الشارع الأمريكي الالتفافي عابر مدينة القدس وتأثيره على الحياة اليومية لسكان بلدة صور باهر ووادي الحمص
صبحة محمد محمد زواهرة
Sabhah Muhammad Muhammad Zawahra
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Al-Quds University
الشارع الأمريكــي الالتفافــي عابر مدينـة القدس وتأثيره على الحياة اليوميـــة لسكـــان بلـــدة صُـــور باهــــر ووادي الحمــص
هدفت الدراسة إلى كشف أهداف وإجراءات وسياسات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي من إنشاء الشارع الأمريكي الالتفافي حول مدينة القدس وتحديداً بلدة صور باهر ووادي الحمص، وتوفير معطيات خاصة تفصيلية عن أثار هذا الشارع على سكان بلدة صور باهر ووادي الحمص من النواحي الاجتماعية، الاقتصادية، القانونية، الديمغرافية، والعمرانية.
واستوحت الباحثة دراستها عبر معايشتها لأرض الواقع للأوضاع التي يعيشها سكان بلدة صور باهر ووادي الحمص، ومدى تأثير الشارع الأمريكي الالتفافي والمشاريع الاستيطانية التوسعية ذات العلاقة على حياتهم اليومية وحرية تنقلهم.
ويُمثل موضوع هذه الدراسة إثراءً للدراسات التي تناولت الشوارع الالتفافية في مدينة القدس، كما أنه يُمثل إضافة إلى جانب الدراسات العلمية التي تختص بتناول موضوع الشارع الأمريكي الالتفافي بشكلٍ صريح، وعلى وجه الخصوص بلدة صور باهر ووادي الحمص.
وشملتْ حدود الدراسة التركيز على الشارع الأمريكي الالتفافي عابر مدينة القدس من حيث النشأة والدوافع والنتائج عبر تناولها لبلدة صُـــــــور باهــــــر ووادي الحمــــص كحالة دراسية، تحديداً خلال الفترة ما بين عام 2016م، حتى تاريخ إعداد الدراســــة.
واعتمدت الباحثة في دراستها على أكثر من منهج منها المنهج التاريخي، من حيث دراسة فكرة ونشأة الشارع وتطور مراحل مساره حول مدينة القدس، وتتبع تاريخ بلدة صور باهر كحالة دراسية ونشأتها وامتدادها بالاستعانة بالمعطيات والمعلومات المنشورة من خلال جمع المعلومات والبيانات، إضافةً إلى جمع مادة ميدانية مسحية عبر استبانة متخصصة، كما اعتمدت على المنهجين الوصفي والتحليلي من خلال الوصف المقارنة والتفسير من أجل التوصل إلى تعميمات واستنتاجات ذات معنى يزيد بها رصيد المعرفة عن الموضوع، والوصول إلى استنتاجات تسهم في تلبية هدف الدراسة والتحقق من مشكلتها، إضافةً إلى الاستبانات، واستعانت الباحثة بالمراجع الثانوية المتمثلة في الأدبيات العربية والأجنبية ذات العلاقة، كالدوريات والرسائل الجامعية العامة، والأبحاث والدراسات السابقة التي تناولت موضوع الدراسة، كما جرى البحث والمطالعة في مواقع الإنترنت العلمية المختلفة، وذلك لمعالجة الإطار النظري للدراسة، وعقدت الباحثة المقابلات مع شخصيات اعتبارية ونافذة وذات علاقة واطلاع على أوضاع القرية وجدار العزل.
أفاد المستهدفون أن الشارع الأمريكي الإلتفافي قد سهل حياتهم اليومية ، فيما ترى الباحثة بناء على التحليل والمقابلات أن الشارع الأمريكي له تبعات سياسية وقانونية وإقتصادية وإجتماعية وبيئية ذات علاقة بتهويد المدينة وأسرلتها على المدى القريب والبعيد.
وأوصت الباحثة بضرورة إعطاء الصراع الديمغرافي حقه في الاهتمام بما يدعم عملية التوازن السكاني ويحفظ الحق والوجود العربي ورفض الاحتلال جملةً وتفصيلاً، والتركيز على مفهوم الاحتلال في القانون والشرعية الدولية، وتكثيف التواجد البشري الفلسطيني في الأماكن المقدسة لا من أجل التظاهر بكثرة العدد ولكن للحفاظ عليها من أطماع الطامعين.
