Nida Yousef Ahmad Younis
نداء يوسف احمد يونس
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Al-Quds University
This thesis examines the role of power/knowledge relations in depicting and deactivating Palestinian females under the Israeli Occupation. Previous Studies thrived to examine framing as an output, an external manifestation. Still, rarely had the internal mechanisms regulating the visual and symbolic space of the Other been cultivated from this unique angle. Qualitative content analysis conjured with analytical interpretive hermeneutic dimension technique obtained through an “integrated interdisciplinary approach of discourse analysis (DA) and critical discourse analysis (CDA) was used. This intricate approach aimed at examining the Israeli news reporting of Palestinian females in two major Israeli ideologically “at odds” newspapers: Haaretz and Yedioth Ahronoth (Ynet). The researcher analyzed discursive hegemony structures in (86) news articles: (50) from Haaretz and (36) from Ynet over 2016 to understand how racism or ethnic-racial dominance is reproduced through an institutional ideology/power-resolved discursive structures. The study pursues different approaches to framing: the Foucauldian knowledge/power resolved discursive constructions; argumentation and dramatization. In addition to the Israeli-modified classic colonial model of Othering, the study resolved into a new model of discursive building of the Other: The New Other. The classic model works in an Israeli-colonial resolved context under three categorizations: The Other, the elite subaltern challenging Other, and the non-compliant Other. Under variant frame constructions: the oriental, occidental, terror, Islamic terror, psychological, homo festive frames, inter alia others, hegemonic discursive structures are constructed through variant linguistic tools: time placements, linguistic structures, simulacra (negative images), ambivalence, mimicry, confessional discourse, semantic transformations/shifts, emotional amplification, reduction and simplification, change of the shape, etc. Both newspapers reserve the right to commentary and control of the access to discourse. This regulates the spaces of circulation and its continuity. Unlike the classic model, the “New Other” model which constructures the Palestinian Oher under ideological-resolved discursive tools and cultural hegemony adopts new categorizations: the new generation and the old. Haaretz adopts a vacuum-deposited shape memory and melting approach; Ynet adopts a denial approach. Haaretz and Yet ‘s discourse is structured, hegemonic, and ground rooted in terms of exclusion. They use the same discursive tools in variant proportions in both the classic and new model; differences are a matter of ideological preferences - where ideology is a mirror of institutional power; where institutional discursive limitations and constraints are biding. The weight of distribution of these tools makes the difference vii