jericho district. The mean annual precipitation in the study area is appr oximately 200 mm/yr of which approximately 60% falls in the three months of December, January and February. The average maximum temperature during coldest month and hot test month are around 19 ºC and 38 ºC respectively, while average minimum temperat ures for the same months are around 7 ºC and 22 ºC respectively. This study aims to investigate the present status of the plant diversity and the flora of the study area based on collecting, describing, identifying, and lis ting the plants species growing their and the vegetation analysis for th ose plant. According to survey it is found that there are 40 species in the study area and those species belong to 22 families. The result showed a predominance of the family Compositeae which it self comprises (20 %), with the number of (8) species, followed by the family Chenopodiaceae which comprises (10 %), with (4) species. Based on chorotype the species in the study area are classified into 12 categories. Analysis of chorological spectrum of the collected plant species showed a predominance of Mediterranean species which comprises (17.5 %) with (7) species. Mediterranean / Irano- Turanean chorotype also has the same percentage and number of species. The collected plant species are classified accord ing to their life forms into four types that are Theophytes, Phanerophytes, Hemicryphytes, and Chamaephytes. Analysis of biological spectrum of the collected plant species according to Runkiaer syst em of life forms of plants showed a predominance of Theophytes whic h comprise (42.5 %) with (17) species, followed by Phanerophytes which comprise (3 0 %) with (12) spec ies. Therophytes have greater capacity for growth than other life forms, apparently because of their wider ecological amplitude, greater plasticity in si ze, and their small growth requirements. It was estimated that the average of species density ranged between ( 0.097) and ( 12.258) plant/line . The highest density was for Malva parviflora , followed by Calendula palaestina with density of (5.52) p/L, where as the least dense species was Salvia dominca . Based on data analysis it is estimated that the freque ncy ranges betwee n (5.65 – 66.13 %). The most frequent species recorded is Seidlitzia rosmarinus , followed by Atriplex halimus with a frequent of (61.3 %), while the least frequent species is Salvia dominca .. According to the data obtained from this study, abundance ranges between (1.1 p/L) - (33 p/L). The most abundant species is Malva parviflora , followed by Rostraria perythea with abundance of (22.2 p/L), while the le ast abundant species recorded is Prosopis juliflora ..
الدراسات البيئية , Environmental Studies