الشركات غير الربحية في فلسطين وفقا للقرار بقانون الشركات الجديد رقم (42) لسنة 2021
نور الدين جمال توفيق دعدره
Nour Aldin Jamal Tawfiq Dadara
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Al-Quds University
تعد الشركات غير الربحية من الشركات الحديثة من حيث التشريع والتنظيم في فلسطين، فقد أشار المشرع الفلسطيني إليها أول مرة من خلال القرار بقانون رقم (6) لسنة 2008م في معرض تعديله لقانون الشركات رقم (12) لسنة 1964م النافذ في الضفة الغربية. حيث صدر فيما بعد عن مجلس الوزراء الفلسطيني نظاما خاصا بالشركات غير الربحية "قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (3) لعام 2010م بشأن نظام الشركات غير الربحية"، وكل ما سبق تم الغائه وصولا الى القرار بقانون الخاص بالشركات غير الربحية رقم (42) لسنة 2021 وذلك موضوع هذه الرسالة، ونظام الشركات غير الربحية رقم (20) لسنة 2022 الصادر عن مجلس الوزراء الفلسطيني.
اتبعت في هذه الدراسة المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي المقارن للنصوص الواردة في التشريعات الفلسطينية وغيرها من التشريعات الأخرى، وبالنتيجة بيان اذا كان يوجد قصور أو تعارض باطلاعي واستنادي على آراء الفقهاء واجتهاداتهم عبر كتبهم وأبحاثهم ودراساتهم، هدفت الرسالة إلى بيان النظام القانوني للشركات غير الربحية في فلسطين، وبيان التنظيم القانوني لهذا النوع الجديد من الشركات منذ مرحلة التأسيس(الانشاء) وصولاً إلى مرحلة الانقضاء(الانتهاء)، والتعرف على الأحكام القانونية لكل مراحل حياة الشركة غير الربحية، حيث تمت مناقشة مضامينها في فصليين اساسيين.
وقد توصلت هذه الدراسة إلى عدد من النتائج والتوصيات التي يتمنى الباحث أن تؤخذ بعين الاعتبار في تقييم التشريعات الفلسطينية الناظمة لموضوع الدراسة.
Non-profit companies are among the modern companies in terms of legislation and regulation in Palestine. The Palestinian legislator referred to them for the first time through Decree Law No. (6) of 2008 AD in amending Companies Law No. (12) of 1964 AD in force in the West Bank. As the Palestinian Council of Ministers later issued a special regulation for non-profit companies, “Cabinet Resolution No. (3) of 2010 regarding the non-profit companies system,” and all of the above was canceled until the Decree Law on Non-Profit Companies No. (42) of 2021 was issued. The subject of this letter is Non-Profit Companies Regulation No. (20) of 2022 issued by the Palestinian Council of Ministers. . In this study, I followed the descriptive and comparative analytical approach to the texts contained in Palestinian legislation and other legislation, and as a result, it was stated if there were deficiencies or contradictions based on my knowledge and based on the opinions of jurists and their jurisprudence through their books, research and studies. The thesis aimed to explain the legal system for non-profit companies in Palestine, and to explain The legal organization of this new type of company from the incorporation stage (construction) up to the expiration stage (completion), and learning about the legal provisions for all stages of the life of the non-profit company, as their contents were discussed in two main chapters. This study reached a number of results and recommendations that the researcher hopes will be taken into account in evaluating the Palestinian legislation regulating the subject of the study.
Non-profit companies are among the modern companies in terms of legislation and regulation in Palestine. The Palestinian legislator referred to them for the first time through Decree Law No. (6) of 2008 AD in amending Companies Law No. (12) of 1964 AD in force in the West Bank. As the Palestinian Council of Ministers later issued a special regulation for non-profit companies, “Cabinet Resolution No. (3) of 2010 regarding the non-profit companies system,” and all of the above was canceled until the Decree Law on Non-Profit Companies No. (42) of 2021 was issued. The subject of this letter is Non-Profit Companies Regulation No. (20) of 2022 issued by the Palestinian Council of Ministers. . In this study, I followed the descriptive and comparative analytical approach to the texts contained in Palestinian legislation and other legislation, and as a result, it was stated if there were deficiencies or contradictions based on my knowledge and based on the opinions of jurists and their jurisprudence through their books, research and studies. The thesis aimed to explain the legal system for non-profit companies in Palestine, and to explain The legal organization of this new type of company from the incorporation stage (construction) up to the expiration stage (completion), and learning about the legal provisions for all stages of the life of the non-profit company, as their contents were discussed in two main chapters. This study reached a number of results and recommendations that the researcher hopes will be taken into account in evaluating the Palestinian legislation regulating the subject of the study.