سياسة العقاب في مواجهة الجرائم العسكرية
طارق محمد محمود فطافطة
Tariq Muhammad Mahmoud Fatafta
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Al-Quds University
تسعى هذه الأطروحة إلى التعرف على السياسة الجزائية العقابية التي اعتنقها المشرع الفلسطيني لمواجهة الجرائم العسكرية بتصنيفاتها المختلفة، وترتكز هذه الدراسة في المقام الأول إلى تسليط الضوء على خصوصية العقوبات العسكرية مقارنة بما أقره المشرع الجزائي الفلسطيني من عقوبات جنائية وفق أحكام قانون العقوبات العام، وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تبيان مواطن القصور التشريعي من ناحية ومزايا العقوبات العسكرية من ناحية أخرى لمنح أصحاب القرار والمختصين بالشأن العسكري توصياتٍ ومقترحات قانونية لعلها تُسهم في بناء منظومة قانونية صلبة، وتتمثل الإشكالية الرئيسية بالآتي: ما مدى نجاعة سياسة العقاب التي اعتنقها المشرع الفلسطيني في مواجهة الجرائم العسكرية؟
وتأسيساً على ذلك، خُصص الفصل الأول من الدراسة لبحث موقف المشرع الجزائي الفلسطيني من العقوبات الأصلية والعقوبات الفرعية الواردة في التشريع العسكري الزجري، بينما ركّز الفصل الثاني من الدراسة في تبيان أحكام الأسباب القانونية المُشددة للعقوبة والظروف القانونية المُخففة لها وفق أحكام التشريعات العسكرية النافذة في فلسطين، واعتمدت جل الدراسة في بيان سياسة الجزاء بالتشريعات العسكرية وذلك ضمن قانون العقوبات الثوري لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية لسنة 1979، وقانون أصول المحاكمات الجزائية الثوري وقانون الخدمة لقوى الأمن الفلسطينية رقم 8 لسنة 2005.
وفي سبيل تحقيق ذلك، استخدمت الدراسة مناهج علمية مُتعددة، منها المنهج الوصفي، والمنهج التحليلي (بشقيه الاستقرائي والاستنباطي)، إضافة إلى المنهج المُقارن، وخلصت الدراسة بنتائج أهمها بأن المشرع الجزائي العسكري قد أسرف في إعماله لعقوبة الإعدام في مواجهة مجموعة واسعة من الجرائم العسكرية، كما أن الأحكام الناظمة للظروف القانونية المخففة للعقوبة تمتد إلى الجرائم ذات تصنيف "المخالفات"، وذلك خلافاً لما ذهب له المشرع الجزائي في قانون العقوبات العام، أما بالنسبة لأهم التوصيات والمقترحات، فإن الدراسة توصي بأن يلجأ المشرع الجزائي إلى باقة من العقوبات البديلة لمعالجة الجرائم العسكرية الموصومة بأنها ذات خطر أو ضرر ضئيل، كما تقترح هذه الدراسة على المشرع الجزائي الفلسطيني عدم الإسراف في العقاب، ولاسيما بالنسبة لتلك الجرائم التي قد يقترفها العسكري ولكن ليست من قبيل "الجرائم العسكرية البحتة"، بما قد يُعزز العدالة والمساواة بين الفئات المستهدفة من التشريعات الجزائية العامة وتلك التشريعات العسكرية حال اقترافهم لأفعالٍ جرمية مُتماثلة.
وأوصت الدراسة المشرع الفلسطيني بضرورة توحيد قانون العقوبات ليشمل شقي الوطن والعمل على تحديث المواد القانونية بحيث تتناسب ومتطلبات العصر، والعمل على تقليص الجرائم التي يعاقب عليها بعقوبة الإعدام وحصرها في الجرائم التي تلحق ضرر كبير نتيجة لجسامة الفعل الجرمي، وضرورة تعديل التشريعات في فلسطين بحيث تعمل على دعم مبدأ تفريد العقوبة وبذات الوقت لا تكون فضفاضة وعامة تخل بمفهوم العدالة الجنائية والأخذ بالنظام التدريجي للمؤسسات العقابية وهو عبارة عن نظام يقسم العقوبة السالبة للحرية إلى عدة مراحل تخفف العقوبة لما لهذا النظام من تشجيع المحكوم لتحسين سلوكه داخل السجن من أجل الانتقال لمرحلة أخف.
