مقارنة محتوى كتب الرياضيات الفلسطينية والليبية للصفين الأول والرابع من المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا في ضوء معاييرCCSSM

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This study aimed to compare the content of Palestinian and Libyan mathematicsTextbooks for the first and fourth grades of the lower primary stage through the CCSSM Standards. The researcher used the descriptive method, the analytical method, as it is suitable for the purpose of the study, the study surveyed mathematics Textbooks of the first and fourth grades of the lower primary stage on both first and second parts. There were fourteen analyzed Textbooks of the academic year 2019/2020. To achieve the aims of the study; the researcher reviewed and translated the CCSSM standards, then prepared a framework for content analysis, according to the criteria for the first and fourth grades of the lower primary stage. The results of the study showed that the basic common criteria were included in the content of the two Textbooks in varying proportions, with the Libyan book outperforming the Palestinian Textbook in some fields, for example, In first grade, the Libyan book outperformed the PalestinianTextbooks in including standards of mathematical practice in two fields for first grade the first one (Number and operations in the decimal system), where the number of iterations was 334 iterations, with a percentage of 49.55%, On the other hand, the number of repetitions of the same field in the Palestinian Textbooks was 51 iterations with a percentage of 21.10%, and there was a lack of some indicators from this field in the Palestinian Textbooks, The LibyanTextbooks surpassed the Palestinian Textbooks in the third field (measurement and data), as the number of iterations in the, as the number of iterations of the Lybian first grade Textbooks was 176 iterations with a percentage of 26.11%, in contrast, the number of iterations inthe Palestinian first grade Textbooks was very few and in the last rank compared to other fields, the number of iterations was 12 with a percentage of 5.2% which is a very weak percentage for this field with the absence of most indicators or items in this field in the Palestinian Textbooks content.The results also showed the superiority of the fourth-grade Libyan Textbooks over its Palestinian counterpart in the inclusion of the fields of standards for mathematical practice in the content of Textbooks, as it was in the first place among the third field sections (number and mathematical operations in fractions), and the number of repetitions was 470 iterations with a percentage of 36.50 %, While the number of iterations for the same field in the Palestinian fourth Textbook was 142 iterations with a percentage of 28.28%, it was a great weakness for most indicators in the Palestinian Textbook which is not suitable for this class according to the CCSSM standards, and was in second place in relation to other areas in the PalestinianTextbook. The Lybian Textbook of fourth grade came in second rank on the fourth field (measurements and data). The iterations were 307 ( 23.8%) . on the other hand the number of iterations for the same rank of the Palestinian fourth grade Textbook was 76 (15.1%) with the absence of many indicators of this field in the Palestinian Textbook. It should be pointed out that the Lybian 1st and 4th grades books has finally accomplished the CCSSM standards; Focus , Coherence, and Rigor which are the main elements to help students meet their needs and to balance among them in learning mathematics , which are : conceptual understanding( assimilation of concept) development of procedural and fluency skills, and improvement of practical skills. In this study, the researcher highlights the importance of focusing on the Common Core standards CCSSM and to enrich the poor indicators according to the relative weight of the class. The researcher also recommends further analytical studies on the basis of CCSSM standards for different classes