الاحتراق الوظيفي والرغبة في ترك العمل لدى الممرضين العاملين في أقسام أمراض الدم والأورام غير الحميدة في المستشفيات الفلسطينية
بلال عبد الرحمن نمر الجوابرة
Belal A N Al Jawabreh
Journal Title
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
Introduction: Nursing is inevitably a demanding and stressful job. Extra stressors like
burnout have a severe impact on nurses’ wellbeing, patient safety, and the health
organization as a whole. Oncology nursing has been described as one of the most stressful
specialty areas (Lederberg, 1989). The oncology field is a complex environment in which
to work because it requires nurses who are educated, skilled, and clinically competent to
care for patients with cancer. Therefore oncology nurses are valuable resources in the
healthcare system.
Aim: The aim of the study is to assess burnout level and reasons behind leaving the work
at oncology /hematology departments; and to identify their predictors.
Methodology: The study population is 230 Palestinian oncology /hematology nurses, the
response rate were above 93% .The researcher used a descriptive analytic cross sectional
design. The MBI-HSS was used to assess burnout in the study participants. The AWS was
used in conjunction with the MBI-HSS to assess the six areas of the work environment that
influence burnout
Result: The study observed that almost (57.2%) of Oncology/Hematology nurses in
Palestinian hospitals had an average level of burnout. Lack of positive reinforcement
represented the main source of burnout of the participants (M 3.38 SD 0.90), while the
power of labor is the less source (M 2.42 SD 0.72) . Additionally, almost 53% of the
participants indicated their intention to leave the department (to another ward) (M 2.65 SD1.43)
The findings revealed that place of residency, income and educational level do not,indicate any significant difference, However, it was found that gender, marital status,
working system, hospital name and job title are significant variables. Besides, a statistical
significant positive correlation was found between the burnout level sub-scales(emotional
exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment scores and the intention to
leave the department (to another ward) among Oncology/Hematology nurses in Palestinian
hospitals, Moreover, the findings revealed that the demographic variables do not indicate
any significant difference in the intention to leave the department (to another ward) among
Oncology/Hematology nurses in Palestinian hospitals.
Conclusion: Burnout among oncology /hematology nurses is a serious issue. Results
from this study indicate that burnout is a manageable condition which can also beprevented. Good management and leadership, development of nurse practice environment,
stress reduction interventions, good lifestyle choices, emotional intelligence, emotion and
problem focused coping strategies are linked to high job satisfaction, less stress and
therefore reduce the likelihood of burnout among oncology /hematology nurses and this
will achieve the optimal level of retention rates.
Keywords: Burnout, MBI-HSS, Intention to Leave, Hematology-Oncology nurse
السياسات والاداره الصحية , Policies & Health Management