دور إدارة الموارد البشريّة في تعزيز الجدارات الإدارية والقيادية في البنوك العاملة في فلسطين (بنك القدس نموذجاً)

creativework.keywordsالموارد البشريّة , الجدارات الإدارية , البنوكar
dc.contributor.authorسامح عبدالله مصطفى محمدar
dc.contributor.authorSameh Abdallah Mustada Mohammaden
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to identify the role of human resources management in strengthening administrative and leadership competencies in banks operating in Palestine, Al-Quds Bank as a model, and to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher used the descriptive approach, where he designed a questionnaire that included (65) paragraphs distributed on two axes and five areas that enjoyed a degree of honesty and consistency It is high: (Human Resources Management Axis "0.93", the competencies axis in Al-Quds Bank "0.94"), based on a sample of employees in Al-Quds Bank from the managers, and the value of the study sample reached (62) employees in a comprehensive survey method. The study found that the total score for the axis of human resources management in Al-Quds Bank was with a total arithmetic average (3.93) and with a great degree of appreciation, and the value of the standard deviation (0.41) and a coefficient of variation of (1.00), as well as the total score was the total degree in the walls adopted in Al-Quds Bank was With an overall average score of (3.97) and with a great degree of appreciation, the value of the standard deviation was (0.38), with a coefficient of variation (9%). It was found that there were no significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) in the respondents' attitudes towards the role of human resources management in strengthening administrative and leadership competencies in banks operating in Palestine / Al-Quds Bank as a model in all study axes attributed to the variable (academic qualification, years of experience, scope of supervision ), As it was found that there were significant differences in depending on the variable (age, job title). The study came out with a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which was strengthening the role of human resources management in Al-Quds Bank, and strengthening administrative and leadership competencies in Al-Quds Bank because of its real reflection on the banking sector, as well as attention to its efficiency and effectiveness of performance evaluation in banks, especially what has a financial impact and an annual increase for workers In the sector and work by setting procedures manuals to motivate distinguished and creative workers in the banking sector, expanding the scope of organizational culture in banks operating in Palestine and generalizing to all workers regardless of their job titles with the vision and message of banks and the banking sector in general, to enable it M of collecting knowledge to be the compass of work to link it to the goals that must be achieved according to the implementation plans in the light of future banks ’directions.
dc.identifier.citationمحمد، سامح عبدالله. (2020). دور إدارة الموارد البشريّة في تعزيز الجدارات الإدارية والقيادية في البنوك العاملة في فلسطين (بنك القدس نموذجاً) [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/8d1efbar
dc.publisherAl-Quds Universityen
dc.titleدور إدارة الموارد البشريّة في تعزيز الجدارات الإدارية والقيادية في البنوك العاملة في فلسطين (بنك القدس نموذجاً)ar
dc.titleThe role of human resources management in enhancing administrative and leadership competencies in banks operating in Palestine, Al-Quds Bank as a modelen
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