اثر تطبيق برنامج ارشاد جماعي في تخفيف الاعراض النفسية لدى النساء المعنفات مراجعات المراكز الارشادية في محافظة الخليل
جميلة محمد طه دودين
Jamila Mohammad Taha Doudin
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
This study aimed to recognize the effect of the "Group Counseling
Program" and “Psychological Pressure Eliminating Program" on women
under violence in Hebron. The target group of this study consists of women
under violence who visit the Psychological and Social Legal Counseling
Centers in Hebron. The counseling program was applied in cooperation
with the Women's Center for Legal and Social Counseling in Hebron.
The study mainly contains (45) cases. They were selected by organizations
that are working in the field of social and legal counseling in Hebron. The
majority of the women refused to participate due to their special personal
circumstances. The study's sample contains (22) women. The participants
were divided into two main groups: the experimental group and the
regulator group and each one contains (11) women. The quasi-experimental
approach was used in this study, The purposive sample was chosen as a
sample for this studyThe counseling program contained thirteen meetings designed by Manasra
(2006) under the name of "Psychological Pressure Eliminating Program".
This program was carried out in two and half months for an average of
two-hour meeting weekly. The following strategies were used in the
meetings: modeling, relaxation, discussion, dialogue, psycho-education,
and homework. In addition, the 90 and the self-confidence scales for
Sydney Croger were used as instruments t in the pre and post test.
The results of the statistical analysis show that there are significant
statistical differences between the average of the experimental group and
the regulator group at the indication level of (α ≤ 0.05) on the posterior
testing according to the 90 scale. This means that the counseling programwhich was used for the present study reduces the level of the women's
psychological symptoms on the experimental group. According to the 90
scale, these symptoms are depression, anxiety, phobia, obsessive
compulsive disorder, psychosomatic disorder, aggression, interpersonal
sensitivity, and extra diminution. The indication level of (0.00) and this
level is considered statistically significant. In addition, the results show that
there aren't any significant statistical differences between the average of the
experimental group and the regulator group at the indication level of (α ≤
0.05) on the posterior testing according to Sydney Croger's self-confidence
scale. This proves that the applied counseling program doesn't affect the
level of the women's self-confidence and that because the indication level
was (0.12) it is not statically significant.
The study's results, the researcher recommends that it is necessary to adopt
the groups guiding method in order to help as many women as possible.
She recommends also developing such programs and testing them to
identify their effect on the women who are under violence.
الصحة النفسية المجتمعية , Community Mental Health
دودين، جميلة. (2010). اثر تطبيق برنامج ارشاد جماعي في تخفيف الاعراض النفسية لدى النساء المعنفات
مراجعات المراكز الارشادية في محافظة الخليل [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع
الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/d91e32