The study aims to clarify the goals, procedures, and policies of the Israeli occupation of establishing the bypass American Street around Jerusalem city, especially Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley, and providing details about the negative effects of this street on the inhabitants of Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley at the social, economic, legal, demographic, and urban dimensions. The researcher inspired the idea of her research about the effectiveness of this street, and the related expansion settlement projects that are related to the inhabitants of Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley, and their daily lives and transportation by her experience of living among them. The subject of this study represents an enrichment to the studies that discuss the bypass streets in Jerusalem. Also, it represents an addition to the scientific studies which are interested in the bypass American Street in general, and Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley in particular. The limits of the study focus on the bypass American Street via Jerusalem city in terms of its origins, motives and results by dealing with Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley as a case study, especially between 2016 and the date of preparation of the study. The researcher depends on the historical method in studying the idea and the establishment of the street and its development stages around Jerusalem, and the researcher traces the history of Sour Baher as a case study and its origin and its extension, using the published information through collecting information and data. In addition to collecting survey material through a specialized questionnaire. The researcher also depends on the analytical descriptive approach through comparison and interpretation in order to reach meaningful generalizations that increase the knowledge of this subject, and to reach conclusions that contribute to achieve the goal of the study and checking its problem, in addition to the questionnaires. The researcher uses the secondary references represented in the relevant Arabic and foreign studies, such as university papers and periodicals, and previous researches and studies that discuss the subject of the study. The research reads a lot about the subject using various internet sites in order to write the theoretical framework of the study. The researcher holds interviews and meetings with legal, influential and related personalities about the conditions of the village and the separation wall. The targeted sample had informed that the American Bypass Street had facilitated their daily life. However, according to the analyses and interviews the researcher had conducted, she believes that the American Bypass Street has several political, legal, economical, social, and environmental consequeces, which are related to the Judaising and israeling of Jerusalem city on both short and long terms. The researcher recommends giving the demographic conflict its importance which supports the process of the population's balance, preserves the Arab's right and existence, rejects the occupation categorically, and focuses on the concept of occupation in the international law and legitimacy. It will also intensify the Palestinian human presence in the holy places, not in order to pretend to be in large numbers, but to preserve them from their ambitious and greedy.
The study aims to clarify the goals, procedures, and policies of the Israeli occupation of establishing the bypass American Street around Jerusalem city, especially Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley, and providing details about the negative effects of this street on the inhabitants of Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley at the social, economic, legal, demographic, and urban dimensions. The researcher inspired the idea of her research about the effectiveness of this street, and the related expansion settlement projects that are related to the inhabitants of Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley, and their daily lives and transportation by her experience of living among them. The subject of this study represents an enrichment to the studies that discuss the bypass streets in Jerusalem. Also, it represents an addition to the scientific studies which are interested in the bypass American Street in general, and Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley in particular. The limits of the study focus on the bypass American Street via Jerusalem city in terms of its origins, motives and results by dealing with Sour Baher and Al-Homos valley as a case study, especially between 2016 and the date of preparation of the study. The researcher depends on the historical method in studying the idea and the establishment of the street and its development stages around Jerusalem, and the researcher traces the history of Sour Baher as a case study and its origin and its extension, using the published information through collecting information and data. In addition to collecting survey material through a specialized questionnaire. The researcher also depends on the analytical descriptive approach through comparison and interpretation in order to reach meaningful generalizations that increase the knowledge of this subject, and to reach conclusions that contribute to achieve the goal of the study and checking its problem, in addition to the questionnaires. The researcher uses the secondary references represented in the relevant Arabic and foreign studies, such as university papers and periodicals, and previous researches and studies that discuss the subject of the study. The research reads a lot about the subject using various internet sites in order to write the theoretical framework of the study. The researcher holds interviews and meetings with legal, influential and related personalities about the conditions of the village and the separation wall. The targeted sample had informed that the American Bypass Street had facilitated their daily life. However, according to the analyses and interviews the researcher had conducted, she believes that the American Bypass Street has several political, legal, economical, social, and environmental consequeces, which are related to the Judaising and israeling of Jerusalem city on both short and long terms. The researcher recommends giving the demographic conflict its importance which supports the process of the population's balance, preserves the Arab's right and existence, rejects the occupation categorically, and focuses on the concept of occupation in the international law and legitimacy. It will also intensify the Palestinian human presence in the holy places, not in order to pretend to be in large numbers, but to preserve them from their ambitious and greedy.