دور العقلية القبلية في تعطيل الوحدة العربية
عامر جورج الياس ابوسعده
Amer Georje Ilyas Abusadah
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
This study aims to investigate the role of the tribal mentality in the disruption of Arab
unity, its impact on Arab societies and the responses of the rulers or ruling classes to the
prevalent tribal pattern in the Arab society, as well as the exploitation of the tribal
legitimacy in ruling and controlling the Arab World. The study approaches a modern
prevalent phenomenon, whose roles dates back to ancient dates, represented by the
disruption of Arab unity through tribal mentality; a subject that captures a great
significance within the national and Arab circles, and which a rises contradictory positions,
visions and perspectives.
The researcher employed the analytic historical qualitative method to verify the role of
tribal mentality in the disruption to verify the role of tribal mentality in the disruption of
Arab unity through resorting to many primary and essential references and sources
including speeches, politicians’ opinions, political publications, as well as daily
newspapers and analyses periodicals.
The study concludes that there is great evident contradiction between tribal mentality, and
the notion of Arab Unity. The former is based on control, fanaticism and society disunion
or disintegration as well as the promotion of conflicts and sectarian doctrinal divide, which
creates a state of economical, political and intellectual profound retardation, and a situation
in which sectarian individualism is given priority to public interest. Arab unity, on the
other hand, is based on development in all respects, and the creation of a homogenous Arab
society that is politically, economically, socially and intellectually coherent. It also dictates
the abandonment of the past dilemmas and passivity, and looking forward to create a better
The study revealed the negative evident impact of the tribal mentality that most Arab
regimes pursue in disrupting Arab unity as a result of consecration of stereotyping fanatic
tribal notions that refute the larger society through the enforcement of arbitrary policies in
the Arab nations, which in return crush any Arab federal project. Arab rules insist on the
existence and predomination of disintegrated social entities, which serve sectarian, rather
than public interest; a trend that has aborted the notion of Arab unity up till now.
The study concluded that the essential approach to liberate from tribal mentality and to
achieve Arab unity is to reform the political regional regimes within the Arab World, and
to activate political participation, democracy, freedoms, and justice. Such policies also
dictate the enhancement and activation of the role of religious, intellectual and educational,
institutions, through the role played by religious men, intellectuals and academicians who
can reach a large sector of people within the Arab World to establish national and
intellectual awareness and create faith among people of the significance of unity, by
rejecting tribal mentality. Therefore, the Arab personality has to be liberated from social
restrictions relating to tribal mentality, which hinders any federal Arab project. Arab unity
requires an Arab personality that totally rejects tribal, sectarian and doctrinal control over
In the light of the results yielded, the study recommended that internal Arab conflicts and
disputes must be transcended to pave the way of the nation’s interests. The domination of tribal mentality as basis for ruling would contribute to the destruction of unity and
development. Arab Regimes have to give preference to the peoples’ or the nation’s
interests. Intellectuals and academicians have to exercises their roles in the eradication of
tribal mentality to be replaced to national intellectual awareness. The research recommends
the conduction of more research to investigate the impact of tribal fanaticism on the Arab
societies in general and the notion of Arab Unity in particular.
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies
ابوسعده، عامر جورج. (2011). دور العقلية القبلية في تعطيل الوحدة العربية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة
القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/1d3a7f