The study aims to identify the punitive penal policy adopted by the Palestinian legislator to confront military crimes with their various classifications. This study is based primarily on highlighting the specificity of military penalties compared to the criminal penalties approved by the Palestinian legislature by the provisions of the General Penal Code. This study aims to show the legislative shortcomings on the one hand and the advantages of military sanctions on the other hand to give decision-makers and specialists in military affairs recommendations and legal proposals that may contribute to building a solid legal system. The main problem is represented in the following: How effective is the punishment policy adopted by the Palestinian legislator in confronting military crimes? Based on this, the first chapter of the study was devoted to examining the position of the Palestinian penal legislator on the principal penalties and the subsidiary penalties contained in the injunctive military legislation, While the second chapter of the study focused on clarifying the provisions of the legal reasons that aggravate the punishment and the legal circumstances that mitigate it according to the rules of the military legislation in force in Palestine . Most of the study depended on explaining the policy of punishment by military legislation, within the Revolutionary Penal Code of the Palestine Liberation Organization of 1979, the Revolutionary Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Service Law of the Palestinian Security Forces No. 8 of 2005. For that, the study used multiple scientific approaches, including the descriptive approach, analytical approach (both inductive and deductive), and comparative approach. The study concluded with results, the most important of which is that the military penal legislator has been extravagant in implementing the death penalty in the face of a wide range of military crimes. The rules regulating the legal circumstances that mitigate the punishment extend to crimes with the classification of “violations” in contrast to what the penal legislator went to in the general penal code. As for the most important recommendations and proposals, the study recommends that the penal legislator resort to many alternative penalties to deal with military crimes, which consider as having little danger or harm This study also suggests that the Palestinian penal legislator should not be excessive in punishment, especially concerning those crimes that may be the military do, but are not of the type of pure military crimes, which may enhance justice and equality between the target groups of general penal legislation and that military rules in the event that they commit criminal acts symmetrical . The study recommended to the Palestinian legislator the need to unify the penal code to include both parts of the country, work to modernize the legal articles so that they suit the requirements of the times, work to reduce crimes punishable by the death penalty and limit them to crimes that cause great harm as a result of the gravity of the criminal act, and the necessity of amending legislation in Palestine so that it works to Supporting the principle of individualizing punishment, while at the same time not making it broad and general in violation of the concept of criminal justice, and introducing the gradual system of penal institutions, which is a system that divides the punishment of deprivation of liberty into several stages that reduce the punishment because this system encourages the convict to improve his behavior inside the prison to move to a lighter stage.
The study aims to identify the punitive penal policy adopted by the Palestinian legislator to confront military crimes with their various classifications. This study is based primarily on highlighting the specificity of military penalties compared to the criminal penalties approved by the Palestinian legislature by the provisions of the General Penal Code. This study aims to show the legislative shortcomings on the one hand and the advantages of military sanctions on the other hand to give decision-makers and specialists in military affairs recommendations and legal proposals that may contribute to building a solid legal system. The main problem is represented in the following: How effective is the punishment policy adopted by the Palestinian legislator in confronting military crimes? Based on this, the first chapter of the study was devoted to examining the position of the Palestinian penal legislator on the principal penalties and the subsidiary penalties contained in the injunctive military legislation, While the second chapter of the study focused on clarifying the provisions of the legal reasons that aggravate the punishment and the legal circumstances that mitigate it according to the rules of the military legislation in force in Palestine . Most of the study depended on explaining the policy of punishment by military legislation, within the Revolutionary Penal Code of the Palestine Liberation Organization of 1979, the Revolutionary Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Service Law of the Palestinian Security Forces No. 8 of 2005. For that, the study used multiple scientific approaches, including the descriptive approach, analytical approach (both inductive and deductive), and comparative approach. The study concluded with results, the most important of which is that the military penal legislator has been extravagant in implementing the death penalty in the face of a wide range of military crimes. The rules regulating the legal circumstances that mitigate the punishment extend to crimes with the classification of “violations” in contrast to what the penal legislator went to in the general penal code. As for the most important recommendations and proposals, the study recommends that the penal legislator resort to many alternative penalties to deal with military crimes, which consider as having little danger or harm This study also suggests that the Palestinian penal legislator should not be excessive in punishment, especially concerning those crimes that may be the military do, but are not of the type of pure military crimes, which may enhance justice and equality between the target groups of general penal legislation and that military rules in the event that they commit criminal acts symmetrical . The study recommended to the Palestinian legislator the need to unify the penal code to include both parts of the country, work to modernize the legal articles so that they suit the requirements of the times, work to reduce crimes punishable by the death penalty and limit them to crimes that cause great harm as a result of the gravity of the criminal act, and the necessity of amending legislation in Palestine so that it works to Supporting the principle of individualizing punishment, while at the same time not making it broad and general in violation of the concept of criminal justice, and introducing the gradual system of penal institutions, which is a system that divides the punishment of deprivation of liberty into several stages that reduce the punishment because this system encourages the convict to improve his behavior inside the prison to move to a lighter stage.