دور الحزب الشيوعي في الولايات المُتحدة خلال الكساد العظيم في الثلاثينيات
ناصر احمد نصر القاضي
Nasser Ahmad Nasr Alqaddi
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
The study examines the role of Communist Party at U.S. arena in the thirties of the 20th century.
Thirties epoch is a prominent in the U.S. history which was a well-known decade called (The Great
Depression) when the American people had lived under harshest economic and social conditions, even
lived the political instability because of the Stock Market Crash at the end of 1929. The American
people felt whether because of the government's inability to confront the crisis at the beginning or because of tensions in the social fabric that caused by the inflation of unemployment rate, crime,
racism against blacks, and the ascendance of radicalism in its different factions that had taken its
positions at U.S. political arena in order to play its role as a substitute of the government's disablement
in an attempt to find solutions for the deteriorated situation.
The crisis continued until the beginning of the WWII, through that American government tried to
tackle the crisis through drafting several bills were ratified by Congress, the U.S. President Herbert
Hoover who took the office between 1928-1932 couldn't find a suitable bill to overcome the American
people's crisis despite his strenuous attempts that one of them appeared through the comprehensive
voluntarism project for providing an opportunity of equal wages.
The American people entered a new episode of this conflict when the U.S. President Franklin
Roosevelt took the office hoping he will find a radical solution for the crisis unlike his predecessor.
Undoubtedly and even weren't sustainable solutions, the President Roosevelt shaped an important
decisions mitigated the flames of the crisis, and the pain of American people. The a well-known New
Deal to the public and other laws through the Roosevelt's presidency had given the Americans a hope
of promising future toward overcome the Depression, however, in fact, the crisis continued despite
these attempts.
This study highlights what was going on at the political arena through this era, where radical groups
that belong to several backgrounds started to rise and mobilize its power to sweep the American society
in order for winning its endorsement.
One of the most prominent groups was the Communist Party and its Marxist revolutionary ideology,
was established by a cleavage in Socialist Party occurred in 1919. So, the Party had been within a
complicated experience because of the interior cleavages throughout the twenties decade, however,
according to official orders from the Communist International, the Communist Party unified its rows
after agreements and negotiations occurred sporadically to have become titled as the Communist Party
of the United States (CPUSA) in 1930.
This study significantly explores the nature of relation between the Communist Party and the
Communist International (Comintern), that was a Communist organization established in 1919 in the
former USSR, its aim was revolutionary for unifying the efforts of the Communists in the world over to
spread the message of Marxist ideology that aims to transfer the Bolshevik Revolution (Proletariat)
abroad, in case the opportunity is available, and by any means legally was or illegally, so the CPUSA
continued receiving the orders from this organization till was dissolved officially by Stalin in 1943.
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies