السياسة الخارجية الإسرائيلية تجاه أفريقيا السودان نموذجا
عامر خليل احمد عامر
Amer Khalil Ahmed Amer
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Al-Quds University
تناول هذا البحث السياسة الخارجية الإسرائيلية تجاه أفريقيا والسودان نموذجا لهذه السياسة وقد استعرض في البداية أهداف السياسة الخارجية الإسرائيلية تجاه أفريقيا حيث احتلت القارة السوداء مكانا متقدما في سلم أولويات الحركة الصهيونية منذ تأسيسها فقد طرح ت أوغندا لتكون وطنا قوميا لليهود في مطلع القرن الماضي، وكان من أسباب الاهتمام الإسرائيلي بالقارة السوداء التأثير على الأمن المائي العربي حيث نهر النيل وأهميته الإستراتيجية لمصر والسودان ودول أخرى وتهديد الملاحة العربية في البحر الأحمر ومنع تحوله إلى بحيرة عربية وإضعاف التأييد الأفريقي للقضايا العربية. وفي محاولتها لتحقيق أهدافها حاولت إسرائيل الربط الأيديولوجي والحركي بين الصهيونية وحركة الجامعة الأفريقية والزنوجية بالإشارة إلى أن كلا العنصرين له ماض مؤلم ممتد ما يدفع إلى الاعتقاد بأن سياسة إسرائيل في أفريقيا تعد تطلعا لا لحماية اليهود فقط، بل لمساعدة الأفارقة (الزنوج) الذين تعرضوا للاضطهاد.وأتى البحث على المراحل المختلفة التي مرت بها العلاقات الإفريقية الإسرائيلية صعودا وهبوطا ووسائل وطرق تنفيذ السياسة الخارجية الإسرائيلية في أفريقيا والمؤسسات التي تشرف على تطبيقها.كما استعرض البحث رؤية إسرائيل للسودان كدولة مستعرضا تاريخ علاقة إسرائيل مع السياسيين السودانيين التي بدأت في وقت مبكر من عقد خمسينات القرن الماضي، وفي هذا السياق قدم البحث شرحا مقتضبا لنظرية إسرائيل في شد الأطراف ثم بترها في التعامل مع الطوائف المتعددة في المجتمعات العربية ومنها السودان، وبين الأطماع الإسرائيلية في الماء والنفط السوداني وتوظيف إسرائيل للعلاقة مع السودان في عهد الرئيس السابق جعفر النميري في تهجير يهود الفلاشا وتطرق البحث إلى دور إسرائيل في تفتيت السودان من خلال علاقاتها مع حركة تحرير جنوب السودان والدعم الكبير الذي قدمته لها في مراحل مختلفة وصلة زعيم الحركة جـون جرائج بإسرائيل وزياراته المتعددة لها، وأشار البحث إلى دور الجوار التي لها علاقات مع إسرائيل (أو عندا وأثيوبيا وزائير وكينيا) كقواعد متقدمة للنفاذ إلى جنوب السودان، کما تناول البحث في سياق التفتيت قضية دارفور والدور الإسرائيلي فيه ما ومواق ف القيادات أفريقيا وتأثير اللوبي اليهود في دفع دارفور إلى سلم الاهتمام العالمي ومائدة مجلس الأمن الدولي وتناول البحث تداعيات السياسة الخارجية الإسرائيلية تجاه أفريقيا على الأمن القومي العربي بشكل عام والأمن القومي المصري والسوداني بشكل خاص، إذ لا زالت هذه السياسة تم اه أفريقيا والسودان تهدد أمن العرب في البحر الأحمر وثرواتهم من النفط والماء حيث ترد و إسرائيل إلى دول حوض النيل وتحاول التأثير على مجرى نهر النيل والمخططات في هذا الصدد كثيرة كما أن الاكتشافات النفطية في جنوب السودان وغربه زادت من المخاطر التي تهدد الأمن الاقتصادي العربي، فيما الوجود الإسرائيلي في البحر الأحمر يجعل العديد من الدول العربية في معرض التجسس والرقابة الإسرائيلية المباشرة.وأخيرا وضع البحث في ضوء استنتاجاته من دراسة الدور الإسرائيلي في أفريقيا عامة والسودان خاصة عددا من التوصيات لمواجهة التهديدات الإسرائيلية للعمق العربي في أفريقيا تضمنت توثيق العلاقات الأفريقية العربية وإنهاء الخلافات بهذا الصدد بما يضمن خدمة المصالح المشتركة وصد التغلغل الإسرائيلي في القارة الأفريقية، والانتباه لم سألة تمايز الأعراق واختلاف الأديان في المجتمعات الأفريقية والعربية وتوظيف إسرائيل له ما الخدمة أهداف ومصالحها من خلال تفهم هذا الاختلاف ورفع الظلم الواقع على الطوائف غير العربية، ومساعدة الأفارقة الذين يعانون الفقر الشديد في ظل الحروب والـ صراعات غير المتوقفة التي تستغلها إسرائيل للنفاذ إلى العمق الأفريقي وتأجيج الصراعات فيها لتبة ي جميع الدول في حاجة لعونها ومساعدتها خاصة السلاح.
