شعر وصف الطعام والشراب في العصر الفاطمي في مصر وبلاد الشام دراسة موضوعية فنية

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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
This thesis discusses in the poetry which describes food and drink in the Fatimid era. Egypt and Syria were under the Fatimids rule Between (967AD – 1171AD) Therefore, the spatial bounds of this study only limits on the poets of these two areas who lived during the fatimid’s rule. This study is based on gathering and collecting the descriptive poetry which deals with food and drink except the poetry of wine and drugs. This kind of poetry is artistically studied rhetorically, syntactically, semantically, and grammatically. Then, I marked down the most important artistic images which this kind of poetry distinguished in. What motivated me to choose this subject in my study is that, during my explorative reading, I found out that the descriptive poetry was very common and popular during that period of time, especially the poetry which described food and drink in detailed ways. Also, I found out that this kind of study was not discussed before by anyone. When I asked those who are qualified and specialized in “literature field during that time”, they emphasized for me that my study will be the first one in this aspect. In my study, I used the inquisitive method. For example, I read the most important literary resources which concentrated on the literary movement at that time like the divans of the Fatimid era poets. For instance, Kashajem’s divan, Al-O’qaili Sharif’s divan, Thafer AlHaddad’s divan, Ibn-Al-Khayyat’s divan, Al-Wae Wae Al-Dimushqi’s divan and -----etc. Moreover, I elaboratorily read the books of smile which studied the poetry of that time; like: “Al-Wasf & Al-Tashbih” Safadi “Ghraaeb AlTanbihat” for Ali Ibn Thafer. So, I found many of these books which talked about the poetry of describing food and drink but I depended on the two main resources which focused on the literature of that period. They are; “Yatimat Al-Duhr” for Al-Tharalibi & “Kharidat Al-Qusr” for, Al-Imad Al-Asfahani”. After I used the inquisitive methods in collecting the study material from poetry, then I used the inductive method to conclude the most important artistic images which this kind of description contained and dealt with. ؿ At the end of my study, I concluded that the poetry of describing food and drink generally controlled a big part at this kind of poetry. However, we cant ignor that this kind of poetry was particularly found in the poetry of nature. This due to different reasons I mentioned them at the beginning of my study but we can also add that the beauty of nature for both Syria & Egypt, the Fatimid’s interests in Cermonial outwards like great & big meals which were celebrated in their annual feasts which-are more than 20 ones-, their developing agriculture, and enlarging their trade to include all the countries all over the world – are some of these reasons. because of their openness on the world, Fatimids were also able to bring with them different kinds of food and fruit which were unknown before in Syria and Egypt. Finally, I recommend studying the poetry of that period carefully. Also, the poetry of the latest periods from literary era must be studied objectively in order to know more about the Arabic and Islamic society’s characteristics, by collecting, gathering, and registering the main subjects of the descriptive poetry on that time. Because poetry is considered the Arab’s divan, so it will be the mirror of the social behaviour’s for the Arabic & Islamic societies in some eras and ages that little information is available about.
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature
الزغل، عماد مصطفى. (2008). شعر وصف الطعام والشراب في العصر الفاطمي في مصر وبلاد الشام دراسة موضوعية فنية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/590cd7