مهارات الاقتصاد المعرفي المتضمنة في كتب رياضيات المرحلة العليا ومدى امتلاك المعلمين امتلاك لها في محافظة الخميل
خالد موسى حبارة العرامين
Khaled Mousa Jebara Al Arameen
Journal Title
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Al-Quds University
This study aimed to investigate the economy knowledge skills which are included in
mathematics text books for the higher basic stage and the extent that teachers possess
them .The study population consisted of two categories :The first one is mathematics
text books for the higher basic stage in Hebron Governorate, and the second one is all
basic stage mathematics teachers in the Hebron Governorate. In the academic year
(2012/2013), the total number was (765) male and female teachers. And sample of the
teacher was selected stratified randomly and consists of (229) male and female
teachers representing (30%) of original population of the study .
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher analyzed mathematics text
books according to the skills of knowledge economy that contain six main skills in the
basic higher stage the researcher used a questionnaire to measure the extent of
knowledge economy skills to which teachers of mathematics having and it consisted
of (55) paragraphs distributed in six areas ,then the researcher did the reliability and
validity for all instruments, additionally the researcher used direct observation to
support the results of the questionnaire , where the number of those who was observed
(5) teachers from the study sample.
Descriptive statistics were used to extract the numbers ,percentages ,means, standard
deviations , (T -test )and( One way ANOVA) for analyzing the study’s data as
statistical procedures answering the study’s questions.
The study concluded the following results:.
The total number of knowledge economy skills in mathematics text books In the basic
higher stage was(3107) skills the highest skills are collecting information and the
lowest are behavioral skills .
The study also found that the extent to which mathematics teacher posses knowledge
economy skills were high, in which Collective work skills found were ranked first.
While the Collection of information skills ranked last.
Finally, there is no statistically significant differences at the level(α ≥2020( between
Mean total score for the teachers posses knowledge economy skills are included in the
mathematics text books in the basic higher stage due to the variables (gender , the
authority supervising), and is statistically significant differences at the level(α ≥2020(
between Mean total score for the teachers posses knowledge economy skills are
included in the mathematics text books In the basic higher stage due to the variables
(scientific )in favor bachelor.
According to the results of this study the important recommendations were to review
mathematics curriculum organizing which need to distribute the knowledge economy
skills in parallel between all domains.
العرامين، خالد موسى. (2013). مهارات الاقتصاد المعرفي المتضمنة في كتب رياضيات المرحلة العليا ومدى
امتلاك المعلمين امتلاك لها في محافظة الخميل [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع
الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/6774cb