The research has addressed Israel's foreign policy towards Africa adopting Sudan as a model. It starts up with reviewing the objectives of Israel's foreign policy regarding Africa when the Black Continent has been a high priority to the Zionist movement since its foundation. Early in the 20th century, the Zionist movement introduced Uganda to be a national homeland to Jews. Some of the reasons of Israel's interest in the Black continent were the Israeli ambition to have a sway upon the Arab water security, where Nile River is strategically vital to Egypt, Sudan and other African countries; threatening Arab navigation through the Red Sea, thus keeping it a non-Arab lake and weakening African support to the Arab causes. Endeavoring to attain its goals, Israel attempted to make an ideological and organizational connection between Zionism and Negroism (The Movement of Black Africans), considering the long painful history of each. Hence, it is believed that Israel's policy towards Africa had not only devoted to defend the Jewish people, but also to offer assistance to Africans (negroes) who were persecuted likewise. The research has highlighted the different phases of fluctuated African-Israeli relations citing methods of enforcing Israel's foreign policy in Africa and the organizations which supervised this enforcement. The research has reviewed Israel's relationship with Sudan as a state, underlining history of Israel's ties with Sudanese politicians which were established early in the 1950s. In this context, it has briefly explained Israel's theory of tugging and amputating limbs that was utilized in coping with numerous communities within the Arab societies, including Sudan. In the meantime, it has cast light on the Israeli ambitions over Sudanese water and oil. As well as, it has illustrated Israel's exploitation of ties with Sudan under Gaafar Nemeiri's regime to transfer Flasha. The research has discussed Israel's involvement in the fragmentation of Sudan by giving aid to the south of Sudanbased Sudan Liberation Front (SLF) and strengthening relations, as well, with SLF leader John Garang, who paid many visits to Israel. In addition, the research has described Sudan African neighboring countries which have close ties with Israel- Uganda, Ethiopia, Zaire and Kenya- as frontline bases to penetration into south of Sudan. Also it has discussed Darfur cause, the Israeli involvement, positions of Israel's leaders and the influential role of Jewish lobby in pushing Darfur cause to the top of international agendas. The research has underlined the impacts of Israel's foreign policy towards Africa on Arab national security in general, and Egyptian and Sudanese national security in particular. Yet, this policy endangers the Arabs' security in the Red Sea and their assets of oil and water, where Israel tries to establish relations with countries of Nile River basin. Israel frequently does it's utmost to intervene in riverbed of Nile too. At the same time, oil discoveries in south and west of Sudan maximized risks that jeopardize Arab economic security, whereas the Israeli presence in the Red Sea lets any Arab state vulnerable to Israeli direct espionage and surveillance. Finally, the research, by studying the Israeli involvement in Africa in general, and Sudan in particular, has come up with a number of recommendations to defy Israel's threats to the Arab depth. These recommendations are: consolidation of Arab- African relations, putting an end to intra-conflicts in favor of mutual interests, hindering Israel's intervention in Africa, being aware of distinction in ethnic backgrounds and faiths within the African and Arab societies, which Israel seizes in serving its benefits, suspending oppression brought upon non-Arab communities, offering assistance to severely poor Africans during unabated wars and quarrels that enables Israel in sneaking deep into Africa and igniting conflicts there to keep the battling parties in need to its aid and arms.
The research has addressed Israel's foreign policy towards Africa adopting Sudan as a model. It starts up with reviewing the objectives of Israel's foreign policy regarding Africa when the Black Continent has been a high priority to the Zionist movement since its foundation. Early in the 20th century, the Zionist movement introduced Uganda to be a national homeland to Jews. Some of the reasons of Israel's interest in the Black continent were the Israeli ambition to have a sway upon the Arab water security, where Nile River is strategically vital to Egypt, Sudan and other African countries; threatening Arab navigation through the Red Sea, thus keeping it a non-Arab lake and weakening African support to the Arab causes. Endeavoring to attain its goals, Israel attempted to make an ideological and organizational connection between Zionism and Negroism (The Movement of Black Africans), considering the long painful history of each. Hence, it is believed that Israel's policy towards Africa had not only devoted to defend the Jewish people, but also to offer assistance to Africans (negroes) who were persecuted likewise. The research has highlighted the different phases of fluctuated African-Israeli relations citing methods of enforcing Israel's foreign policy in Africa and the organizations which supervised this enforcement. The research has reviewed Israel's relationship with Sudan as a state, underlining history of Israel's ties with Sudanese politicians which were established early in the 1950s. In this context, it has briefly explained Israel's theory of tugging and amputating limbs that was utilized in coping with numerous communities within the Arab societies, including Sudan. In the meantime, it has cast light on the Israeli ambitions over Sudanese water and oil. As well as, it has illustrated Israel's exploitation of ties with Sudan under Gaafar Nemeiri's regime to transfer Flasha. The research has discussed Israel's involvement in the fragmentation of Sudan by giving aid to the south of Sudanbased Sudan Liberation Front (SLF) and strengthening relations, as well, with SLF leader John Garang, who paid many visits to Israel. In addition, the research has described Sudan African neighboring countries which have close ties with Israel- Uganda, Ethiopia, Zaire and Kenya- as frontline bases to penetration into south of Sudan. Also it has discussed Darfur cause, the Israeli involvement, positions of Israel's leaders and the influential role of Jewish lobby in pushing Darfur cause to the top of international agendas. The research has underlined the impacts of Israel's foreign policy towards Africa on Arab national security in general, and Egyptian and Sudanese national security in particular. Yet, this policy endangers the Arabs' security in the Red Sea and their assets of oil and water, where Israel tries to establish relations with countries of Nile River basin. Israel frequently does it's utmost to intervene in riverbed of Nile too. At the same time, oil discoveries in south and west of Sudan maximized risks that jeopardize Arab economic security, whereas the Israeli presence in the Red Sea lets any Arab state vulnerable to Israeli direct espionage and surveillance. Finally, the research, by studying the Israeli involvement in Africa in general, and Sudan in particular, has come up with a number of recommendations to defy Israel's threats to the Arab depth. These recommendations are: consolidation of Arab- African relations, putting an end to intra-conflicts in favor of mutual interests, hindering Israel's intervention in Africa, being aware of distinction in ethnic backgrounds and faiths within the African and Arab societies, which Israel seizes in serving its benefits, suspending oppression brought upon non-Arab communities, offering assistance to severely poor Africans during unabated wars and quarrels that enables Israel in sneaking deep into Africa and igniting conflicts there to keep the battling parties in need to its aid and arms.